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Show Barer' Qenlua for Advertlalng. Aroui I la aucceaalve homea at Urlilgep'tJ Coniiectlciit, Mr. Pnrnum waa fun f putting aomethlng that uggette k ahow. y.ieerly marked cattle, Uracred cow, or an elephant, were frtf-ntly among the atm-k to he nolHI In hla flclda. On one on-ranlon on-ranlon 1 lad an elephant engaged In plowloi'l the eloping hill where It could pwy be Been by the paaaengera paaaen-gera oa "4 New Haven and Hertford rallroiiU agricultural Innovation that heffw would get notice of tome aort In'y new. paper In tile country. coun-try. Il) even aald that he received letter ("a farmera far and wide ak-Ing ak-Ing hoini'ch hay one elephant ate, and If l"M more profitable to plow with u 'If Pliant than wiiii horaea nr oiei Hla repllea wore Invariably frank, flj wore of thia ptiriMirt: If jrou W large miiaeum In New Vnrk, 'l a great railway end tia'ui M of paaaengera within eye-xtot eye-xtot el performance, It will pay, and r.,"'u'; u,lt " yuu have 110 aurh In.tlW J'1"'" nora.ia or oxen will oiuve ay J-couonilcal. |