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Show Baling Powder Most healthful leavener in the world. Goes farther. A Ortaln Core f.ir l.litiry ana lllar- "So i.m yeiir auo I ai one ol a parly Unit Intriite i led n.akiiig a loni hicyclu trip," aiiya K. L. Taylor, of Alh.iny New llMillord Cj.iiiiv, I'j- "I taken atuldenly with diarrhiieii, and wh Hbnut lu give up Hie trip, when editor ; Ward, of the l..u eyviilo Alcaenger, t.lg-gcaled t.lg-gcaled ih it 1 take a .hue of Chaiuher-i Chaiuher-i Urn's Colic, I li ilera and Dmr.i.a Heiiie.lv. 1 p'.:rch.i-d a Mitileand to-4 i., -,,io-i--, line iK-ire ttaniiig and one on tber,, H I 111.1-I0 the trip aui-cciafillly inid neie. full any ilk effect . Ayuin lu-1 i fcii.iiiiie-l i .m Mi.iio.t coiiipti-tcly run I ibmii itn an attack of il .-iit.-ry . 1 I uu,iii a tiulile ol tiii. lame remedy and hl lio.e one d i.e cure me." Hold by I Julio tluyleu A So i D. ugiata. ( A ConimuNaatliin Mr. Kiiitok Allow me tj apeak a few wonla in uiorof Chainlx-rlaiii'a Cough i Ueoiedy. I alllrVred for three yeara with I the bron. I. Ilia and could not tleep at niglita. I tried aeveral doctor and varina patent medicine but could get nolhlngl 1 1 live me any reh f until my wifeg'.t a( bottle ol thia valuable medicine, w hit hi hat completely relieved Hie. W. 8.1 Brot-kiiian, Bagnall, Mo, Tl.lt remxly Itj told by Jolm lloydrn A Hon Druggitta.1 w n Ik. KKRViira fKori.K I We have re.eived leltera from nil parte of the V. H, blglily recoii.ineodiiig Dr. itLii.i.'a itl.iod A Nerve Tonic, unlll the Mill! we had in tne remedy baa been fully tU'lained, W e bad co.illdui.ee Ir.i... tbe very beginning that thia medicine, ahoiild make curea, but lacked I'jal a-turance a-turance that comet a( lor many luw-eat-lul triala. Now that we have bveo upheld up-held in our belief we waut lo impart to otlie.au. .r conlldence. Nervout, and unateady people, weak, fleehleet people pimply, pule, or tallow people aro all victime ol weak, watery hbe. Muke new, rich blood, to lie forced through ihe aialem by the way of the arteiiea. and diaea.e ci.un.it remain, Dr tiuuu'a llbaxl .V Nerve Tonic curea dlteme hv giving you airength to reai.l It. 1'eraou woo Uke Ihia Tonic gaiu in g"ol tolid lleth from one lo three Iha per wiea. All Druggial tell it (or "5 eta. per laix, or three lxe d.r 12 l0. The lubletn aie to I.e li.kei. ufti r each llleill. Tney linn the (ih).I you eal into rich red bl-md. W rite u ao.ill' jourcaae, we will I a pump1, let lice telling w hat tbla lln d-icn.n d-icn.n c.io d... or o wnl .n-.il you tbe oi-.l.e.l.e.oi il ipl ol price. A.I Ir . I Dr. liiioo, I'hila.lelph.u, Pa. For tule John lioydcu A Son. ' We cau do your job work. I TO Cl'lK A , 01.11 N (INK IIAV j lake bal.tr vn llrorno tfnlnlne TaMela. I All d"it.rciiind ihe money if it failt 10 cure-, K. tv. (,rove'a aiguaiure ia 011 each t aura Cure r.ir I II.. Itching J'.lee prralure moialiire and cau.e lu inn v, una n-rui, a. wen aa niiiiu, llleeding or I'lotrndlog Pllea are cured by Dr. Ilo-.au-ko't Pile Itemed)', htopt icthiug iiml bleeding. Abaorba minora, ftov. a jar ai Drugcata, or aeut by mail. T'reaaoae free ; wrlle about yourca.e. Dr. Iln.ai.ko, Phila.la. Pa. For aale by John lloydeu A Ko... A Itu) 'a il'l" ltl.li) I'er Lire. W'l h i.,in ly aionnl expectini bli.i pi die and "U 'i'lilW If mile., to get Dr. Knig't New Di.coverv fori 0 lliiliii;iilull,Co igh and Ollda, W II, llroaii, ol I, vi I-, linl., endure 11 I ., , I a .a.hit thia wuiiil'-rtiil In ii- tiv in-taut relief and -lam cured I Il-iwilt-a: lunar ' tleep aoil'l Hi eviy nigh'. I ih mar V-l lU. Cllr-'" tyOO-irnpt o I I'llell.UO-.lil, llr o i-. l o'i!"-. f"l'' '"- P I ,,,, a, .....i.-uct 111a (.rail Throat I a-id I. n. troilU ea. I i il 11 ill tee-l bolt el I :.i, and fl.ttl T'l'il ti-'tlea Irue at llo)- oen'. it'll .lore. W4I UK' " mid win, oil' Hit' Laxative Itroii.u'Huiniiie Tahleltcilre a in niie.hiy. N Cure, no Pay. Price '4'icelila. Your return card l.riiitcd on 10-) envelopes for 7i cents at THE TIMu.S oilice. ) Water Cote for t'hronle Cenailpatlan I Take cupi ol hot water hall an hour aV ; la'l.ire each mal and jii.tlielore g dngti la'i, alao a drink ol wutcr, hot or cold, alaiut two hour, alter each meal. Take lota of ou'drarrexerclae walk lidedrlvo. JJ naT'llrirrtuVisI fof.l o( lint and In tlvallng acrnia ' couatipati.m may lA J nnment aioiii tbeti.e ol any medicine. I iVhen a purgative ia required take tome-ihing tome-ihing mil I and geritle liHeCbaiulHirlain'e Stomach and Liver Tabb t.. For aale I y -Johu ItovdonAaon Drtlgrfiatt, A I'araull'a .Viltlc Al l. i I waut all tbe world to knm," write! itev. C. J. Uu.llong, of Atbaaay, U.I. i "w hal u thoroughly good u.al ruliahle i jiedicioel Ion id In KUclnt lliuera. j T'liey cured me of j-iundic" and bver t IMublet th it hid tanaud me great tuf- I fering lor uitny yeiirt. For genuine, all-nroiiiid cure tlmy i-xcul .myiliiug I (-,-, r," ICictri,! liiiturt are lb. ur- print of all for their w in ierfiil aurk in t L ver, Kidney and 810111,1, Ii truublea. ' Dm'tiailto try then., (inly 60 eta. i; SatlaUction It giiaraoiecl hv John Ib.y- i den A Sou Druggiala, l Ikoouit'il Fur Llfi'. I I "I '. treated fur three tear bygnoJ j ( j doutori," wrnea W. A. Urier, .McOon- ! liell.villu.O., "fur Pilea, ami Fl.lula ! I bin, wbun all laileo, Dui kl.u'a Arimw ' I Salve cured ma in two woeki." Cure lltirua, Uruitet Cute, Curni. Boier, Emp- , lion., ball Klieuui, Pilea or no par- bo. j at llujileu't d.Ui tio.e, ' j 1 1 |