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Show LOCAL AND OTHEP NEWS. I r-meUy Is ( 'lay. A . Clark madet Hi t ''f ,,' I'.rkMoaday. j j PtMlt cnmlliclurd wirk at the 4 1 i.raitrndi uilnv tlil . ' p.trlar. h John iMiillh came out !'" MlW")"""1""'''1, jHtll tnd Mi.t I.imim Arnold turned to I'tret'ity Tuc.day. Mm. A. A. Perry came hi I'minitnliiry TumJ'T "n ' "' ,"r t""el""-' t""el""-' j, .tip t Smith caeiednan Irnm lh j I'ara baiiday ''' to1"'1!'- County Aa.f.ror Martin rint ilmn f.ui It"' Tuc.day inouiingon "' rien. ,'ior day pae.ed ulTiiiiieiljr here. All (ha ,iot. war floa-. end II .aimed like Pun lay. LOST Small pnraa containing fiig n I nney. Leave m ilii" oliini and ri -ceiven-itard, J M. l-ockliart. ajho Inn bean acting aiiiiityatloiiio) tlilr vtees.wai down ot butiueaa Tiifiduy. W.l. HoliiiiMiu, W. J. Wilglit, J- ". Uolim and (ami let belt Tf..lHy ji llrar river lor avt.clt'e inning. f, iiy all ol mr iHmpera liuvr returned re-turned Time told nighie ere omit to lfBHitt hi Hie mountain!. Mi Margttct Itrundage end her q.ollirr ceme dim 11 from Turk Cily Wrdiir.dnv lo visit a abort lime Willi old Inradv. JllM M. A. Miut.viho baa beea here lof ilit it ! laoiiihagiviiiglcsaotielii drawing, left tor Ogden U fore l ,J mek. Clla Willlnuie I '. r-m -t CuiiiWIaiid. Wyo.. 1 no-itouiiiii m . 1 fjf -'.Kt4.ui U i,, s general lt-iiin you wlah. 1 " Find mature trna which ' . , . .,1, ...part from IU- .Vlowa; w.i. lotJwl l Alk- kl(htly jtifjnili Ulll shipped lo tlic-realcm uia'tnt.. MmI ol ilwiii brliiBf J lu Ur. Kt.rli.jr. Tdrjf i.r in tln vt.u-llliuo rill bring a good price. Marriage lirrutei eere laatied IhI Halimho; lo Alexander Htreela., