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Show DEAUWOOD OET9 CONURE8S. Neat Session f H'slnf l'on(rsaa lo be Meld la Thnl Itf. The 6 fill annual aeaaion of the International In-ternational Mining congress, which hsa been In acsaiou in Untie, la a thing of the past, autl when It rvconveuea lu the joint city of IteadwotHt and lad, H. I)., It will be tbe American Mining coDgrena, Hie name having been changed. The following officers were rlei'led: I'realtlenl, .1. I!. Itlcbarda. Idaho; Hral vice president, H. W. It tinsel!, tin-sel!, Mouth Dakota; second vice president, presi-dent, B. It. Ilucltley, Missouri; third vice president, Thomaa K. Kwlng, California; Cali-fornia; trraaurer, Chartea W, tiotnlale, Montana; executive committee, Josepli L. K. Armstrong of Wanhing'on, Heo, T. Urayaon of Oregon, W, M, Kendall of Ohio. The selection of Deadwood anil leatl City, 8. II., aa Ihe place for holding the Bext meeting of lite congress waa effected ef-fected very quietly and there waa little or no oppoaltlon. The time for holding hold-ing the aension waa ttxed for the month of hepteiul-er, next year, but a definite dale will be Bxcd by the executive eummiltee. |