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Show 10CAI UP OTHEP HEWS. a. Pack ol Kama wm a ftandav and Honda;. j Tka Hew Waal aebool wilb a lair atlaadnaea. iiur Law Mra. usually receive notbiog Mr. and Mra C. A. Call) tbair homo io J. M la tba aear lotnra. gav birth to a noth-la- g lor aonia-thin- 111 ok g. Faddiaa raatdeaca Mlao Margaret Faddiaa cam down from Park Cit; Banda; morning to viait with bar parent Caldarwood left bar laat MieaUkbi Saturday lor Pari, Id., ber abo will taacb aebool tbla winter. wbaw yaw gat with that balk coda aad blow tbe dirt nad Iwa aad forciga substances nnlol h. Tboa el Lion Coffoo at bow clcaa aad ircab nad not ka neb aroma. It looks Unin An Ckuaty Taa nc Tb following ia a report of tb county auditor, to th biata nadltor, of property aa corassessed by tba county n eqUaUia-tiorected by tb roomy board of aor, Wodxoo-da- ; marriage lieen eraaDeond to Otcar Crittenden of BoyUvill ; aad Miaa Julia Cole ol Ogden. Praat. Realeetato $1,119,906 G. W. Young performed tba caramon; Improvement oa real ootat . 890,089 2,376 bora and m aloof 66,211 that made tn two ona. 9,807 cattle 186,734 82.927 Tbe Union Tacibc weetboond avarland 23,104 abeep owiao 166 604 Rock Caatl limited waa derailed near 304,686 Monday. Tba train wa running to Morcbaaditoand bad make ap loat tim when from aom on fixtorea 166,740 explained eaua ona ol tba alaapara left Machinery ,toola,lmpi manteaud supplies 2411,220 the rail and went bumping ovr tb Money, colvoot crodita, train tba before mile a tia lor nearly TiOOi judgment, etc could b atoppad. Beyond a good (bakPer eona) property wot ' anuaac rated '22,129 611,225 ing up no on waa injured. r Joab Weatbafer, of Loogootaa, lud., a poor mao, but baaaya be wouldnt ba without Chamberlain Fain Balm if it It ia a good idea to burn a eolphur eo t fir dollar a bottle, for it eaved eandlo every law month in damp room him from being a cripple. Ho axtoraal application ia equal to tbia liniment for where aaotd accumulate atiffand twollen joint, contracted mua-cl-e, atilt nack, apraina and rheumatic Mra. J. A. Bmiih aad Miaa Mami ala eared Hodaon want down to Balt Lake Tune-d- a; and muacular pain. It baa of It cae pnralyaia. partial nameroai to attend tba wadding of J.F. Smilb, ia told by Jobo Boydau A Bon Droggikt. For a bad taat in tba month taka A farmer waa naked if a calf, about to Stomach and Liver Tab-Chamberlain For aal b; John Bo;dn A Son b pu reheard of bim, bad a pedigree. "Waal, laid tb farmer, "all I know Druggists. about it la, that ita father gor'd a book J. 11. Ball praaantad ua with aom ap- agent to daatb, toed a joatic of tka ple thie weak that war raiaad on bia pane on top tb barn and etood a lighttraot. They war juat aa good applaa a ning rod maa on bia bead in tb fane an b raiaad nnywbor. corner. Ita mother cbaaad n female one day and if that lecturer two mil Stat Coal Min Inspector Tboma aint pedigree enough you neednt tak tamo out from tba eity this woak and it." Tb reference waa satisfactory. mad no inspection of tb coal mi dm. c- Ex. II found thorn la good conditio. ia U, A Grand total of prop$2,827,786 erty 8iBid Prcpertv aaeoeeed by atate board of equalisation as per report of county auditor : Railroad eompaaiee. .$876,317 Toiegrapb eompanieo, 10,163 Telephone eompanieo. 17,416 Het proceed del-g- a," , nine of Car eompanieo . 903,966 2,774,886 11,020 Grand total $6,517,666 Total number of acres, 434,109. Amount assessed per aero, $2.60, Aggregate value of towa aad city lota, $253,897. Humber of mining claim assessed, 624. Total assessment of mining claims, $23,230. and $laptkaCasgk works wflT tbe Cold. Tablet our a Laxative Bromo-Qainlaia on da;.' No Core, Ao Fay. Price 'T r 25oenU. w oold Coaawiwltm Pinaoo, former editor of Tb Mr, Enttoa Allow m to apeak t taw U wOrdklmavorot Cbimberlaiaa among the Iwipabltftx Tima, Cough from Park City Tuesday. H waa Remedy. I suffered lor three yoar with tba bronchitis and could, not (leap at kept