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Show Celiwri-Smllht M arete. t. Mr. Julian F. Smith, formerly nf llii place, and Mle Pearl I). Colton of Salt Lake were married in the Temple on Wedneaday of tblt week. Mr. Hirilh It well aud favorably known here, w heie ha wat born aud raited, and hat many Irienda who will Join with The Timet in wltliiug hlineell aud bride bapplnett and proaperily duiing their wed. led Hie. Ol tha reoep'iou tendered the young Couple yeaterday'a Herald had the following fol-lowing to aay : "A very prelty reception waa that w hich wat tendered Mr. ami Mra Julian Ju-lian F. Smith, who marriage took place yeaterday at 1 o'clock in Ihe Temple. Tem-ple. Tha affair look place al the home of Mrt. J. T. Iludton and wat enjoy, d by about 160 ol lha frlendt ol the young people. Receiving with Ihe hoateaa and the bridal party were the two riatera ol tli. bride, tlrt. Rivet and Mrt, Vaughn, and at Ibe table in Ilia hull Miaa Virginia Vir-ginia Smith aud Miat Nauna Chapln aerved punch. The hou. waa prettily decorated, a wreath ol peluia aud tlinllax forming a moat effective background lor Ihe color, which were pink and whilo in the par-lore par-lore aad red III Ihe hall. Tha bride wore a nandaoma gruwn of while crepe tie chine over white tall'el, with trimming! of real Uce, and a aaih of broad aattn ribbon. Kite carried a large ahower boque.t ol llride't rotet. The young couple received a great mini-1 her of haudaoiua wedding preaetite with' which to a.lorn Iheii new home. They will be al home alter Kept. 16th al KXeU south Kilih Eaat Street. |