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Show luaaev SeKeel Flenle. rrukably the beet picnic ever given by th Coalville Hunday echool wat Hie on hid yeaterday. Nearly every child In town waa preeeiit, beiidea many Irom UreeeCrctk and Spring Hollow. A great many ol the parent went along to enjoy en-joy th spurt. All th ttore wr doted at noon and our town looked Ilk It wa draerted. Thedaywae tpeot In playing gamee, running race, etc., and having a gen. ral good time, Everybody went in fur fun and lb day paaeed off moat pleasantly. pleas-antly. Tb beaultlul grot belonging lo A. II. Uritn. wher lb picnic wa bald, la one of the beet place la tb county lor a gitLtrlng ol tbit kind. There i pltoiy ol tree, the grata had jutt been col and vrylhlng wee clean and comfortable. com-fortable. The Sunday erhoul oOWra wiab to thank Mr. Brim for the ute ol the grove. To aud the day'a pleatur a danr waa given in th Opera ilouee, which wa quit well attended and all a Sn lime. |