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Show Ceialv Tia Aaaeaanl. The following le a report of th county auditor, to lha Male auditor, ol property eaeeeeed by the eonnly at alitor, at corrected cor-rected by the roomy board nf etoallta- tion : Real aetata l,ll,u6 Improverneaia on real aetete . VO,OXf 2. .17S hone and male t),3il .(07 cattle 1W,734 23,104 iben 62.027 It) wla m 304,000 Merchindlteand tied Bilorea HW,740 Mechlnery.loole.lmpJe- mentaend tuppliea t4S,t30 Money. olvent credit, Judgment. l 78,001 Pereonal properly not auume rated XS.1H Ml 225 Urand total of property prop-erty aaeeeeed , 12,827 ,78fi Vrt pertv aaeeeeed by elate hoard ol eqoaliiatlou a per report of county auditor : Railroad (ompealee. .1H7S,3R Telegraph companle. 10,10 Telepbuu compenie. 17,41 90S,96 Net proceed ol mine . 1,774, Nt Car companle 11.020 Grand total 0.6l7,ofl Total number of aorea, 434,10V. Amount enetted per acre, C 60, Aggregate value of tow aad city lota, 2I3.807. Number ol mining claimi nutted, 024. Total ateeiinieot of mining claimr, 23,130. |