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Show VENtZUELANS ARK 8TAHV1NO. Urval Muffarlnf aa a KmuII of lha Fra tractetl w ar Now la 1'ftnrni. United Htatea Mlulaler Howeo at Caracaa haa forwaided to the alate department, de-partment, under date of Aug. '4, a plaintive plea for tha poor people In that capital, who are en (Turing great mi aery aa the reaull of the protracted war now In progreaa. Theapcclal plea la made by Itev. T. H. Pond, the aenlor American iniaaionary In Caraoaa, and Mr, Itowen haa undertaken gladly to receive any contributions that may be aent from America to hia legation, lie aaya that Mr. Pond does not propoe lu give money to the poor, but only provisions pro-visions that are cooked. He needs, according to Mr. Itowen, I'.'.oon, but could eaally uae live tlmea that amouut, I |