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Show IIUIOAIIOK CONVCNTION. WM Vim ef Weber BIvm tessMe la wIM Lsrgs eVee arrears. A atlnf o( lh Irrigator of Weber, Davis, Morjraa sod Baamll couatle who rceive water froae lh Weber river i II tributaries ih bold last Friday alternooa at the court bMM In Ogdea. Thar IH fo4 atleedsoee ol the dele-gala dele-gala Iron all part of tho (oar oounllaa. The following report as th oomsilltee appointee) to look lla far reservoir m4 mw Um mm wm aude: "To tha Cbalrmaa and "elleesea of the Weber Irrlgalioa Ooavantloat "Oeetleojsa We.yoar eeaaaaiMeean. j peialed br J" la laveetigate aad fa- port oa reservoir aad aralar enpply, bag laava U raport, the wa la eoanpeny with A. F. Doremu,tat engineer, and eaherslavlted by aa bar aiada earrfn' Investigation of tha water ah ad aad streams which eaa ba asade tributary to tha Wabar river system. Tba prospect la moat sncouraglng for a water supply for all tha land undar tba system by torrge, and to eoruply with what wa believe to la your wishes, and to pro-tact pro-tact tha pnipla of tha system, wa an-polntad an-polntad two of our number to Incaiatwo lltaaand appioprlata aoipla walar for tbara. "Thaaa gentlemen have sslected ooa aitaoa what la kaowa aa Larrlbee'e : Flat In Wabar canyon, whleh sllaoern- j dlaa about MO acres; and onaootha loaarandof Kama valley, which alia oecopiaa two hy tbra aillra. Tbeeelwo altaa they bellcv will ha aaipla far our present need. i "Your eoniuilitee, through lla lavesll- j gslloos, baa beeom alarmed at tba ! danger menacing a in not being pro-j pro-j Wotad la our right of appropriation, and aonld orge Dioat strongly tha ne- 1 f aaaalty of prompt anil vigorous action j""' . or tba opportunity may ba lost to as, j and wa ba brought Into Vonda,a lo ,' private (peculator, la closing wa de- - alra to aipraaa our lhaaki to Mr. A. F. poremus, atala anglnaar, for tha very ' valuable assistance an cheerfully reu- ' darad aa la oar labor. T. L. iutl, J. T. TaoHraoa, 0. A. Faaamuu, llaaav Uaaaa. A liar tha raading of tha raport tha convention adjourned until 4 :J0 p. m., that tha roaimltte on organisation might prapara Ita raport. At that hour tba convention reconvened aad tba following fol-lowing raport was submitted: !"To tha Chairman and Uentlruieo of tha Wabar Convention. II "Ueullemea Wa, your committee on ,' ' ergenlsa'.lnn, re'nectiiilly raport aa lol- ; Iowa, and recommend thai wa form a vu.pxration lur tha purpoee ol florlna water for Irrigation and othar purposes, , ( of oo.tX'Ofliarva nl tha par valua ol lit) , par ahara, l to ba paid duwa for tub ' scriptlon ol slocks. That lilna dirsclors, ; two fniui each of tha onuiitire, of hum- , mlt, Iravia, Wabar aad Morgan runn- tiaa, and ona at iaraa to ba ? otad lo by tha atorkholdara ol eacb count Iroui which lhay coma. Tha .alock lo badi trlbutad In proportion lo praaant acreage. acre-age. Thia pro"iaitiaii to ba taken by tha reapertlva delagatra to tuairenn-tltua tuairenn-tltua t , and a reiiort to ba made at ; ao ad Jour i. ej niaeiltig how much atook they will taka. "And that a oooioillteaol. rlva Irooi earn county, ahould ha eleoud to form. ulaU a eyatriu lur tba equitable dle- (tributionol the natural flow of tha wal-ara wal-ara of Wabar river aad Ita trlbutarlr arrordiiig to tha praaant acreage. eld wataratobe dlatrlbiiled at canal bead-galea bead-galea ol each uaer or approprtator." j Tba report wa adopted a read. Tba deleg atea decided to bold meet- Inge Id each of the oountiea In the near 1 future for tba purpoee of baring Slate ,' Engineer A. F. Doreenua eiplaln the lluationot tbatltaaaad tha oeedof th reeerrolra, and for the purpoee ol arranging arrang-ing with Mr. Doremua for the date of tba meeting, tb folio lug gentlemen 1 representing eacbmuaty wereappolnled toeuutult with the gentleman: Daniel Heiner, Morgan ; I. L. Joom, Davl ; T. U Allan, Summit; Vim. 0. lluiiur. Weber. It m decided to commence work on the titee located anj an aaaeae-meat aaaeae-meat of 1 cent per acre oa all land Irrigated Irri-gated la the eounlle will be made to . raiee land wilb which to defray tba Im mediate eipr-neee ol aurveylng, Ui, The courentloti then adjourned to meet again no October 10th at 10 a, ui,, at Monies City. The work of iarreiing the reservoir aitea aaa commenced Uila week and all detail will be puabrd a rapidly a pon- libit. i |