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Show MADE DOMINIE LAI Oil INCIDENT THAT RUINED CAREFULLY CARE-FULLY PREPARED SERMON Combination of Girl, Chawing Oum nd Sleeping Man Too Much for tht Rlalbltltiea of St. Loula Clergymen, and No Wonder. A prominent mlt.later of Bt. Ixwla fta ftakrd yealerdair If ho had f" hoen tempted to Immh diirlnn aervicea nnil what would he tli etTi-et If th letu'hi-r of a lare roiiKreiiatlon aliould burnt In upon the full aolenmlllea reitular aervlrc with a aeniilne hearty latin1!. IntiTruptlona to acrvleee were under dlnruaalon, and all tho lalk tta htco about abat'iil-mliidi-dnpm In the pewa. Tho queatlon augKr'"'d awful noaalhllltlea of a almllar hnak" In the pulpit, aya Ino 8t. I nnl (ilohe Pemorrat. "Well. I ran anawer that queatlnn very nicely. Iieianre 1 did that ery thlrnr one time myaelf." ho replied. "It wan one Sunday when my clitirrh ia uniiHunlly rrowded. I had prepared pre-pared a lermnn that I conaldered d ildi'illy ahoro the ordinary, and when I had not well Into It I readied that my audience wn thoroughly Improaa-ed. Improaa-ed. I wee deeply In carneat and they were fully aympathrtlr. In the mldat of tho dlBiDtirBo I happened to (tlanee toward tho rholr loft In the other end of tho rhurrh. A young girl alnger na alttlng with her arma rroanod on a railing and her body rigid, seemingly, seeming-ly, with the Intentneiia of attention. Hlie waa aurh a Rood llatener that I nnronarloualy talked at her aa any peaker will under aurh rtrrnmatan-roa. rtrrnmatan-roa. As I talked I tried to ralrh her eye and waa puziled to nolo that they were not turned In my direction at alii I followed her gaio and I aaw auntr thing romlral In the eitreme. A ma In the baek jm-w waa Bound aler 1Mb head waa thrown completely ov-1 th baek of tho pew anu hla mom waB open to Ita widen! ettretnlly. "The girl waa Intent, true, but It tent on tho open-mouthed alcepi r In mediately below the edRe of the chn I loft. Slowly ahe lifted her hand 1 1 her mouth, and I fully realized tluf aho extracted a large wad of gifti. Her eyea never moved from the nan, and to aavo my life my eyea could hit leave her. I did not know her ir-poae. ir-poae. but she elowly, very ahfly, aimed that gum at the mouth lpw. Her hand wont up and down ail ilia filed her aim and my eye rono(n fell with that hand aa aurely aa a tjfm away a before the feadnatlon of a rep. tile. My worda went on In a mechanical mechani-cal monotone, hut my mind huj left my Btihjert and my people. Body, aoul and alght were Btralned In ratra-Ing ratra-Ing that girl. Up and dowa.ny the hand. In motloua that grew barter, and then, aa tho anake would nake the dart, ahe flaahed that gum t Ita target. It fell like a thot and It dinappeared Into the ravernoua nuith below I broke my flow of meanlnu-aa worda with a ahrlck ot laughter let-, fell on the audience like a bombahU It aeemed that I laughed for (In mlnutea and that I awayed and aim with emotion. I tuppoae It waa real: li'M than five aecomla. The aormu was ruined and It la a aurprlae tha I waa not. 1 managed to call for the! atiiKlug of a hymn and under cover of. thla I retreated from the pulpit. My aanlntant illxmltiaed the congregation." |