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Show Gift of KJng Edtxtard to the "British JVation 06B0RNE HOUSE, WHICH KING EDWARD HAS GIVEN TO GREAT BRITAIN AS A MEMORIAL TO QUEEN VICTORIA King Kdwniri of England bns slg nslln ,1 his coronation In a memorable manner by th nvcnlflcont gift tj the nation of Osborne house, one of the favorite resl lencea of the Into CJueeii Vlviiula.- T.10 Liu la made In a mes-ago mes-ago to hi p'-oole, ddrca-cd to Prime Mlnl'er I In I four. , Osborne hoese, In tho l!i; of Wight, was darned a, tho fourth of Queen Vlrtona'a roai manor. She pur-rhasid pur-rhasid the propcr'y In 1840, to.o lown tho old mansion and erected the easldn residence since known aa () Ixirne house. 11 haa been described as of Italian stylo, for lack of a more appropriate name, for, It la very baro and overburdened with th" melancholy melan-choly of the sua and tho COa. The estate comprises 6, wo acres. A yenr ago It waa atnted that King Edward was deslroua of disposing by private salo of Osborne house, because be-cause of Its Impracticability as a royal residence and tho comparatively groat cost of Its maintenance. It was later rejHirted that negotiations negotia-tions bail been entered Into between the klng'a agent and certain millionaire million-aire for the sale of the houso to one of tho latter, and that theso negotiations negotia-tions wero broken of! by tho action of tho Inw counselors of the king, who called bis majesty's attention to a elauso In Queen Vlctorla'a will by virtue of which Oaliorne houae and thn Immcdlnto eatato became "appur-tensncea "appur-tensncea of the sovereignty of England." Eng-land." Under thla clause, It waa declared, de-clared, King ICdwant waa atopped from dlapoalng of the royal residence. resi-dence. It waa atnted at th time thst stnong the mllllonairca negotiating for the purchase waa William Wal- : dorf Aator, who, It was said, desired It aa a wedding present for his daughter, daugh-ter, Mlsa Pauline Astor. |