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Show SENSATION AT HEBE. "Prof." Fentena. the Hv.notlat. litre TKlnga Ve Somewhat. "Prof." Funtana, who gave a hypnn-tiain hypnn-tiain perioribani-e here latt Thureday night, haa tkipprd Ihe country and the only thing he haa left behind la unpaid lanard bill, a broken hearted wife and a young la.lv bo can congratulate her- ell that the did not leave with bun. The 'proletnoi" led hit wile here latl Friday and took the tra n lor Park City jeaying ha would return that night, but he never came back. He went on to lleber and gnve a thnw. He alnpped at the hotel and oue of lha daughter ol Landlord Duncan became infatuated Willi ! t iu and hepertuaded her to marry him, w hli b !hn contented to uo. The wedding wit eel to come off Tuetdty, and in tpitenl all the young girl'a lulkt could do the waa determined lo wed the man with a tllk hat and a nice uit nf clothe. It wae learned thai he had 'eft a woman at Coalville who claimed to be bit wife, but be explained thai awat all right. Word waa tnl lo tha lady here and the at once left lor lleher. but when Ihe "proletaor" learned that the waaeoin lng he made hia eacape aud haa nut been beard ol aluce. The wedding w flopped, and the Woman returned to Coalville and from hern loll for Keiu merer, Wyo,, wbera the claimed lohave a trunk that waa being held fur a board bill in whlrh wat the marriage certificate. certifi-cate. She claimed lo have been mar rlc to the man over a year ago in Indiana, In-diana, aud tbe wee much affected by hei exp-rience. Oirla who get amitlen on a atranger who weart nice cVuthea tbould lake a lattoo from thla affair. |