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Show -- ?7C7 V V V V' kf't9, ' COALVILLE OOALVILLE. FRIDAY. Bapt. C.B. arizmHtnniz. TIMES. It. ttOt JONES Editor aad BtiiMHVuHtr. im h fMM HO. TMIM ubwirtpn. f (Sr 7, rtckMMT A famlgatlag davtca recently need (or tba Bad Joaa scale la orchard wort la Mow York la El astro ted by Country Oeutlamaa, which toll bow It wa pi mctooiw lUnOATlOft ORCHARD FUMIGATION DUW fM r7T... 'yjve It ia perfectly u adexsioodby every etch aeaa or woaeaa that if they eaa get name remedy that will atop the gradual loan of flash aad strength, their rseovary is People that aro nervosa and UTAHS GREATEST COWVEKTION. Web Dvm DmUiw BwN UfM tuimlH. A meeting of tba irrigatora of Wabar, Daria, Morga aad Baaiailt ooaatio abo foowva watar (row tba Wabar rirat ila tribatarlaa waa bold laat Friday atoraoow at tbo oourt boaao (a Ogden. fkwViMrf Tko spreading branches woro draw la with a rope, permitting tba tanta, which aro twelve feat la diameter, la drop ovar tba tree. Two tree aro at a Urn. tba apparatus paaw uf Tboro waa a good attoadaaoa of tbo dal, gatao (row alt porta of tbo (oar oouatlao. Tbo following roport of tba eowwitloo aypoiatad to look ap allot lor raaarrolra adWaata tbawwa wm wada: To tbo Cbalmao and foattawaa of tbo Wabar Irrigstio Oosvwtlo : Gaatlamea Wa, yoar aowwltloa ap poiatad by yoo to iaraatlgato aad roport oo raaorroir aad watar tapply, bag looro to roport, that wo ia oowpaay with A. F. Dorawaa, atata engineer, bad Ot ban lari tod by aa baro wada a eanfo investigation of tha watar abad and ttraawa which cao ba wada tributary to tbo Wabar river ajratam. Tba proapact la moat encouraging (or a water aopply lor all tba load aadar tba lyatewby atorrga, and to oomply with what wa ballara to bo your withae, aad to protect tba poopla of tba ayatan, wa two of Oar namber to lncata two iteeaad appioprlata ample watar for theca. Tbeaa gaatlawea bar aaloctadooe tluoa what ia kaowa aa Larribte'e Flat la Wabar eaayoa, which alt oecu-di- e about 100 acraaj aad on on tha lower aod of Kawaa ralloy, which alto occoplee two by tbrao mile. Thaw two altaa they ballara will ba aw pie far oar . pratoDtsaoda, - "Year committee, through Ila iareetl-gallo- n a, baa become alarmed at tba danger menacing aa la not being pro- tected ia oar rights of appropriation, and would nrge moat atrongty tha prompt aad rigorooa actloa o it rvportnnUy may ba lot to at, aad wa ba brought Into bondage to prirata peculator. Ia closing wa do-alto axpraw onr thaake to Ur. A. F. Doremaa, atata angiaaer, for tbo vary valuable aeriatance to cheerfully rendered aa la onr I a bora. T. L. Aunt, J. T. Taoaroop, C. A. Faaaauoa, ( gen- iTBvnmruAiR y, have dlssy spoils, with woakaoad aeoaaory, aod loan of ambition tbalr blood ia Ibis and watery. It show fee their allow soar piss ion and tired meaner, ooa aa they eommaoee to gain flush they look bettor sod sloop bettor. To gala froae one to three ike, of good solid flaab par week, the blood must ba mads rich aod para. Dr. tisans Blood and Narva Toole puts la tba body tba very pith ot ehat taakoa para Hob blood la Uta eet direct way, and cures disease by making strength. This Tool ia ia tablet farm, to batakaa right after anala. Itaarichaa tbo blood, making force where (bare For woaeaa wasknaaa waafaiatnaaa. a hotter remedy waa or var mads, fluid by all Druggists tor 76cta. per bog, ar tbrao boxes for 2 BO, by mail. Writaaa sheet your ease. Address, Dr. Gann, Philadelphia, Fa. For sale by Jobs Boydoa A floe Coalville Dub. IIWSFArtE. DAILY Refleeta the news of tbo world, eral, Stata, ooooty aad rity. as-ear- ddrrmoa. mafast The Salt Lake Tribune At our Storo yon can bnj wzak MARKET REPORTS . Aro fall, fair and eonclalre. Repnbli-oa(a polltlat. It ia jaet.aad it priataall tbo news, both political aad commercial, without tear or favor. THIS 19 A CiXPAIGX YEAR Aod yoo caaeot ba without Tbo Salt a Dress Goods, Shoes, Hats, Suits of Clothes, Tinware, Flour, Groceries, etc., f 111 Laks Tribune. The CASH BARGAIN ST0R Certain Ooa fev Pyortevy and' Mac- - in Farmer and Ranchman Pabiiskad by Tba Tribuaa Pahliahing eompeay, will aoataia aab ia format ioa raapoatleg tba term and ranch ut Utah. Idaho, Wyomiag, R evade and Colorado aa will aeaka tavalnablo stock raising, aa wall aa africattaro. fruit aad Sowar cultare, aad tha truck garden aad has-nobring aepectal attantion. It ia H-0- 0 a year in ndvanee : ia pabliabad avoiw Taaadav, and will bo mailed aua year wBh TUB WEEKLY TRIBUTE lor fllA ia advanra. SALT LAKE TRIBUNE aloao. 