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Show . H.CPVBLICAN CONVENTION. Belatku Cleeted ta Btttte Cenvenllen f al Oaden. The Itepnhl.ian county convention to elect delegate! lo the hlaie convention the Uth, wta held in tho Academy bail.llng, Coalville, Tueeday. II H. T0eaahend wat aelrcted at chairman aad J. M. Lnckhnrt eecreterv. Thirty one del.RH'ea were pretent from thevenrtir. prfxin. ta. The following follow-ing plttform eaauutiiimnnaly adopted: ''We, the Kepuhltrane of Ktimmlt eonnty, In convention attenibied, dr mott hear Uy endor.e and pledge our eemrii tupport lo the national aomin-l-lration. and point with prl le lo the great advancement ol onr glorioaa country coun-try under Republican rule. And not alone In national affalndn wehaveeauar to rejoice lor alneere congratulation! but In ttaie affaire at well. "We congratulate Treeidrtit Uoote-vlt, Uoote-vlt, Ihe nation and the world upon hit miraenlotit en-ape Iroia death, and we hope that many yean may be left to him in which to aerve hia country and mankind." The eighteen dolegatee elected to the S alt convention are at lollowt: rtrkClly-F. M. l'inneo. M.J. Palley, D. Walton, 11. S. Towntend, W. W. ermiirung, ThoniatKearna, J. M. Lork-bari, Lork-bari, E. P. Evtna, John Canty, F. R. Davit, Peter Martin. Coalville Alma KIredgo, Frank Orolt, Samuel Clark. ' Wanthlp Robert Young, lltnele r John I'aakett. I toa-F. W. Marchant. Ktmaa John Pack. Alternalea Joteph Franklin, 6. L. Raddon, Carl AllitoD, George Btevent, W. ft. Wright. KtruaLicAM ratutav. Tha Repoblicani ol Coalville precinct held their primary at Ihe Hrick achool bout Monday night and elected the following fol-lowing delegatea to the county eoaven-tioa: eoaven-tioa: Alex Wright, W. 11. Smith, C. R Jonee, A. Buchanan, K. Bwaineton, Alma Ktdredee. t precinct committee wta alto elected eoeeMting'of Alex Wright', C. M. Joi'wa and Mrt. Northeotl. At Ibe Republican Stale convention veatarduv Joteph Howell waanominated for Coagrett and W. 31. McCarthy tor Supreme Judge. nauoraATic ramAav. A primary ol ol the llemncrate ol Coalville Coal-ville pret-lnct wat held at the Rock ichool houae Wedneaday evening lor Ihe purpoae of electing three delegatea to attend at-tend tba State conveiillou that will be beld at I'rovo next Tueadav. Ne county convention waa held but delegatee were e'ected acconling to the number of vot-trt vot-trt in each precinct, dummit county ea en title J lo twenty delegatet. Tha fellow lag were ae lev ted to attend Iron Coalville: W. W. Cluir.C. A. Callit and titorge W. Young. Alternate. W. O. Johnston, M. A. Wright. |