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Show 1 MILITARY MASS AT SSA. Most Impressive of H- Shipboard Ceremonials. ..Fly long odds tlio tmiBt!'lmpnssvH of the ceremonies Ihst necur osi ship-ixiatd ship-ixiatd is the nillltar)- mass on Ksiiilsy Nothing less than a fillt cnthixlral service ser-vice for Catholics. y! the attimditnce Ir of all sorts, sailors, officer and casuals. The after touch on Hie guu deck Is rlircd amt an attar erecte.1 ther with various nf the , fltmeiiti pertaining to the service). A ' lares Amerlran flag partitions: off the space behind It and alao conceals the band' that Is the organ la tola, function, accompanying the prl-st In the Intonations Into-nations and playing during tho offer lory. Tan priest Is In hill canonical, and la a wonderful spot of color as he kneels under the opening whers the light falls ' Before the hatch, forming three sides of a square, er the marines, standing silently, llks tree bending together In the wind. They are In full uniform with Died bayonets snd are at attention. A sailor In whit la altar boy. and the choir, on th front seats In th audience, consists In this Inatanee nf newspsper men, the least terrible In a collection of voice that would aot be accepted by Mr. Qrau. At th elevation of tbe boat the drum give a ru3l and the . marlnoa present arma, the flag advanced, while all In front bow. And at th end. after a short and practical sermon ' by' tho chaplain, the band plays "America" and all Join In tts listing of It, says Brooklyn Ragle. It la In be noted that In this service the hymn ars not those of the Roman church, but are such thlnga as "Abide With Me." "Rock of Age," "Nearer, My Ood, lo Then," and "Coronation." lnc then are better known to the major. It y who slug them than ara th moases. |