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Show IQCUL MP OTHER KEYfS. J. A. l'ch ol Kauiaewa viaiur her rlnndav and Monday. The New Weal eehool opened Monday tlb a lir etuedaao. I'ualmaaler David Moor ea down Irom Cetlle Kork WedneedaT. Fraif lit on apple i relrigarelor boeta lo F.egllMid It H.2 P' barrel. ; IWlloigel thai the public erhool will commenc on Monday neat. reopleaboeipect tomelhing lor nothing noth-ing uunlljr receive nothing lor om- hing. Mr. and Mr. C. a. Callli will mete ! their homo In J. M. Feddiee' reeidence in th imi lutnr. 1 MIm Margaret Faddiee cum dwn from Turk City Knnday ruomlng to yliit wllh her parent. , Mln Li.bie Caldenrood lelt her la. I I rlaturday lor I'ari, Ida., wbr alio will j teach trliool thin wlnUr. I ! UU (nd Una to burn lolphur randl every law nionllit In damp room ; - wher mold arcooiulaui. Mre.J. A. Huillb and Mia Mami , llodena went down to Halt LateToeo- dajilo alUind tka wadding olJ.F. Bmilb, For bad taale lo tbe monih take ' Cbaaiberlalu't riioniacb and Liver Tab- ; lata. For aala by John Hoyden A Hun ? Druggitla. ; i. II. flail preeented ol with tome ap plet thl ek thai war raiaad on bla Itm.. Tkay war juat a good applaa at to b raiaad any bare. Htat Coal Mill lnepeeior Thome ' tini out Iroui tb city thlawkand mad an Inapactloa ol tba coal aiina. , II loood than la good condition. i F. M. I'lnnao, former editor cfTb Tina, ih among lb Republican dole- aawa Iron Park Oily Toeedey. H wa lj " ' kapt ' buey whll bar aliaklng bandt wllh old Irleode. j "Let maaee," aald the mlnliter, who 1 waa Oiling np a mairiag certiorate, and j hadlorgolten th dat. "tbia It tb fifth, la It not T" "No, lr,"rplld ll brid. j ; with Indignat'on. "Tbla i only my j Moond." I '; Mr a. J.T. Carruih and bar ai'Ur, i . Miaa 1,1x1 llodaon cam In Friday night Imu lditho Fall. Th lormer will rauiaio liara lor tatuo tima with bar parent, and tb latter will leach achool at I'toa. A mi concrete now nevd In grwa huua conatrucllon lor gutlaraand plaiaa ' can bi o 10 like a pla of wood, tha J ' aail being hammered In or pnllad not without trouble. It la aald lo be vary , durable, and woold appaar worth aladv- j ing lor larra belldlng . I All diaee.ee atari It tha bowia. Kap j thin ope or yon will ba airk. CAIa- 1 , CARETS act Ilka nature. Keep l'vr ad bowel aetlv wilhnnt a lirkanlng griping feeling. Pn niilllona pa plo talk and recommended CAHCAKET8, try a 10a boi. All drugglrl. I. M. Hhaw waa railed tuddanl? to Bandy lat Friday lo lha lieiltide ol hla fathar, who la aulTfrlng with aou aorl of a growing on lb pelvia btna. Th wan? triemlt of Mr. rha will linue for nlepedy recovery, and that ha mat live many more yari, although hi ron- 1 ditlon at preeenl it very critical. i 1 - ' Tha wk andad Haptrmbar 8th waa ; without precipilatlon. Tba daya war !waro and lh aigbla cool. Tha avarag tumprralur wat abnul ft drtrvaa abora J normal. Ilaavy (ruat and Ironing lam- ', " paralurai oceiirrad in lha bigliar allett 1 ol lh Slat IhcArat ul lha wark. Taudar planta wai killad, but tba aoaaoo waa . i too 'ar advanced fur mnrh damag to reaolt. Thrashing it nearly compleiil. ' s A lw localitiv liarvaated a liiiht third ' rropol allalla. The tirglti( ol angar . benti haa th-gun, and th crup promitva an ver.. yield, Tb y laid ol potato will I below the average. Cornitba-I'igrut Cornitba-I'igrut and atorad. Touialoaa oootinu bundn. Appla, peere, plume and grape ar rip end plentilul. Th range ar vary dry. j ' I ... There will I no haiea riaity e- pmntinenie l fnnv. Ma. Mar OtainadehiWraa relaraod honn to Kali Lake Toeailay. It it hard lor larmer lo anderaiaed lhal limeiwuie o,l may need en applica-lioa applica-lioa ol lime. Yet II dne. )o not carry a cheik in yoer poekai. It It nn ceab raeraly a pn.ailaa M pay catb. Have It caabed at one. Mr. Joha I'aalet gav birth to a Bn taby girl laat evening and a a teaee-qnenc teaee-qnenc there it great rekldog la th lamlly. All doing nicely. A marriage llcenet waaittoed Wed tea day tn Otrar Critfndra ol Hoylevill and Mite Julia Col ol Ogdan. Preat. (J. W. Yoong erlornnl the eeremony that ma.le Hie two one. The I'dIoo I'aclbc watlboond overland limited waa derailed near Cattle Bock Monday. The train waa rnnalng I make p loat time wheo from eooi no eiplained eauae one ol the aleeper left tii raile and went bumping over th net lor nearly mil before tb train could be aloppad. beyond a good talking talk-ing op no out waa injured. Joah VVeatkaler, ol Loogoota. lod., ie a poor man, but be tayt he wouldn't be without Cbamberlain'a I'aia Ualm if it coat t ve dollar a bottle, for It aaved him Irom being a cilpple. No eiteraal appliralion I equal to tin liniment lor alilt and twollen Joint, oolrcld biih cle, lirr nark, tpralnl and rheumatic aud muKolar peine. Itbaeala cured aumeroaa caeea of partial parelyei. II I told by John ttoyden A Hon DruggitU. A larmer waa atkad II a tall, about lo b purchaaed ol bira, had a pedigree. "Waal," tald lha larmer, all I know aboot It la, that it fatbtr gored a book agant to death, toteed a Jualic ol lh peace oa tup the barn and Hood a lightning light-ning rod Diaa on hi bead lo th fenc coroar. lie mother ebaaed a female lecturer two mile on day and If that ain't pedir enough you needn't take it." Tli reference at aatltlactory. Ei. . |