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Show WHY RICH MEN BUILD HOMES IN NEW YORK. - 1 t Tf la bprotnliiR imp of thn filled tra- dltleim of American aovlul lfi that Hip 1 Amrli an millionaire, after aceuinulat- ' liiK IiIh fortune. Mioiild tuhn hlmnelf to a permanent rwtdenn tn a roatly man- : alon In New York. The cunlom la not pi:ullnr to any city, atne or aeciloti. From tho tliinllnKi'ina nud Clarka of the weiicin count to the t'chwiiloi and . Cane rlcn tif Plltnluiic. all, alter a pro- ; haitomiry fiHl'Uc In their it'4p-Mtlvn : li.l'lil,oilo.l, in' l In Fifth nv-nu.v TtilH Irn.i-inlfiHtlnn of the inllHoU-niie inllHoU-niie lo ihr New York ht;;e of m hi I Im uinatloii h lircnmliiK d o inarliei) u routine of tin aoelnl hotly to In Ik-! Ik-! luiicd, hiit It lit not no easily to he ae- imintcd for. Not all Ui- inlllloiialieM Ku to New York for huiclneot reaioun, 'v HioukIi hoiiim of them do. The advan tuK of hctiiK In the financial atorm ; center ut Wall atreet la douhtleHH con- k Hideraltle. 1'he man whom money In i In itiM'kii cai flud neatly rveryheily I whom he need ilea, with aomewhere i hetween Central Park and thn Mat ery. Hut the iifTnei thiR advantaitea if of auch a commercial center aa ('hi 1 caao. or of ain h a manufacturing: ren- tr aa PUtHl-uiR, arc no Inaa pro- . noun-ed. and aenre to refute thn tha- ory that New York la aoun.it after or lla tmalnea advantaKea alone. It la fKjiiftlly pvldent tliat tha min ' m - - who maka thlr rtuildunei tn lha ava i j Itoaid metnipolla am nut attraetml thither hy any auppoaed aorlnl aISD J It law. Tho moveiiM iit of thn aoclHy aeeklnK tiiillloiialrea to Vahlni;ton la quttn an IntereiillnK a h!kh of the timet aa la the neulrn of men of wealth lo New York. In. led, when a mllllunnlro hat poM hla utockn, hoiivht horulH with thn money and him no duty more f.i-UguliiK f.i-UguliiK Hi in that o.' ac)HorlnR cmt-poiiH, cmt-poiiH, tte naturally n.i'R lo Wui-hlhKlon an the liett p!irne !ti hla Koclul met-enipHvchoulN. met-enipHvchoulN. The reason Ih plain, Wntthln) hui haN n K.',-ty In which litc.-M 1 1' i; and In a inn play u purl, and a am -ey of Ih'it kind 1'i rllHllui tly nil-perlor nil-perlor to one like IhiH or NeW York, wheie n !)., U Hi- crlt 'ilou of tutclul pimltlotl. It haa aoniehnw (tune to lie a faith hui for mlllli nail-en to have home. lu New Yo-K, A palace, huilt ttiere In connplcuoun and ft owner talke l nhoui. It In a convenient eyrie from whh li tn iIi kitihI upon Wull atreet. Kurthermore, It In to lie Npppoiicd that niilHonatrea rind one another -Mieiy PMpeclulty ctmKcnlal, alnce It nniMt hy conducive lo ennui for any of them tn Iw aiirrnundeil only by men who think and talk of Utile mi mi I nut cad ot olic. round, mouth-fllltiiK million. Ho thn millionaire! flock toKcthor In ! Klfth avenue and keep cine another In rountenaiua to tho beat of their abll Uy. |