buty wbil bar abaklng band I triad several doctors and variua night. with old friend. modlcin but on aid get nothing patent to glv m ssy roirf on til my wife got a aald lb minlitor.wbo 4Let mo which bottl ol tbia valuable f. M. isir ew A A ScJJowa open a package A aebool lor Jobs Pawl coaaa-qoebaby girl laat evening and aa n i there great rejoicing ia tb lamily. All doing nicely. Freight o' apple is refrigerator boat to England ia $1.26 par barrel. faopla bo expect aomethiag Take Do not carry a check m yoar pocket. It i ant caab moral; a promiae to pa; taab" - Hava It Caabad at one. Postmaster PnviJ Moor waa down from Caaila Kock Wadaaadar. Pllnvat IiOm rCopper Coln Mining Oomyaay, principal plae of bnsinO, CoelnilerUtaW. Notice ia hereby given that there are delinqaest wpoa tb lofi.Tjbg described atock on account of kammmoot Ho. of ono aod o half mills par share, levied on tb 7tb day of August; 1832, th aev-er- sl amount ret opposite tka names of th respoctiv aharabobiare, as follow : JK. Ami A. PmM. Skew. Dm, 1(X Waa. fitallinge. $ 1.60 QABultoek. ...... .....48 1800 126 Sarah J. Pembroke... ..68 Baroh J. Pembroke.... 19 Adrio B Pam broke. ... 20 W F Smith 28 Elite Riee. 61 medicine, eartlfleata, and bu completely relieved me. W, 8. bad torgotUn tb dat. "tbla ia tka fifth, Brockman, Bagnall, Mo. Tkia remedy ia la It not T "Ho, air, "replied tbabrida, aold by Jobs Boyden A Son Druggiata. with indignofon. "Tki ia only my Sunday SeNeel flmlk. aacond. Probably tb boot picnic over givoo by - lira. J, T. Cnrruth and her aitar, tb Coelvill Sunday aebool waa tbe on Miaa Lissl Bodies cam in Friday bad yesterday. Haarly every child in night from Idaho Falla. Tba former town waa present, beaidt many from will remain bar for earn tim with her Graaa Creek aod Spring Hollow. A great John 62 Sprigg parent, and tb latter will teach achool many of the parent went along to enAnd in aecordeaco with low end an atFeo. joy the apart. All th (tore wore cloned order of the board of director mad on at noon and oar town looked lik it wee th 7th day of Aagnat, 1902, so many A now eonerelo now need in green shares of each parcel of such stock aa droertod. bona construction (or gutter and plate may be nececaary will ho 'old at tha ofThodayw.. .pant in playing gamoa, a,ofthliewUFyhlkCwfcB-fri- . can ba nailed lik a piece of wood, tb a nail being hammered in or pnllad out rafc&iBjf Hcsa. ai'., nnAkavisg gen- ,rn ore, CdIviiie, T7tii,Tw'ii eSCta day oral went in for ol September, 1902, at! oclock p. m., to good time, Everybody without trouble. It ia aaid to be vary fun and tb day paaaad off moat plaaa-antl- y. pay th delirquent assessment thereon, durable, and would appoor worth study-la- g Tb beautiful grovt belonging to together with tb colo( advertising and for farm baildiag. tha expen ol tba m)e.r A. U. Bnm. wbero tbe picnic waa held, - Faaxx Caorr, All diaeaeo atart it th bow lea. Keep ia one of tb beat places ia tb county Secretary Copper Coia Mining Company. thorn opes or you will bo aick. for a gathering ol tbia kind. There ia act like natura. Ktep plenty of tree, tb graaa had juat been d bowel act it without a sickening cat and everything waa clean aad comgripint feeling. Biz million pet pi talk aad recommended CA8CARETS, fortable. The Sunday aebool offlrera wiab totbank Mr. Brim for ibeut of try a lOu box. All druggists. th grove. Ceadae stamped CCC. Fever aoM la balk. I. V. Rhaw waa railed nddanl? to To ond tbe day pleaanr a danro was Vcwuaafthaieekr he tries to stO ax rood. M Friday to tb bedaid of bia given in tba Opera Bandy which waa Jlou, father, who lo (offering with Rome tort quit well attended nad all a fin lime. oft growing on th pelvia bon. Tba 0 TO TBE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF BUM-m- it many friend of Mr. Khaw will bope for county, Slat of Utalt.' bio apeedy recovery, and that be nav Globe John Tucker, plaintiff, va, Mary A. live many more year, although bia conTucker, defendant. Summon. dition