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Show UTAH STATE NEWS There are twelve cases f amaltpoi ..w quarantine In American Fork al The opening of the puMIe schools al Manll ha been postponed on account of the prevalence ot an epidemic o4 diphtheria. The board of education nf Halt f.akt City haa decided to rai-e the tularin of practically all the trarhrra In lh clljr erhoola. Ir. Peterson, of Klmherly, waa aeverely ae-verely Injured one day last week hy being k Irked la the region of the eolat pleiua by a h.-re. The linemen In the employ of th flncky Mountain Hell Telephone com pany In Halt Lake City are on a strlka for ao Increase In wagee. The ore ami hull Ion settlement In the Halt Lake market during the pant 1 week amounted toftllt.TiM. Theatock j aalea amounted to 117, To7. I Willie llalloran of Salt Lake, aged j II, who wm shot in the abdomen by another boy while on a pleamira trip, haa euccumted to hla Injuries. Theclty council of Prove haft granted a franchise to I oral capitalists for the construction and operation of an electric elec-tric at reel railway to that city. A ire1 ' robbers have been operating operat-ing In llavla county recently, two e lore a being rohtted In broad day light I llnuntlf ill one day last week. (lua HIiiDieuthal, a young pluml-ee of lihl, attempted aulclde last week by taking laudanum, but bis life was eared by prompt medical attendance. A young woman of hall Lake City aecured a divorce from her husband ona day last week, and took another husband on the evening of the aame Peter Murtenarn, convicted nf the murder of James It. Ilay, hat Wen aen fenced to be executed on (h'lnlter 17, Morten sen chose shooting aa the modo of eaeeolioo. i Kdward Jnhnaou, a young sheep- herder, la behind the bare, charged with eRihesxIemeiit and abducting a 17-year-old Homtlifiil girl. Johnson admits hla guilt. Fire broke out In a solid row of wooden hulldluga at Klmherly on the Mb, but fortunately It waa gotten under un-der control after damage to the amount of IMM) had Wen done. O. Flanders of Junction met death la - i jLtym l l i. Awula t.aarta tuiae at Ktraberly oa ' the tth. when, a rave-In occurred, hlanderf was caught against a timber and died before help reached him, John lray, the convict who killed i Mike McCornlek, a fellow convict, at , the alate prison, will not be prosecuted ' for the deed, It developing that the deed waa committed lu self defense. Thorns I. und and wife and two of their sons of Fphraini, had a narrow ecaie from death by poison lent week. The poisoning was cnused by drinking cufTeo which had Inch roaMcd In cop-Hr cop-Hr utensils. tieorge A. Maswcll of IVnvcr, on a single motor, rode au exhibition mile on the saucer track In Halt I,ke City last week lu 1:17 .'-V '1 he time la the fastest ever ridden on a western track by any kind of a machine. Kugeue Ihigglna, a llilrteeu-ycar-old 1'rovo boy, watt shot In the forehead by a SU-fallum rltle In the bands of a youthful companion, the bullet MutU-u-lug against the boy a skull. Strang lossy be suffered no serloua wound. Ilaroey Eckstein, a barteuder, shut and Instantly kl'.lcd J. A. .lamiing. a bridge builder employed by theOrvgon Short I, toe Hallroad company at a resort re-sort near hall Lake City. Kcknteln claims the shooting was In set f-defc n.tt, but lite sheriff In Investigating the case on the suspicion thai Jenulngt 1 ban been robbed and murdered, j A potato la belug exhibited In Nail J Lake City ttisu which a more per fro I 1 flat could scarcely be modeled by a skilled worker lu clay than this tulier J hieVl. Kvery finger ia perfectly ahowu J even to Incipient ualta, while the pru- 1 portions are all correct. A small child of David Nhand, jr., of Mautl, uint with a painful accident a few daya ago In which three of her j flogera were badly bruised by accident ally putting them Into a feed chopper. , It may prove neccaary thitt the tips - of the fingers be amputated. ' lu all portions of the milling dis- trlcta of Heaver county the greatest activity la apparent Properties in every direction are being worked and from not a few of thriu f l reports re dally being made. it. ni.. are literally alive with pruspiut.ira. While altetnpilng to cos the big iHevier river bridge at Desrrvt, a threshing engine and tank broke ' through the bridge and fell th- lHt. torn of the river. Kuglnect Su . m down with the machine r t ihi taken out il was found be lu- . t La. mi, Ug eud waa otherwise Injuied. J. C. Prout of Ogden and NUmi Prrltlua of St. Louta were killed in so S accident ou the Southern Pad tic near Ogden laal wrek. The Iwo men wvif l rnliiig on the rear eud of a c(hh.i. Whiud which were Mime other cars, j wheu the rear cara crashed through ! the caboose, k lu.g: both men, .j |