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Show ... .. j (iLKMANS MIX WITH HAiriLNS GUNBOAT CENT TO THE BOTTOM IN THE MAHBOR OF GONAIVES. Ihe -l ll-lnnred lit lletolnllanl.l. and Miil lleeeiillf l a Meamor of The gunboat I tele-a-I'ierrol, which eaa in the nervire of I lie Kirminint oarly, hna leen nunk al the entrance of the harbor of looaivcn by Ihe lrniaa gunbial I'Mlitlter. Tlie crctv left the veanel beftre nhe went down. Thelierman gitulKMil faultier reached Tort an I'riuce fcpteoilicr X It waa announced fit-in I ae llalllen no Nc -lemher Ihnt the Oerman aleamer Markotnaittiiii, raptain Hansen, belonging belong-ing to Ihe Hamburg-American I'acket company, having on board ariua and ammunition actit by the provlnional government to l'aie Haltleu, had been Hopped Kept. II hv the r'iriiilnlal gunboat gun-boat tratea I'ierrol al the entrauce uf the harbor uf I bh llalllen, aod that n armed force aeut on board the ateaionr from the gunboat took poanee-loo poanee-loo of the war uiuultlona In aplte of lite prulentailuna of f'aplaiu llanaen and the Herman conaul. The Crete-a-Pierrot ateel acrew veaael uf U.VI lone displacement. Hhe waa armed wilh ona 0.7'lach dlafl. one 7-Inch, four .1 u-ln.'h, two Maxim niachina gum and fuur Nordenfeldl oiachlne guna. The I'aiillier la a ateel erulaer of tMi7 tone. Hhe waa built al llaniig la IW01 and la ;iir) feel long. Hhe la armed with ala 11 Inch i-uick-Hrlng guna, all I. -1-Inch and two maeliWia guna. The i'anther left llermany July , for the Caribbean aea. The crew of the I'rete-a-I'lerrot lef' that veaael amid great dlaorder. Al Ihe end of tllleeo mlnulea the I'anther aent a email boat, carrying one olHcvr and twenty Bailors, who ware to take poeauealou of the r'lrmlniat gunboat Wheu these men had arrived at a point about twenty yarda from tha Crale-a-I'ierrol, tlamea were seen to break out on board of her. Khe bad been II red by her crew before they lefl her. The I'anther then Bred on the veaael -until ehe waa oomplelely Immersed. Thirty shuts all luld were Bred. |