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Show Death of Famoua Elephant. Advices from Tours, France, give an account of the death of tho gigantic gi-gantic elephant Frltt, which belonged be-longed to Itarnum'a show, which recently re-cently visited that place. The circus, cir-cus, which had given a two days' performance In Tours, waa making Its final parade through the atreota. When the Place Nicolas I'runeau was reached Frits, with a mighty effort, freed hfmself from hla chains, rose on Ills bind legs, trumpeting loudly, and causing a panic among the crowd. Fortunately two keepers managed to entangle hie feet with ropes, but this only liicreasetl tho animate fury, and he struggled vluloiitly, snapping two largo trees. After soma exciting mo-nunls mo-nunls bo was brought to the ground and aocurely bound. Tlia authorities .wore nolllled of the occurrence, and a picket of Inlantry was aent to atop all tratllo on the place. Tho circus proprietors eventually decided that Frits should be killed. Cables, pul-leys pul-leys and windlasses were brought and the huge brute waa strangled. Tha body haa bees o He red to the Touri alusuiuu |