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Show INTIIK lUSTUIGTCOURTOr BUM-mit BUM-mit county, Htat ol 1'iah. John Tucker, plaintiff, v. Mary A. Tucker, defendant. Humuiont. Toe Xtate ol I'Uh, lo the laid drlendanl : Vou ar hereby tuuimoned lo appear within twenty daya alter th eervice el thit tunimone upon you, il aarved within with-in the county Id which lht action I brought, ol!irwie, within thirty daya alter eervir. and ilelend the above ei-I'lled ei-I'lled action ; and In rate of ) our failure en to du, judgment will be rendertd acalntl you according to th demand ol lh complaint, of which a copy it herewith here-with eerved upon you. Maaav Siukumi, I'laintllTa Attorney, r. O. Add rfN, Park ('ily, 8111111011 coud-It. coud-It. Utah. Flrat publication, Sept. lpoi, 1 I it publication, (tel. 17ih, IwtC, |