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Show Dellnwwant Haiti Copper Cola Mining Ootaeiay, principal prin-cipal plat of bnaln, Ooari ill, Utah. Nolle la hereby glvan that there are delinquent anna tb loiloiygg deecribed ttock on accoonl of aMtiot No. t ol on and a half aillla par ihare, levied on th 7lh day ol Aogu't, 1(03, lb eeveral eev-eral amount eat oppotit tb name ol Uio reapcctlv iliarebolder, a follow: ive. Jva. Jm Cm cm. aaarat. Km. Wm. ulling S4 1000 I 1.50 U A Bullock 48 1800 2 24 Sarah J. l'emlwok ... M 10000 1500 Sarah J. Pembroke ... 19 200) 8 00 Adrin B Pembroke ... 20 800 .78 W F Smith 28 200 8 00 Kllil Kee 61 46 1.00 Juhn Spriitg 2 846 1.00 And la aooordeae with law aad an nler ol the board of director aiade on the 7th day of A unit, 1802, o many aiiareaof each parrel of each etock ee may be neceeeary will b old at th ol-A ol-A ol tb eecrlary,l theCaeb Bargain more, Coalville, Utah, o th 30tb day ol September, 103, ttl e'clcck p. m., lo py lb dilii quenl aeteetmenl thereon, logaiher wllh lu cottof advrtling and lb tapenwol the l. ' Fbakc Caorr, Secretary CopprrCoia MiningCompany. |