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Show CLEAN SUMMER TILLAGE. eesat rraetlee aa Irrlaale Leas' Is Tenses Ueer I'altleallea. Clean eummer Ullage la almost a uni versal practice In the fruit regloua of th I'aclflc coast. Tlllsge, particularly particular-ly during tha dry Beacon of tbe year, aad or eoma condition directly deter-luluea deter-luluea the need of Irrigation and la to a certain eitent, aa Ilia popular phrase goes, a eiibalttiite for Irrigation. I u-dur u-dur all condltlona surface tlllnge, by promotlug touaervatlon of aoll mole-lure, mole-lure, I determinative of the actual duly of water, whether It t from rainfall rain-fall or Irrigation. Tbe effect of frequent fre-quent aurface tlllsge ha been accurately accu-rately determined by Investigation and experiment, both In humid and arid region. These eiporllnent fully upKirt the view taught by the eipriience of about half a cenlury In California, In so-contain- with which thorough winter and summer tillage bas been ao widely wide-ly practiced In the arid section aa an essential to successful fralt growing. There are. however, aome condltlona In which clean cultivation during tba aea-eoa aea-eoa of hlgbeet beat may not ba tba beat practice. Tba relations of tlllsge to aoll moisture mois-ture Include both reception and conservation. conser-vation. For tha reception of moisture deep work wltb tb plow and sometime some-time with the etibeoller also Is almost Indispensable. To retain this moisture and to prevent aa far aa possible it escape Into tbe thirsty air of tba arid region by surface evaporation rasa deptb and more thorough aurface pulverisation pul-verisation ar required. Recent practice ha been tend lief toward to-ward deeper euniuier cultivation, ao that Ova or alg Incline of looae, Buely divided aoll Is now obtained where formerly half that depth waa considered consid-ered adequate. It ba alao been abowu that frequent stirring of this Hue surface sur-face layer checks evaporation, even when no water la applied to compact tba lurfac or where no weed grow to draw upon tha aoll molature. la a word, tha aim of tlllsge la tba arid region, ao far aa It relate to molature mola-ture supply In tbe aoll, consists In open-lug open-lug tbe aoll to rain or to Irrigation and In aubaequenlly cloelng It to evaporation. evapora-tion. Oae Tklsa aad Aselkee. Feeder and atock cattle are In great Aetna ud. Of all ecru he tba "pedigreed" acrub 1 tha worst England la buybig Amerlcaa csttla to malocfc the farsns at goyta Africa. J, |