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Show OEHM OF CHOLERA INFANTUM. Ilararr wf llraaNUNi iff 1 1 ! WNkk Httwia Away hililrPN. 1 ha daalh of Juhn I). Ilcxkf frllrr g randton "Jack," twn jeara aifo, haa anahlrd Iwo almlrnla, ona at Jnhna llnpklna and Ilia otliar al Ilia L'nWcr-altjr L'nWcr-altjr of I'annavlvanla medical achoola todiacovrr what la bellrvrd to ha the nrifanlmn or irrrin of dincana that car rlnl off an tnaOT lillla ultra avcry amn mar and which U ciiiiituunly called "aniiiiner coinilaint.' tVhcn llltla ''Jaiik" dld, two ycara ao, Mr. ItiH-kcfcllcr la aald to hava offered a fund of t .'ihi.imki to ba defuird to reaearcli. .'Iia ouicnma of thla offer ia thtt reported fllacovery (if tlia fatal iferitt. In fourteen raaea tha oriranlaai founil la nearly identical with that which prudilcra dyaeotery Id aid ul La. |