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Show London Wrlt.r Otacrlbaa Varkaa. CharlPS T. Yorkca la credited with nayliiK that men are In their apprnn-llcf.hlp apprnn-llcf.hlp until they reach the atte of 41) ami lhat a hualnnaa mini la not ilpo until he la Inn ynara older fiat Hint. Tho London writer who quotea hlin thua draw, thla hrlcf pen picture nf tho former Chlcaitn traction magnate: mag-nate: 'TutUd. dnrk eynd, aoft-vntr -h, with white hair and niu.tucho and an ulr nf .uliducd ri'lliicmnnt, tho railway autncrul niU-.hi Im takeu for a quiet M'holur rnthcr than a Kriuliiato ti( t!m liin.t atreitunuu rnuiih Hinl-t..tnblu achool of flKhtlnit In the world." |