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Show FRIENDS TO LIFT HER BURDEN Calamity Jana'a Borrows Touch tha Hearts of Old Aa.oclataa. There li a movement on foot for collecting money to Ih uaed aa a ehar-Hy ehar-Hy fund for Calamity Juno, who la now In the country that lira around YellowHtoiie park, nuya thu Hullo In-! In-! ter Mountain. f "A nmvti waa recently atarted over 5 our way to liave Jane removed tn the Park county ptHirhouae," an Id a Hutte ; mail, "and aliti flatly refuaed to go. I do not blame her In tho leant for lining o and 1 am In favor of cnllect- In K viunili minify lo make Juno com fortalilo In her uld ok" ' J "Think of the many kindly acta ah ha dune for other when aho had " mcatia, Whv. It la a ahuuio to oven Mllow the ituccaalty for am h a huk-' huk-' . i K"tloti trt Nt'iidluK her to a poorhi.iie. "Ciiiiimlty June la a pioneer. In ttu 'i 1 t-ui'ly Iil h aho kum one of the It-cut- ! known clutruetera in tho weal. No 1 itiif ciiinc In contact with Iut who illd nut f.el the Im ih-iii or her kindly acta and -in ouniKeiiu'iit. Just now Hhe la over In t'ie Yellow htoii country try- T; ItiK to iell hr ntihiun hook to toiu iHiH. t Itut the au'c'Msrul day of Calamity j J:itn Ih t. ller tHHika lui huiKcr j hdl well. l ime wus w hen tourist x t ontihl red It un hunur lo huy Jane'a '4 liool.a urn! it wart coNHld.-nd a lack of pruKretthlvt'Ut'hK to nmkv n trip waat and I) ut p;ii' ha -t tino of lh. unique r.Miviilih. ' '1 . . .. "Nu all la ilirfnri'iit. Tho old timer, tim-er, many nf thcui, havo died, and tho yniiUKcr tti'linnillnli cnmlliK up la Ion tiu.y tu pny heed In thla woman who helped lilu.o tho way nf Ihn pioneer. Khn now hat no way nf tnukltiK a llve-llhiHid llve-llhiHid ami II la up lo tho charitably lucllni'd lu .co thut .he duos uot die In tho poorluiUKo." |