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Show j COUNTY NEWS. Items of Interest Gathered by Oar Correspondents la Virions"""' j Tonns of Connty. (ADM. Kama, Utah, Bepl. 10, 1902. Enrroa Tim i : Uarry McCorinick'e thmher will commence walk tomorrow, and ll will be kf pi humming until tin woik it completed. com-pleted. The Kmhh Hireling home if progreae-; progreae-; I lng nicely, and by the leal ol Ibt nk I tlit walla will be eight or nine feet til (.round. The niaeone will have to ley jj off e week or ten dayt waiting lor the J hrlckmakere. I A grand reception wae given at ibe j home ol Mr. tud Mre. Ward E. Pack tut Friday atoning in honor ot Ilia narrleie ot their daughter tirare K. lo O. A. Callia. About eevenly-uve people were prrtent, tome bailing (rom Vernal, Salt Lake, Park City and a number Iroio etllemenla brtweea here and Coalville. Many valuable prearnte were given the eon pie, which will be both oaeful and ornamental. An hour oi two were epent in garnet aud aniutemema of verioua klndt, alter which all repaired to Ibe home ol Mr, and Mre. J. O. I'trk, the Viride'a brother, wbera tha bounteoue tbingt ol the earth were apread upon tbe tablee, and all enjoyed themeelvva to their beart'e content. Alter topper the garnet were returned and an anioyable time wat bed nntil the early bourt ol mom lug. Mica Klla I'ack aangatoh alto Trol. Pblllipi favored the company with a eong, and til ol tbe girlt recited piece con. Doted lor I he oecattion. All pre ton' eipreeted themeelvee at having had an eujoyable time, and all with , moceee and proeprrlly daring a long and ' euielul lile to tbe habpv couple. ; f -' . - .'' . otJ.,iiir.. '.A,.. :. v f Is .. --..y- t ; ouiut.tJM, elU 1. 1UUS.'" ' Jtorroa Tutaa: W, 11. Btevene ha gone to Midway oa butineat, ,; Mie Edith Btwene baa gone to Ma- i pletos to lake charge of the echool at that place. T. W. Fraaier and wile nlaried lor Provo today to get tome fruit and to get j theli boy Clifford tlaled at the . Y. j Academy, t 0. A. Callit paeeed through Oakley the other day on hia way to Coalville. : We didn't tee any diUeiennein Charley'a j appearance; be'e all right. The dance and drawing of a quilt waa f a grand tuccett latt night, and tha Re- liefSoi-iety realixeda neat little turn. J, L. Frexier, Jr., waa the lucky oue at the 1. awing. The church building la progreeaing nicely under Ihe tuperviaion ol R. 0. Johuion at maler wavbaiiiu. The building it now ready for tha window fraaiee. i-miA. PeoA. Dlah, Sept. 10, 1H02. KurroaTmaai Harveatiug el gmiii I now on. Mite Emma Jcmen went lo Salt Lake on Saturday. Arthur M. Marchent la rejoicing over letter Iroin "Hox li." Mrt. Lulie Milee hia been quite tick , for the pttt three dayt. Arthur Maxwell has returned from a 1 ' yl.it In the lower valley. Some of onr y oung people went to the dance el Oakley latt night. The eeo. nil crop of alfalla ia now heing aw ured, what little Ihere it ol It. ti. (i. Slevent ol Oakley wat down tl e flretol the week on buiineta bent. A little bird whiepere that one ol onr i young ladlct will euon enter the matri-nionial matri-nionial blitt. The Republican! ol Pcoadid not tend a delegate U the county convention on the Will. Owing to lh biiey "me only a eery lew attended the p.imary aid none I there could .pare lU l.u.u lo elutid ll.o I ! i j convention. However, they will be In evidence at the coming election. Tb-re ia a marked contra it between I the warm daya and cool night we are now having. I'rater & Stone, the photographer!, went lo Urate Creek yetterday on botl-aeet botl-aeet and pleatura. The Peoa. district achool will reaume ita aeealont on Monday, Sept. 15th. If all t'gnt do not tail. Tha popllt aheuld be preptrod aod be on hand the Aral d.y. B. R. E. Viae. aiicaruai KoreroaT, Utah, Sept. 10, 1002. Korroa Tmie : haying la nearly completed here. The crop waa very good. Lawrence Orow hat gone to fealt Lake to apend teveral montha. A, W. and J. E. Seeinont are borne again alter being away all aummer. Mrt. Sarah Oibbont and ton. Oliver, went to Mill Creek latt week for fruit. Mr. Martha Pelcrton ol Rait Lake It btrevititing bar parent, Mr. and Mrt. W. II. Blaker. Mra. Fannie Hortin went to Park Oily latt week to wi.it her daughter, Mre. Elijah Malin. Mlie Carrie Biemnridge baa returned from Bait Lake, where the haa epeotth pa-t few weekt. , , ),-.; h ' Kobe, i Hl.l.low ay and W