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Show A Co aaaaaaatlaa Mr. F.DiToa Allow n to apeak a few word In lavor of Chamberlain' Oougb Raoiady. I auBVred for tbre year wllh the bronchltie and could not tleep at nlghta. I tried eeveral doctor and variut patent medlciu but ennld gal nothing lo give an any relet nuill my wile got a bolll ol tbit valuable medicin, which bi completely relieved me. W. 8. Brockmao, Bagnall, Mo. Tbit remedy la told by Joha Koydo A too Drugnltt. TO Cl'H A CULU IN ONBUAY Take laxativ Brouio uinlii Tahlnta. All drugiiiata relund the money II it lailt 1 lo cure. K. W. Utove'l eignaluie it on i ea. h boi i 1 2J A BtlJow I tfjZ'w wWa ywj gel ham I ' 7 wiia that balk coffe -w and blow the dirt and lie and S fore iga euhataace ejatol it. Taea epea a pack-g ol 1 Lion Coffeo I ar bow rleaa and freak M look i f and not it neb arnm. A Tfcvamn itiei -! aura V- ft , Mop tha 'agh and work T Ibei Cold. Utxativ Ilromo-QulDln Tablet ear a aolr in on day. Mo Care, no Pay, P.lc 2ft cant. X .cpt o, niiaiajaya ii lei ataiii i 1 1 i 1 " emjiii wtailM itemec C C C Vevar Bold la balk. Iivnrt tha atalrr vrba trka to cell "leamkiof t aifooi.' HO TO TlIK Globe Barber Stop For a Stylish Hair Cut and Clean Shave. x l H. RAETUEL. Prop. Dr. W VISICK, RES1DBNT Dentist. CoalYtUe, Utoh Will ihli points op tbe river commencing com-mencing Mondaj, Am. -. O. W. FRENCH. M- D., I'hfilclaa aad Harga, UKf'ICK AT RKMDENCK. Cealvlll. Ullliw hoora Irora 2 to 4 p. ra. All whocanihouldb"t it thee hoar a near a poaeibl. J... Coalville -Co'op Pew Styles ana Goods. ES rt- X 2. 2. fe I cS f A (D E (D 5 These Sails Cannot be equaled for tbe Pricei eoAbvibLE eo-op. A Neat and Nobby L-ot of TJp-to-Date Street Ho.l: Also a fine line of STREET SKIRTS. M. R. Salmon. GRASS CREEK CO&th. ' fn Greek Mines. DillfiSliC, HP and Stove Mixed, $1.75 WELL SOREEITBD. j Special Chute for Loading Teams No ShovelinB. No Waiting. ; Grass Creek Coal Co. j fa nlm William Hints Oar tie (area, DM knvyHal Mat otetr ta ttrdk 1 & r O & O & Do You Use Paint? i if osl of tk world dots and most oftht j world uus f ' , The Shemw!NWiluam$ Paiwt ) ) lit mttdt lo faint buildings with, t insidt and ouhide. It t mads ready j for ih brush. ICt madt for horn usa j and for practual painters too. Itt pure lead, pure zinc and pure linseed oil, mixed by specially made machinery operated by experts. It's made for you. j rat eavarir-eYfiHaat fmlau ftoetr f fartk rat nnvfllhWulitM ftl-tt Cjtr ( ' . l''or sale at , ; BOYDEN'S DRUG STORE. ; J ' i , M, i .... ... ,. .ii.,,, , ' r' |