at proaent ia err; critical. To State of Utah, to tbe aid defendant : for Stjlish Eiir Cat tnd You are hereby summoned to appear The woak add September Bth waa Cleat Shave," within twenty days after the tervitw of wititout precipitation. Tb da;a were thia summons if upon you, served with 1. HIETEO, Prc?. . warm nad tb oighla cool. The average iatbaeounty ia which this action i temperature wa about 0 degree above brought, otherwise, within thirty days normal. Hear; treat aod treating tem- after eervica, and defend tba above ed action ; and la case of j our failure per tur a occurred ia tb higher valla; RESIDENT koto 'do, judgment will b rendered of the Sut tba firat of tba week. Tender again t you according to tbe demand of plant wet killed, but tba aaaaoa waa tb eomplsint, of which a copy ia heretoo far advanced for much damage to with served upon you. CoaltiUe, Utah Hsnat Sniiane, Will visit points reaalL Tbraihing ia near I; completed. tp the rlicr Plaintiff's Attorney. A few locali tie barreled a light third londay, lsg. 14. P. O. Address, Park City, Summit counof alfalfa. Tb of crop digging auger ty, Utah. beet baa begua, and tb crop premia Firat publication. Sept. )2ib, 1901. W. FRENCH, M- - D.f Laat publication. OeL 17ih, 1902, aa average yield. Tba yield of poUtoe Pkyalelaa aad Surgeon, will la below tb average. Cora i ba TO Ctra A COLD IN onk DAT OFFICE AT RESIDENCE- log rut and atorad. Tomato oootian Tak Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet. Coalville. a Appier, pea ra, plum and All druggists refund tb money if it fail Office hours from 2 to 4p. aa. and plentiful. Tba to core. E. W. Grove's grape are rip Ail who can ihonlff signature i on there heart each box 25c. rangao are vary dry. as near aa possible. waa Blllng up n mairiag - I T" Coalville SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION ap- It i bard lor farmer to andoraiaad that limestone aod uy need aa application of liBi. Yat it doe. peaad Monday Dont lot gat that tba public will coaamanee on llonda; naxL wieeiannry lire. Ma; OtMia aad cbiWrea relaraed hoax to Ball Uha Tured;. . UTAU, EE FT. 11. LT1LLE, There will b ao haw pointment fcwBeabv. TIMES. COALVILLE CAB-CARE- TS lvr at r la Ail cases ot apoota of alfalfa key that bav coma to the notice of tka Kaneos station kav occurred with tb first cutting. Early priag growth of alfalfa ia an ordinary reason ia rank. Tbe alfalfa la cut cither In May or early la June, end at thie time of th year the weather is that it ie difficult to thoroughly the alfalfa without getting It wet CeuaJly there fat considerable damp .weather aad little wind after the firat cutting 1 put la tbe mow er stack, this hinders further drying. With Cd cutting th growth ia not ao rank and succulent, and tb weather la drier, ond there la often wind. This makes curing easy. At this station we have not bad alfalfa beat sufficiently to take fire, but w have had it become ao bot that aa a matter of safety we took it out of the barn several week after putting It tn the mow and stacked K outdoors. We have had ao much trouble with the firat crop beating that for the pait four yean we have sucked It outdoors and put the other cuttings Is tb barn. W bave cured tbe first cutting as carefully as we knew bow, keeping It several days In cocks, putting covers on th cock at nlgbt and opening tbe eocka during tbe daytime, and with an them precautions, If there came a week or more of wet, muggy weather in July or Anguat, tbe alfalfa bay would be- - ' come hot If tbe weather sUyed dry, ao banting took place. Alfalfa should be cut when not more h tbaA of th plants bave com in bloom. Cut at this early sUge, tbe yield of bay for tbe seaaoo will be much greater than If the alfalfa la cut near maturity, and every pound of bay secured will be worth more for feed. Tbe method of curing will vary with the condition of the crop, ground and weather. When alfalfa has made a alow growth and at th time of cutting th