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Show The Finest Cake Is made with Royal Baking Bak-ing Powder. Always light, sweet, pure & wholesome. A lloj'a Wilde Hide t'er Life. Willi lauiily around expecting bltu to die and a ton riding fur lile, IS milat, to get Dr. King't New Diteoverv for 0 ntuiupiion, Cough aud Caldt, W. I', Bmao, of Leetville, Iuii., endureii death' agoniea (rom eillmia, b'lt tbia won.l-rlul uie.ii.inegve in-Uul relief and toon cured htm. He wiilel: I uow tleep aouii.ily evtry night. I Ike mar veloua curea Consumption. I'oeumonia, UriMictiltit, Coughi, Coldt aud (Jrip prove iu inalclileia meritt for all Throat and Lung tioublet. Guaranteed laittlet ,0c aurl $1.00. Trial notllei free at Uoy-ilen't Uoy-ilen't drug ttore. We cuu tlo your job work. TK rtOrlKTl CALLED HEALTH It it like anyot her properly. It runt down or improvtt , jutt depeuda on bow it ia cared for. Il lathe moai valuable property prop-erty we have, and tbnuld receive the mott oontlderatlon. It helpt you in your botlueat, helpe griod loika, helpa make Irltndt help, gel ill union t and helpa yon hold thern,andalwayemakee happi-neat. happi-neat. Property like thin, al lha Drat indication in-dication ol being out ol iepir, tbould I. looked alter and a remedy applied at once. Thera are any number of tigiie that thow repairt are needed. Diliona tiella, indigealion, dv'Pia, balching-diiiineii, balching-diiiineii, tick-head, aallow complexion-piiapletand complexion-piiapletand liver-tpoiion tha face, a dtoway aleepy feeling alter meala, tour atomach, etc. Thete amptomt all thow weak nw, and Ihe property need a repairing. repair-ing. Drugglata will aell you lor 2&cle., a buiot Dr. Uunn'a Improved Liver l'llla, Hit beat remedy In the w orld lor any of theae lilt, or we will een.l a box poet-paid or receipt ot'H. cla Bamplea free. Ouly one pill for a doee. Write Dr. (Junn, 'liiida., Pa. For aale by John Boydea 4 Son Coalville Utah. Ferlune Favor A Triaa. ''Having ditlri aaiug pallia in head, ba. k and atomach, and beieg without appetite, I began lo ute Dr. King't New Lile Pillt." wrltet W. P. Whitehead, of Keuoednle, Tex., "and toon felt like a new man." Inlallitt.e In alouiach and liver trouble,!. Only 2Tm at Boyden't drag tUire. Not Ikeeenrd ror Life. I "I waa treated for three year by good doctor," write W. A, Ureer, McCon-nelltville.O., McCon-nelltville.O., ''for Pile, and Fl'tula, but, when all lallerl, Hucklen'a Arniet Halve cured me tn two weeka." Cure Bora, f!reiwwOnie,Cotn. Bore, Hnty tiona, Malt Rheum, Pilee or ao pay. lor at Boyden't drug atore. Water Cu ft l.tir.mle Con lfion Take cupt ol hot water half an hour Del ire eaidi Ufa! and juat In-fore going lo bed, alto a drink ol water, hot or co il, about two hour! after each meal. Take Iota of uu'-diKireierclMe walk ili'edrive. Make a regular habit ol III ia ll.i.l in many cam?t chronic, coiianpition on.y liecurod without ilieu-.eolan)- medicine. When a purgative It require.! luki-aouii thing nul l and gentle liheCliaiulK-rlaiii'a Stomach and Liver Tablet. For aale hy Joliu lloydvuAeuu Druggitlt. A laraon'a .Voble Al t. I waul all the wotld lo know," wiitet t Itev. C. J. Uu.llong, l Athaay, U. I. "whai II llioroiighlv good nod rehahle aindicuia 1 Ion ..I In Kleclr.e llili-ra. ) They cured me ol janiulio' and liver i trotiblea that hid ci I in-gi-.il ul- j ferlng lor iu 1 y y -in . For a g. inline, ' all-around cur., ib v , x.-el nnv".ii, ) avuraw" Ijii.-irt - riniHr are ih - ear- J. priaoof all f .r their won lerfui aor in ' L ver, Kuliiey and o.nu h iMiiblea. i Don't tail I. liy then, (inlv 60 cla. ? iailal n-tioii ia giiarw-l -.- t hv Jo'. - f , U111 di Ron Drugglata, I . 1 i e , J |