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Show PRESERVE THE WEDDING QOWN Moat Woman Dsalr Bom Msmants of th Moat Important of Events. A woman' wedding gown I seldom worn except on anniversary occasion occa-sion after the day upon which th nuptlala are celebrated. Moat womea regard thla garment as especially sacred sa-cred and take extraordinary means to preserve It In all It pristine purity. The wedding gown box 1 a recent fsd for the well-to-do bride to adopt, and It bid fair to hare quite a vogua That every bride poaaessed of any sentiment wishes to keep her wedding wed-ding gown In a state of preservation I a foregone conclusion, and this el gant receptacle la admirably aulted to the purpose for which It was designed. de-signed. It I made of light wood enameled with white and having th bride' Initial In silver letters on th outside. A lining of tufted whits atln I revealed on opening the box, and lock of diver and white leather straps faaton It. A photograph of th wedding gown I often taken by th modiste before (ending It bom and making a collection of the photo-graph photo-graph of wedding gown or auy other distinctive costume la one of th present fad, th Idea being to preserve pre-serve the pictures as mementoes for future generations and also as illustrations illus-trations of present-day fashion. |