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Show NEW DEFINITION OF UBUriY. And It Seemed aa If the Right Ptirsss Had Been Used. During tho active days at the great Muscle Shoals Improved conditions prevailed somewhat similar to thoso often found In new mining dlstrlcta; nothing akin to calm. A fellow who had occasion to take a long ride In a great hurry, "borrowod" a native's home without stopping to apeak to the owner atiout It. n . Hut In the course of a few daya he returned the animal. The nut h e did not take a kindly view of the situation, but concluded to bo content with legnl redresa. He announced his Intention of having the offender arrested. ' ' "What'll you havo him "arreated for?'' waa aiiked. "For horse ateulln', of coursA." "How can you make bomo atealtng out of It, when ho . rolurnod, the horse?" "Ain't It atealln' if ho broiiHlit' 'Irn back?" i "I'm not a lawyer, but I don't See how It could be." ' "All right, then; I'M have Mrd arrested ar-rested for usury." "1 don't aeo how you can make usury us-ury out of It, either." . "W'y. It all! he used Mm. didn't he? Yea, sir. he used Mm tbreo or four daya, and used 'lin mighty hard, too. by the looks of 'lm." Of course a thoughtful person would ' have seen at once that e-lopo-menl was the crime committed. Now York Times. |