1J)0 If you are going to white wash your house or do any plastering you should use the dome years ago I was oa of a party that iatantaadad making a leng bkycie trip, saya F. L. Taylor, of Albany haw ADDRESS-SA- LT LAKE TRIBUNE Fa. tag botwaaw tbo rows. The teota aro Bradford County, I waa PUBLISHING COMPANY, Salt Lake wbicb art long takas suddenly with diarrhoea, and waa but from tbo guffs, City, PERRYS. MEATH, Puhiiakar enough to aarra th purpose. about to give ap tha trip, wbea editor aad Genera' Manager. Tbo tanto aro drawn up from tbo botvilla Ward, of tbo tom and whan telescoped era atltl farther Uftod to tbo height of tbo eater ends of tbo guffs and la position to drop aver tba tree. The teota are then lat down aa far no they win settle. Tbs smaller tbo tra tbo lower they win sink and tbo laao space will remain for tbo nao of the gsa. Tbo tor-pla- n tent gathers oa tbo ground. Two man can easily handle the apparatus Tba tents aro made of tight sailcloth, oQed with two coats of boiled llneeed oil and dried. They are 12 feet la diameter and 14 foot high. At tbo top Inch gas of tbo tent Is o three-quartpipe to keep tbo tent oxpaadad tbo fall diameter at att times. At tba bottom Inch ateel of tbo tent to a three-eighth-s hoop for a like purpose. For each teat are four ropes running through a pulley block at tba top and outside tbo toot Those ropes nra through tbo top and down the Inside of tbo teat at tbo four quarters, through rings to bold them In place, to the hoops at the bottom. This plan telescopes tba tent Alt 7 when tn esa. A single mast ia mortised into a bed piece, firmly attached to a frame, sled-Uk- e tn form, or It may ba Used to a wagon, and guyed with wire to tbo corners of the sled. The guy rope are attached to the top of the mast and era tied to trees, two abend and one behind Two gaffs aro fastened to the mast and are each long enough to reach tba center of tbo tents pulleys aro attached to the gaffs, and ropes are used for lifting the tents and placing them to position. Tha gaffs can be raised by Hanv Qaiia. a rope attached to the mast, thus enAlter tba reading of tha report tba abling one to raise the tent In addition convention adjourned nntll 4:30 p. a., to tha telescoping described. that tba commlttea on organliatlon CLEAN SUMMER TILLAGE. ' might prepara lta report. At that boor I PreMIe oo lertcoted Load tba convention reconvened aad tba folCalttvatlaa. la Toward Dee lowing report waaaubmlttod: Clean summer tillage la almost a uniTo tba Chairman and Gentleman of tba versal practice In the fruit regions of the Pacific coast Tillage, particular Wabar Convention. the dry sea eon of tbeyear, -- Gentlemen We, yoar eommittao on ly during under eom conditions directly deterfol-kaa organization, respectfully report and reconsmendtbst w form a amines the need of Irrigation and la to certain extant, aa the popqlat phraee tu.pvr.tiun lor the purpose of rtorinc Un. watar tor Irrigatioa and otbar pur po.ee, goes, a substitute for Irrigation. of 60,000 aharea of tha par value of gtO der all conditions surface tillage, by par anara, II to bo paid down for sub-- - promoting conservation of soil moisacription of atocka. That nine director a, ture, la determinative of tha actual two from each ot tbo conntiea, of Sain--mi- t, duty ot water, whether it be from rainDavie, Wabar aad Morgan cona- fall or Irrigatioa. The effect of fretion, aad ooa at larva