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Show PRISONER IN BEAR PIT. ' Indian Policeman Makaa Sura of Detention De-tention of Suspected Man. All night In the bear pit at SUrer Lake and handculTod, while two bears poked their noses through the wide bare of the grating at him waa the trying try-ing experience nf Johann Vaellnakl of Kent luBt night. l'ete Uey, a tull-blood Indian who recently came ( il. Oanaila, la doing apeclal police duty at the Silver Lake resort and his opinion of. tho law's majesty la very elevated. When be found Vaellnskl and two other men nosing around the cottages Inside the grounds late last night he gave a whoop and caught two of tha fellows before they could atart to run. The third escaped. Another got away while Peter was putting the cufTa on Vaellnskl. Where to put tho prisoner buthered tho Indian for a while, but at last he thought of tho bear pit. There la an entrance lo the pit three by four feet, and with wide burred gates on each side. Into this tho prisoner pris-oner was pushed and though ho yelled with four aa the beara come trotting toward him It did no good. ly put ting their feet through the grating tbt beara could coino within an Inch l touching their visitor and they in ads tilings Interesting for blm for seven hours. After an Investigation this mornlni Vaellnskl was released, It being found that he and the man wllh blm bad become lost In going from Cuyahoga Falls to Kent. Cleveland l'lala Dealer. |