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Show WIT OF PRESIDENT WOODROW. Ntw Head of Princeton Makes Him- - atlf Popular With Studenta. . A Princeton man tella of an Incident of Dr. Woodrow Wilson's elevation to th presidency of Princeton whlrh be regards as Indicative nf the way In w tilth be will bold the studenta In leash by ready wit and a genial smile Liittc4 ( trying to awe thorn -irttn El" duality. '" t When darkness lent cover lo tlie project, on the evening of the day on which the announcement of Dr. Wilson's Wil-son's election waa made, eume of the more boisterous spirits organised1 a celebration, and having requisitioned horns and a green grocer's stock of hesd lettuce, descended Ukju the near president. At the first (exit of a horn he knew what was coming, but bofore bedlam could break loose. Dr. Wilson waa out among the aerenadera, grasping each one by the hand and thanking them Individually and collectively for their rougratulatlona, pretending not to Bee the lettuce heads which the studenta made desperate efforts to keep out of view and to gut rid of, When toe students recovered from this unexpected overthrow of their plant soma una shoaled: "What's the matter with Woodrow Wilson?" And the answer came loud ana clear: "lle'i all right. Ilea a brick." The studenta then marched away, singing. "For he's a Jolly good fellow." and carrying their lettuce heads with them. |