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Show "fRto Caponlilng. " The author of "Capons for Profit" aaya: There are people whom I would not advise to undertake the operation nf rapOnlilng. Ihe person to do It should have above all tninga faith In his undertaking and In himself. He must lie convinced that hla work Is right and then go ahead. Thla la no place to make a trial for fun or In a hair hearted way. It Is a little of the genuine enthusiasm that Is needed, and that la hound to overcome dlfn-cultles dlfn-cultles should any be encountered. TJien there should lie an average amount of met hnnlral skill and tha same amount of nerve. Clumsy, fln-gra fln-gra have no business In operating on a,, live fowl.. If you are a' Utile ner-vuua ner-vuua at drat It will do no hurt. Your.-ntrvnusueaa Your.-ntrvnusueaa Wilt 'wear off after you onernte on two or three fowla and Aje tifsf easr -thr1 lolria and' apparently appar-ently liow llltle pit n It .causes, tbe ilnl. Yntt must huvo full construct .in-your, ability to-do U Just right, add then ii ahesd'-wlthotit fesr or -trembling. And when yuu are once at tf. It La far better In operate on all the birds ready for the trprratlon In. one. 'day tlian Toss alniflc' with two or three very few dnja. The beginner I" apt to 'be 'a little nervous w.ien be igoes for the first bin), hut after he gets his' hand In once .everything moves 'Off ahino'rhiy and nicely. Ills hand tie-romea tie-romea steady 'and the work psssea Off rapidly.'' or course It la an advantage If yon can see some one perform the operation, even on a single bird. No more la iicetledto teach you Ihe whole operation. We ourselves had to learn It from bonks and printed Instructions not very pluln ones either and succeeded beyond expectations. Aftor a few dnya practical experience I thought nothing of cnponlr.lhg twenty "blrtlB before dinner. The1 operation Indeed after' you have once undertaken under-taken ' It ami sucreeded Is an easy enough thing and causes but llltle pain and Inconvenience to the bird If you tto It right nnd with proper tools. A good set of tools of course Is utterly utter-ly Indispensable, and the person unwilling un-willing to expend Vi or 13 for them la not Included In the list of persons who can safely undertake the operation. opera-tion. Keeping Egga for Hatching. . Eggs for hatching need not be turned every day, aa soma believe to be neeeaaary. Kgga to produce chicks , should not be kept ao long that they would -need treatment ot this kind. If ne are to be kept longer than a week they should tie put In a dry place and kept at a temperature not to exceed 60 degrees If possible. Of course the temperature ahould not' be low enough to permit the egga to freese. It la advised by some poul-trymen poul-trymen not to use for batching egga that are more than ten days old, a some of tbe chicks from older egga will prove weak In constitution. In nature of course It la different. A ben laya a clutch of egga In perhapa three weeke and then begins to alt Ot course some of tbe egga are then three weeks old. Hut nature makes allowance for enormous waate ot material. ma-terial. Out of those egga many of tha rlilcka that are born soon perish. Man tries to do away with the natural natur-al waate and even to tun it Into profit. Egga for Fall Hatching. From tho Fannera' Review: I bavo purchased a new Incubator In fact, the only Incubator 1 ever owned. 1 want to fill It with eggs acme time In November. Aa 1 have no bona ot my own, where shall I obtain egga wllh which to fill It? Cnu I depend on Blore egga for tills purpose! I once tried some store eggs and found them of llltle value, aa only one or two out of every doxen hutchoil. Tliut wua when I waa using hens. Aa a general gen-eral rule can we depend ou tho stores for eggs at thla season, wheii those egga are to go Into tho lurubnlor? What do other ptsiple do that have thla situation to face? An answer will greutly oblige a novice. H. II. 8ulphur Will Not Keep Egga. The twenty Leghorn eggs, laid during live dnya Mny 12th to ltllh, were, on May IS. 1 '.', packed email ends down, carefully separated, In finely powdered sulphur (flowora of sulphur). Iteault: Good, 0 per rent; bad. 100 per rent. On examination May SI. l'JOO, the shells of these eggs appeared discolored or darkened. The air Tells were doubled In size and wore mouldy within. In most rases the albumen was Intact. The yolks were thickened. These egga had not kept woll, but were not rotten. Tbe flavor waa stale. R. I. Station. Time to Start Incubators. From Farmers' Review: How early lu the full should tho Incubator bo started? Will some rcuik-r ot the Faruiera1 Review that makes a practice prac-tice of running his Incubator In the full please answer? 1 know a good many nturt their Incubators lute In the full, but 1 presume there la a great difference In the practices. The question ques-tion Is what Is the last time and why. M. L. D. |