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Show 1NEWS sni.MAUY. T)eatrurtlve ftirest Area haveoccurred recently in every part of (ireece. Martin Kui ia dead at his hums lo Han La Monica, Cal., al the age of 107. Anthracite coat Is being shipped to New York from London, on account of I the atnke. Engineer Halsen waa aeverely Injured In-jured In a railway accident t Kock Hprlnga, Wyo. The tital valuation of ihe reill ealata In tbecilyof Chicago la ahowo to be $1,3HL.',.VVJ.H7S. Two electric cara on the Fort Snetl-1 Snetl-1 ing-Kt. Paul line collided and ten per. eona were Injurrd, none fatally. The Importeof dry gooda and mer-chandihe mer-chandihe at the port of Yew York laat week were valued at 81 1. ml.',, HO. A tornado atruck (lie towns of Albia end Hltemaii, la. lu the latter place aeveral houses wre blonn away. Mrs. Joho Flanigau of tluthra, (. I., waa burned to death while attempting attempt-ing to light the fire with kerosene. Al llutte. Mont , .lames Morten haa been sentenced to death for ihe murder, at Hllver How, of Hrakeman Williams. The corporation of Mmerlck has resolved re-solved to offer the freedom of the elty to (trncrale Jlntha, Dewetand Drlerey. A runaway tram car at Glasgow, Scotland, ran Into three cars watting-al watting-al a croaslng, twenty persona being Injured. In-jured. At the cloae of the aeventeenth week, of the miner s strike both aidea to tha contest sb v they areaatisHed with tha altuatlon. An cxploftioo In a colliery near Ithymley, England, rr mi I ted In the death of thirteen and tha aerloua lu-Jury lu-Jury of seventeen. lu a fight between Joint ralilera and proprietors In Kaiifaa City, Kan , Paul Hilda mackcr, a cooper, wua aeverely wounded. Michael, the blcyclUl, while training, train-ing, came Into a terrltlc collision and possibly permanently disabled llurel, the French champion. In a wreck on the Northern Pari Ho on the Idaho-Moutaua lino r.uglnecr Owens was killed and hia fireman ai:d a tramp aeverely Injured. Neither the partial nor the total evacuation uf the ialand of Martinique haa been decided upon 1jv France. Tha quest inn haa not even been conaldered. Prealdrnt llooaevelt hia placed himself him-self on record aa oppaed to any Inhumane In-humane use of hnrsea In tha coming' cowLoy race from !eadwood to Omaha, It ve re oil Leslie Armltage, of While Sulpher Springs, Mont., while hunting. ft ! accidentally ahot hlynaalf and wa V i dead wheu fpund by a fearohiug party. v . t if PrCaident Itooaevalt'a accident haa ' atrengthened the outcry In thla country against the present Inadequate regulations for the control of motor traflic. A ault for lT.VW'0 damages sgalnst the California riiisln combine haa liven begun iu the l ulled Statea Circuit court. Sun Frumisco, under the Hhrr- man ntiti-trust law. Tweutytive miiNUed men, auppoaed lo be miners, killed 4hi sheep on the ( i ree n Horn M ou n I ni n , i vrcgon , Itc-cauM-lhc sheep wereou what is termed the "miners' reserve." In a gale nn (lull Iske, Michigan, a row boat coiiliiiniug A. C. Miller of ltatlle I reek and Herman Ituer and Henry lluer of Ynrkvlllu. Mic.i., wsa capsized and all three were drowned. Levi AshenTellfr, whose name was a terror to the Indians on the Wyoming frontier In the early daya of bloody' warfare with the savages, died near (,'ovlna, Cal., from accidental Injuries usta'iied while loading hay. Fisher Million, a negro trird before Judge Iavla in the county court at Shelley vllle, Ky., haa been found I guilty fif vagrancy aud sentenced in 1 be aold Into servitude for a period ol 1 twelve months, the highest ponulty, I Harvey Logan, allaa Kid Curry, the alleged riugleadcr In the Ureal Northern North-ern train robbery In which Wii.ik worth of unsigned Montana hank bills were atolen, haa been turned over to the Federal authorltiea at Knoxvlllr, Teun. Harcelona police luterfcrred lu a work mans' meeting and made aeveral arrests. A crowd then tried to rescue ' 1 the prlaonera and cavalry guards charged and fired ou the people, f'on ' man waa killed and aeveral wera v wounded. Secretary of Stale Punbar of Oregon haa paid the reward for the capture of Harry Tracy to five men of Crctton, Wyo., who wnnuded the outlaw at the Kddy ranch, near Crealon, and captured cap-tured hitn, 1 hna ends the Tracy chap ter lu thai state. American dressmakers. In convention conven-tion next week, will Iny plana, it ia re Kir ted, for an Invasion uf Kuroe In retallutioi - r llm manner lu which the modiste- .'tiiiand other Kt'ro-pean Kt'ro-pean citii v hav. hi , u bulking inroad tipiu their custom. Iterlin bourne last week lacked a un,. ! form leudency. The ra v -.yidad-vauce of coal and Iron auuie., of tbe previous week, lu 't of the unpleasant un-pleasant reminders lout the induslriul situation had not yet Improved, waa aen to have been unwarranted. |