illiam CWey have gone lo Belt Ike valley to get loada of fruit for the winter. The funeral of little George Coeiey waa aell atteaded ; people coming front all the neighboring towna. V, M. Smith, who bat been working at the cement quarry in rtrlfy't canyon, can-yon, bat relumed home lor a time Mra. Ktlh- r Mnnrehoute ol Halt Lake and Mra. Henry Slovene of Oakley paid their brother, John Hortin, a vialt latt week. j At a Democratic primary held here latt night William Crook of Wanahip wat electvd a delegate to attend tbe convention con-vention at Provo. chd or THANH. Death brliiga to ut all burdent of tor-row tor-row lli at ll eevina are Iro heavy to bear. When ae aeenur loved onea taken from n and wlilieoui little innoceul one are torn from ua hy the releiitlett hand ol death, wa cannot but fi-el that ourg'eul torrow haa been lightened by the many worill of tynipathy and acta ol kindlier that have been beatiwed during nor great alHirlinn lu Ihe loea of our darling ton, We ileaire to publicly ixpretnour ncrre thanka tn all who have thu b-frit'inled b-frit'inled ua aith Ihe hope that every tender word, every contiderate act may bring you ten fold b!eeingi. VYn. Conar no Family. WAM.HIr. Wak-hii-, Utah, Sept. 11, IIKU. Kiiitun TitiEt: Look out for tome mure weddlngt. . Mr. and Mr. Lee ruing have moved in their new collage. . Ltle llixwn and wile and Mra Kighv ae pending a week in Halt Lake. Mrt. McCief.rand Mitt Riah Uigli) , fro n Salt Lake ar here vititing with ' their brother, B. Rigby. I Ned Young ia apenditig a few dayt with hUparemiand fnenda. He it Jun rocoveri i'g Irum a a vera abtnttontha I leg. Mr. Kphraiin Batea and Mitt Mty J u.l.l were married at Ihe home ol the b.i.lu't parent on tha aliernouu oi tue 10th, A dance wat given n the evening which wat well attended hy their many Irienda. Tbe bride wat dretied In cream tllk and wore flowrrt. Aa there It never very much aaid about thecoetuuiaol tha groom ae will aay that he wore a pleae-ant pleae-ant taiile all the evening. May happl-nett happl-nett attend them thronghont tbtlr married mar-ried life. j . When Mr. Elliot came home from j work Monday evening he aaw that no j preparalloni had Wen made far topper and wondered where hit wife coold be. On looking aroond ha found her Bluing on the bed room Boor dead. He at once called for belp.but all that loving handt could do waa to no avail. She bad done a wathlng aud waa aeen by her oeigkbora not more than an hour before abe waa found by bar hutband, apparently in theliettef bealib. Heart failare waa the caute of her death. Her daugbtere came from I'ark City lo attend tbe funeral fun-eral wbleb waa held on the 10th. The tjrmpeihy of all goat out te Mr. Elliot and children. HBNarait. lUairta, Utah, Sept. 11, 1W03, Korroa Tinea! Mlta Laura Balcbelor iatpandinga lew dayt ia Echo. Daniel Elllnglord of Morgan la here vititing bit cnuain, Mra. L. B. Brewer. The many Irienda of Jamea Fowler i tie Bleared to Jeae. ..tel lrwvr,' t'h j Improve. II la expected that Ihe thraahlng machine ma-chine will commence work here on Monday next. On account of the bnty time it It doublfnl If many from here will attend the eux'lary meeting al Fvoa oa Saturday. Satur-day. Kebo, Croyden and llenofrr will join in a enclel picnic at Heneler on tha 20th. A program will be rendered by tha Sunday Sun-day achooltof the three place and a good lime ia anticipated. All are Invited and thore attending will pleaae bring lunch. An old experienced miner hat Miami Mi-ami lied the Copper Coin mine, known a the Tunnel Hollow niinet, owned by an inoi.rporaird company In Coalrillet ml make the fullowing etalement: The lad rniie north and toulli aud dipt lo the eaat at an angle of about 70 degree!. They are driving a level tunnel north on tha lead, but they are about lorly leel into the hill running with the lead, cul-liug cul-liug over the lop ol Hie ore. The high grede copper ore ia on the banger from three lo eighteen inchea thlik, all the length of the tunnel, tlill gaining In width. In the face of the tunnel ia very rich grey copper ore, blue and black oiide ol copper. Two practical mlnert ate at work oa the claluit, about two . ton of rich ere it at ihe mouth of the 'tuiiuol and a great quantity thrown over the dump; tone of ore areln aiht on the hanging walla the enlire length of lha Vinnel. Bampletol the ore can be aeen at the poet ollice. |