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Show ;:'r" "rv . 3P1S Milk Powdsra. ', We would advise our readers to avoid Investing money In any of the ; reputed recipes for making milk powder. There are some of these In ! the hande ot men that may want to use them for tbe purpose of palling money out of the pockets of the unsuspecting un-suspecting public. Sometime a method ' will perhapa be discovered for making ' milk powder, but when that time i romea the recipe will not be given ,1 wgy nor eold for a dollar. Several j scientists at home and abroad have been working on 'the problem. The liiltod tftntee Consul at Ilergen, Norway, Nor-way, rrporte tuat Dr. Kkenlierg baa nia.lu progress In tills reepecL He had Inst winter been able, ao he said, to protluce a milk powder that resembled re-sembled line wheat flour. It doea aot sour and aeeiua not to lie affected by tho weather. It can he shipped lu Iwgs, barrels or boxes, like flour, snd will endure long Jourueye, It can bo changed to lullk by adding about ten times Ita bulk of water. Wa . have, however, heard nothing about It fur-eovuroj months, and It may not be all Urnl the consul reporta It to be. the great trouble, with all the milk po tiers so far produced has lieon that they did not again fully dissolve when water waa molded to them. If a powder can he produced that will change to vorilabla milk on tha adding of wter tbe dairy and creamery btial-Ucaa btial-Ucaa will be revolutionised. Where Hustling le Needed. When a butter maker or creamery manager finds himself In charge ot a creamery Unit haa been established In a lis silly poorly supplied with cows, the only thing that Is likely to win le hustling. The mnn that lu such a all-iiutlon all-iiutlon waits for tho business to grow up around liltn Is more then likely to movi away before aticcesa comet. In such a position the man In charge must recognlro In himself an Instructor Instruc-tor aa well as a mectuinlc and maim fin Hirer. It the farmers within r.-arh of hla factory or creamery hsve the rows but do not bring the milk be will have to preach the advantages of hav ing Ihe creamery mnke the butter. ID they have not enough cowa then he must preach the advantagea to be derived de-rived from keeping a herd ot milk cowa. Whatever he doci ha must preach the dnlry gospel and kerp at It. The queallon of hla auccesa dependa i on the amount ot enthusiasm ht can arnuao. Thia meana the a-xcrtrice of t tha man's ease and tt meana a conUa- j -ulty of purpose that would make him I valuable anywhere. We are con viuced that many of the creameries f that hare proved to be failures would ' have been successful If tbe "factotum" I had dona all possible to stir up Inter- ' eat In the subject of dairying and es- I peclally of creamery butter-making. i 1 Craamtry Co-Operation. There are many thlnga to be aald la favor of co-operation In tha establish- ' Ing ot creameries. One Is that the profits and losses are thereby dlitrl- ( buted. It prevents an,' in mnn from i becoming very rich anu It also prevents pre-vents any one man from going "broke." It Is a sad thing to see a man tkat baa Invested all hla money In a creamery finally have to turn over all hla property prop-erty to the sheriff. It there Is to be losa the many ran bear that loss belter than one. If there la to be Buccals It I la better that the many ahould divide It among themselves rather than that . one ahould have all ot the success. 1 The cooperative Idea ellmliiatea very largely tbe principle of gambling, I which exists with the Individual veu- lure. The spur that drlvea on tbe ! Individual. to Invest all hla pruperty i j In a creamery la the possibility that j ; he will make more tlian a fair Interest J on hla money after paying himself for -all services. Btuhlllty la what la ; wanted In the creamery business, and , It can be best found when tho lustltu- ' Hon-la founded on the luteresta of all tha patrons and nut on a few. Co- 4 operutlon has to ba atudled aa any other science, but It la worth the ' studying. ; , The Stayer In Dairying. The dairyman with staying qualities la the one thut rcakes money In the . end. This past year the prices of all i kin da ot feed have been excessively ' high and many are either giving up ' the business or preparing to do ao, ' !. Hut thla la not the part of wise men. f There are upa and downa In every ; ; business, and the dairy business haa j Ita downa. Hut at thla time It ahould not be forgotten that It baa also Ita V upa. If thla la a time of high feed, i there will certainly come a purlod ot f low-priced feed and of good returne. Taking one year with another dairy prices are aa good aa can be asked for, at leant ao fur aa the retull prlcea are ' ; concerned. The producer that allow! the middleman to take more than hie share la not looking after the business. The men that stay In dairying are the ; . ones that make money out of It Near- ' ly ulwaye, however. It will be found that they have been enabled to be liny-em liny-em because they have studied the j great questions connected with their ; business and have tukeu udvautaga ot -every condition; that they have . weeded out the worthless cowa and ' have provided the best systems of feeding. |