to ba votad ia by baa been accusurface tba atock holders of each county from quent determinedtillage and Investigation rately by The no come. dm which they ;atock to In arid humid both and experiment, -. tri bated in proportioa Jto preeent acro, eg. reTbl propoaitian toto bo takenron-attt-by regions. These experiments fully support tba pact! tba their delegatee ends report to ba madaat view taught by the experience of about au adjourned morning bow much atock half a century ia California, in accordance with which thorough winter they will taka. And that oommittotof ft, five front and summer tillage has been ao widesack county, should - be eloctad to formly practiced ta tba arid aaciloa aa an ulate a cyatem for- - tbo equitable aaaentlaf to nuccoosfut fruit growing. flow of tbo natural of tba waters of Weber river aod Ua tributaries Thera are, however, aom conditions In seaaccording to the present acreage, said which dean cultivation during the waters to ba distributed at canal a cad- son of highest beat uMty not bo tbo ) best practice. ge tee of each near or appropriaior. Tbo retattooa of tillage to soli moisTha report waa adopted aa read. ture Include both reception and conserTba delegatee decided to bold meet vetioo. For the reception of moisture ingv in each ot the counties la tba near deep work with the plow and somefuture lor the pnrpoaa ot having State times with tba aubootler also la almost indispensable. To retain this moisture Engl near A. F. Dareaeue sz plain tba and to prevent aa far aa possible Its eitoatioaof tba sites and tba need of tba escape Into tbo thirsty air of tbo arid toss . by surface evaporation reservoirs, aad for tba purpose of arrang- region and mors thorough surface puldepth ing with Ur. Doremaa for tba dates ot verisation aro required. Recant practice has been tending totbo nutating, tbo following genltomen ward deeper summer cultivation, ao representing each eoaaty wore appointed that flvt or six Inch of looaa, (lady to consult with the flentleman: ' Daniel divided soil Is now obtained where Beiner, Morgan ; P. L. Jones, Davla ; T. formerly half that depth waa considered adequate. It baa also beau shown L. Alien, Summit; Wa. C. Heater, that frequent stirring of this floe surWeber. It was decided to commence face layer checks evaporation, oven when no watar ta applied to compact work on tke liter teoated aad an awes tba surface or where no woods riw meat of 1 coni per acre oa all lead irri to draw upoa tba soO moisture. In a word, tbo aim of Wage In tbo gated ia tba counties will ba made to talas fends with which to defray tba im- arid ration, ao far aa It rata tea to moisture supply tn tba soO, consist! ta openmediate Wpeoaas of survey ing, ate. ing tha soil to rain or to Irrigation and Tba convention thea adjourned to tn subsequently closing It to evaporameet again on October 10th at 10 a. m tion. mow Tfcinat aad taetkeA at Morgan City. Faadara and atock cattle aro la great Tbo work of anrreyiag the reservoir demand. sites ns commenced this weak and all Of all scrub tbo pedigreed scrub details will b pushed ta rapidly ae la tba worst Ragland ia buying Americas cattto ta restock tba farms of South Africa. er .Twi -- Lacey Maaaaager, that I taka a doao of tat. 4C ffW4 A rREE PATTERN Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I psrebaaed a bottle end took two doses, ona ha (ora starting and ear on the rou'o. I made the trip successfully and saver Mt any ill affect. Again amatM I nss almost completely rua down with aa attack of dysentery. 