ground and the weather are dry, there la no difficulty la curing. Often under there conditions it is aafs to rake within a few hours after mowing and stack a few hours after the alfalfa baa been put In the windrows When alfalfa baa made rapid growth and ia rank and succulent and tb weather and ground nr damp, tb problem of curing ia a difficult one It ia easy to dry tb leave, but th stems will contain much moisture after tbe leaves are too dry. Alfalfa bay should become re dry before stacking that wben a handful of stems are tightly twisted .together no water can be aqueesed out The most practical way to accomplish this and at tha same tim re vo tb leave is tb plan to adopt, and this will vary with different seasons and places. There to practically,, no. (JiflSco)ty ia during any but th first crop. When tb conditions for coring th first crop ere unfavorable, t we f faayg usually found tha most practicable petbod to bo to cut th alfalfa tn the morning after th dew la off, allow it to barely wilt la th swath, then rak and before night put tn narrow, tall cock. After th dew is off th next morning and th surface of tb ground has dry w open there cocks carefully, ao as not to shatter off tbs leaves. If the weather Is favorable, th bay may be stacked ia th afternoon; If not, wc recock carefully and repeat the treatment until the bay Is properly cured. From all the experience we have gained to date we advise that the best way to prevent spontaneous combustion of alfalfa is to thoroughly cure before etacklng. H. M. CottrelL These Suits Cannot be equaled eoAbvibLE A Neat and Nobby .Lot of Level Celtlratlea For Cnrn. in cultivating 1 do not bill up corn as was done when 1 was a boy. The manner of cultivation then required a LIU' and the' manure 'in th hHI, Tof The farmer would cultivate ao deep be would cut off the roots, so tha plant was confined to a piece of ground about as large as the hill. I are level cultivation aod juat stir the top of the ground to keep down weeds. After corn ia planted 1 find the ground ia all full of corn roots, even ruualng from one bill to another, say a Maine correspondent of American Agriculturist Tbe best time to work tbe ground la before tbe corn ia planted, using tbe spring tooth aod disk barrow. Thia can be done to perfection if we go over the land tlmea enough, always in an opposite direction from the last time com-menc- lng 0. band. b,v eo-o- p. Up-to-Da- te gJlforeelt STREET SKIRTS. M. R. Salmon CREEK GRASS iV3T WELL SCREENED. Special Chute for Loading Teams. No ShovelinB. No Waiting. Grass Creek Coal Co. A Stmwl WiBtami Mat One tte Cmtk, 7ft tJmmto Wttttmm HUPM OtttP the fartA O Cl O O Host of Ou world does and most world uses Past-Tiz Szzztz-I'iiwl- s Its modt lo faint buildings vritk, TEX TOUNO COUI BOOT, we went over tb ground. Then we can get a good seed bed on every foot of ground. When corn sprout, th firat sprout is a straight taproot going down on or two inche before th stalk starts, aa shown at No. L As soon aa the stalk begins to grow th root puts out ita feeders (No. 2) Just beneath the surface. and there develop, as shown at No. 3 and No. 4. No. 5 abowa where the roots have been cut off by deep cultivation. Tbe plant stands still for about a week after cultivation, when It beats and puts out more little root letA insido and oulstde. Its mad ready $ mad for ham us for tk brush. It and for practical painters too . Its furs lead, pure zinc and pur linseed oil, mixed by specially made machinery operated by experts. It's made for pa. O waa destroyed. O O O Cf 0 0 0(3 Cb 0 0 0 r There were many Instances in Kansas during th rammer of 1901 of alfalfa bay becoming re bot that It took Ore ly spontaneous combustion and of tit toereta WlttUmt Pare Ore tk tmt A For sale at SOYDENS ye Berk mmrn ftimtt Omv t L a DRUG STORE. , V silt gr THE Also a flue line of . Dentist PriceL BBiyotrww' Do Vou Use Paint? 1 Dr. W VISICK, for the m t en-t'll- op one-tent- Barber Shop a C-- Vi rv-- , |