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Show CREATHIVfcM OF FIRB. Iraara of name la Ml. Vlnrvnt l.lena Uu.rl.r Mlla Wlila, A Klnatou, Nt. Vincent, dlapatcli eaya: The al(hta In tlia Wlndwa.il dlalrlct of thla Inland reaullinff from the eruption of Moufrlere Nepteinher nl are eery liitereillnif. The llahai oa river la a aireain of fir a iiuarlcr of a ulle wide. The river bed lacontlnually tlirowinir up deoaa olotida of ateaui, mil l and pehblee. The land haa aprnad i farther aouthwartl anil la eliaolnK roiAlilerably the aiipraraure of theitte teUit Irom what It waa prior toHepWm tier 3rd. I'rohahly Ihia ia eauaed by Ihe ejecla that flowed dow.j thaatupca, UIIIiir Ihe fMia about the coaat. |