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Show MARTINIQUE IS DOOMCI). I HALF A MILLION LIVES H PNCEH OF BE-INQ BE-INQ BLOTTED OUT. Tl- nit InrrMt-M In Artlvllf airl frnrther Kruill(Miar Mnmvttrll)T l-:.M -Hu M-TMinlln I't-ttll Top-rt-M Iiala I rat-vr. The report hrouifht by tha roral mull atcaitier Yirfe, which haa arrived at Caalrira, Uland of St. Lucia. H. W. I., of the loaa 4.f S.otxj Uvea through tha recent outbreak of Mont I'elee, referred to the draiha alnce Aiiff. 30, and not to the 1ia of life re-.ultlnif from the re-ported re-ported outbreak of Wednedajf, Svpt 3. The alate department haa received the following cablegram from I'olted IS la tea Conaul Jf.hyl at Fort de Fraoce, relative to the laleat eruptlooa uf Moot I'elee: "Two violent erupt. ona of Mont Pelec, Aug. Mi, deatroyed village of Moroe It (t it if e, Ajoupa llouillon, devaa lallnf area including Tarnaaae Monrne, Car but Monroe, Itallalll Ituurdoa llelifhta. KitliiiaLed I, VM) killed; njau Injured. M Ilia general! Ielievrd that the Island Isl-and of Marllni(ue ia doomed to total deatrucllon, aud the fear la that when the cataalrophe roini a. tluadelope will be vialted by an all-deatructiv tide) wave. Hualncaa la abeoltitelv at a atandatltl. Few ehopaare open, and If It were not for the efforta of a email number of the more valiant eon I a, hun dreda would atarve to death here. Ins-cauae Ins-cauae of their fear of a mure terrible death. Oetalle that have been received during dur-ing the Uat two daya, prove that the eruption on Mont I'elee of Auguat So waa far more violent than any of the earlier explonlona. Aa the eruption continue, the mouth of Mont IVIee growe lo al.e. It la now of enorinoua proporliona. Morne fa-crolx. fa-crolx. one of the peake that reared aky ward from the aoiith aide of Pelee, haa fallen bodily into the crater and haa been completely awallnwed. There eeuia to be a aide preaaure In the crater cra-ter aud the burning Chan to wldcna perceptibly per-ceptibly every day. Clouda no more hang about the crest of Mont Pelee. The terrltlc heat aeeme to drive everything away. The column of flame and eraolie rcaia directly Into the lira CD a ao that I la top la loat to eight. Io the darkneaa of the night It haa the appearance nf a at re am of molten mol-ten Iron, atanding fixed between heaven and earth. From Morne Cape the relief troop were compelled to make a quick rutreat, although they succeeded In taking out a few wound ed. The entire country nearly to Fort de France la burled under a deep cover of at lira. Thla haa made It almoat im IgjMMMible lo find the bod. e of Mtotewbo bar peViabab whfle flneiog to the ea-eoaat. ea-eoaat. Conetantlne C'arra, one of the few who succeeded In eacaping from Morne Kouge after theexploaloo. found refuge off the atearuer Knit, t.ie waa with twelve othera In her hou-ve wheu I'elee gave Ua flrat warning of the diaanter which It waa about to pour upon the npon the village. Hhe hald that the flrat exptoaion dentroyed many houaea, Hhe waa hurled with grcut force agalnnt the wall of the room lu which waa nitting. On recovering from the ahork. ahe ran on Utile, and there aiiw Hi ec acperale tongucaof lire awcoplng down from the mouth of llm volcano. The earth ahooli wllh ho great violence, thai hhe could not retuin her feet Hhe waa blinded by the glare of tl,-flainee. tl,-flainee. 'I he heat waa ao territlo that her flcah wan blistered. She awaited the death ahe believed lo be inevitable. Fortunately the tUiuea awept to one aide of her and ahe waa aeved. At lirande Annv Ihe title awept 3M) feet lu ahore, destroying many houaea and drowulug acorea of liihaMtautM. Kven at For de Fruno the moat atout of heart have lott courage. Colonel l.e C.H-ur haa rutorted to hla government that It la hia opluion the entire tiland of Martinique will have to be abandoned. He Shka for aaalnl-ance aaalnl-ance In transporting the In habitant a to the other Ulunda of the Want Indian Rroup. |