1 bought a bottle of this same remedy aad this time one doao cure me," Sold by John Boydaa A Boa Druggists. trees ewe m. eeleeUea) t every eeee a yvea. ecribtr. Osty We are now prepared to furnish lt MSCflLLSi.r MAGAZINE'; A UTtfS MASAZKX E vvftm etemi M tmShl tMMf ew.tim imuw tmrtiH m IW Imh kwi; tm Im Vkv4-- , r, -4 mu ietivhiw. S IM nthtmmtt V ; m. 1- Send ux your order kinds of Job Work. very best Lime in the country. tad Cheaber-fei- aa UTAH COALVILLE. ry A 111. WWW TERM OF - SU BSCRIPTIOW Daily and flaadayTribuoo.ooo week, 26 eaota: Daily end Sunday, one month, 1 00; Sunday Tribe no, on poor, .00; flanday Tribune, six months, l,00. tnter-Uounia- I 31 for all Stytleh, keltehta, m-U-ia Biw-- Dr-l- W, e- koMMwieal eel Aevelataly PwtveMTUtUf Peyer Pvt tare. Sue, Of the best quality in any quantity. r,iscAU.fiir Sura Cere Per CliM, Itching File produce moietura and cause itching, this form, aa wall aa Blind, Bleeding or Protrading Plies era cared Pile Remedy. Ctops by Dr. Abaorba tumors. lcthLag sad bleeding, 60c a Jar atDrnggieU, orient by mail. Traastlae free . writ, ebout youresao. Dr. Boaanko, Philsda. Pa. For nle by John Borden A Son. i LIMB PATTCIUISHliv SR ASS Bo-ssn-- Al tit tout n tifftog Ofeif m m4 Ask 1 flWWM CREEK MF tHPWtCAtl Over net CO.,- -i tt, anrraax. nt-tis-- tn 7. This algueter la an every hot wi Mr mod eaoOl,eieca er ehoeoeliBweUoa ter fpMPMOfftOa INbtMQtMnUtY. Pot free heok, ( i putsntf W r. . sndj pips-riR- at the j i. GI VVVVb4VVtoVVVVVVVVVVVtoV ) $2.25 Lump, Stove, 1.50 ai. Distilled, Scientifically (L IMt to Ks ppoalto U. U. Patent Ot.'tca WASHINGTON D.& TJDEffi V Always On Hand Ik geoutae L&zfftive BrcS0-Q- i mmrnim mmO tfcal JLf (LD ifnamma ra 1 60, LIME Naturally Aged, Absolutely Pure, Bttt aad tafatt far all a sat. , jj PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY fiir Sals ia CaaJnla kf oo t, J. H. BALL. Weber Coal Co ion SERtlCt UNIWeRSITY OF UTAH. EQUtPUEHT TRICK. THERE IS A TRIPLE ECONO. MY IM.USINO DIAMOND C" SOAP . . v -- THE ECONOMY OF BETTER SOAP FOR TOUR MONEY.' THE ECONOMY OF Tbo University of Utah includes tbo School of Aria aad Sciences, tha School of Mines aod tba 8tata Normal School. O F .SECURING SOMETHING' OF USB AND The School of Arts aad Science fers course ia : 1. General Science. 2. Liberal Aria, LESS WORK, AND THE ECONOMY VALUE- rssa Union Pacifio FOB ALL Eastern Points. THUS CHIT TEREK City, SI , i Direct JOtAP. Stale flfanmal kkaal. hoi, : . CofeplaW'oatalogua aboWtaf Ovvr 900 prvmiaua that may be secured by taring tba Witppata, famiabad five up a raquaat.7 Seed yoar asms 0a a poaul card, aad wv wilt amll you tba catalog? XisBk-ip- THE CUDAHY PACKING -- WITH Ctutciioti lot I Di Kut Detailed infonuatlon cheerfully iaa COUTH OMAHA. ul Soulheut KIX fur- nished on application. . UB jAddmat PREMnm esnw iiiocgi cits u cticis, lusu FOR-YO- f Art aad Beteaeea. Tba Normal 8cbool offers BlCTOR VI The - ckaewl al;7H,A8SSi4rsL tomrP1 OeapJtasetrtf artoeesp. : State School wf lllaea. Tha School of Mine offers coarse in t 1. Mining Engineering, t. Electrical Engineering. of- Preparatory Bckaal. A Preparatory School la maintained which gives preparation lor tba coarsen in General Science, liberal Aria, Musing and Electrical Engineering, Law, Medicine and Butineaa. 1. A Four Yaara Normal Ooa raa. L Advanced Normal Course. . 9. Cooraes ia Kindergarten Training. The proximity ol great raiaea, redaction works of various kinds and power houses for tha generation o( electricity ; afford advantage for thorough and practical work in mining and electrical engineering, not enjoyed by any other school of mines in tha United States. SHOP WORK IN WOOD AND MET ALB. Student in engineeriog eonraea am given two years work in wood and metal ia ahopa and under tha direction of thoroughly competent machinists. MANUAL TWAIN IN G AND DOMESTIC SCIENCE era fcetane of tbo Normal courses. -- No tuition is charged, but a Small annual registration fee ia required. Registration of atadenta, September 12th and 12th. Arraagumeata have been mas whereby students from outside the city eaa obtain board and room at tba Grand Pacific - Hotel, opposite 0. S. L. R. R. depot, SaH Laze City, at 7fi cents a dav until they are permanently located. The University Anneal, which give lull information concerning course, requirements for admission, ate., wui ba seat free oa application go tba d UKirasni OF UTAH, Mi Lite City, Utah |