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Show FIND FEW WOMEN JTOWAWAYl' Rara Casta Involving Membsrs of th Gentler Sax.. Women stowaways are very rara. On Wept. 8, I'.iol, one was found on. the. Neptune line stesmer Ohio, which soiled thai duy , from Ilaltlmoro for llotteiduni. ('apt. Hamtiel Wilson, who commanded Ihe Ohio, Intended send-til send-til hi-r b.irk on tlie pilot boat with Pilot Willhm Carroll, but as It might have cohI tho woman her life if she had boon forced to take to the boat, tho weather being so severe at tho lime, aim was allowed to remain. A woman disguised aa a man shipped ns a "cattleman" on Ilia Johnston ttenmer Votlaniore sttvorul years ago, when the lute Robert Hortlelt wua In command. Her ox waa discovered betore the hhlp reached tho llrlstol channel, and t'npt. llartlctt had hor ' placed In security until Liverpool was rearhed. Hno smoked clgarottea, played play-ed enrda ami had the record buforo being be-ing discovered nf attending to tho rattle rat-tle better than any one of tha men who had shipped to perform thecoma duty. . , . ! ltecently In New York Louisa. Shatter Shat-ter waa found among tha steerage passengers pas-sengers of the North Herman Lloyd ateamer Kaiser Wllhelm dor Orosse. Bhe waa not a stowaway, but mixed up with -the. Imtnlgranta before the ship 4ert nremen and reached Near TorkT She said her eon waa .a pee-aenger pee-aenger on tho atuntnar, and alio could not bear to have him leave without her, and ahe had not the money to pay her passage. She was allowed to land by ta Immigrant officials. |