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Show Knalne Haa Into Ihe liar. An extra awltch engine of the South rn 1'aclhc company, while atandlug beneath the eoal bunkers In tha Weat Oaklaod, Cel., yarda walling for a theege of creiva, waa bumped luto by I freight train and Ihe throttle thrown pen, Tha locomotive plunged for ard Inatantly and began a runaway trip through a network of hundreda of atla tracka end headed for tha Weal lalasa, Mole, where a dosea Iralt-JP) and g.b.NI passengers from dan Kranelin co were walling lu be carried overland to local points. Ily a fortunate chance tlia tower man, knowing the engine was not uiBnned, threw the runaway onto an extreme outside track, thtia averting a collision with the standing trains or preventing Hie Iron uionsler from ersshiog through Ihe waiting moms at Hie ferry dc-tol, crowded with II ii inn ti he I n us. The engine attained a speed of lliit ty-lirc milca an hour before be-fore It plunged off the eud of the truck luto the waters of Hie bay, making a leap of fully llilrly feet The huge inonntor now lien hurled under twenty feet of water. |