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Show Crushed lu Heath l,r Anleuiolilla. One person was killed and two were Injured by au aulomublle at Vlnelaud, N. J , rislurdsy. The dead man was Altmr.o Wilherg, aged '.'7. lilt fsi,ur anil a friend were Hie other victims. Young Wllbcrg wsa riding a blcvole, while hla father and friend were lu a carriage a few feci alitittl. riuddenlr au atitoiiiohlle came up from hchiiid. It was going al a hli.-h role of nneed and atrnck youug Wllln'rg. He Ihrowu fr.im his wheel ami the ai.to-iioU ai.to-iioU le ps..se,l over 111. botl, killing Uitfl iuslaully. . II n -aa.iis,.i.u. i |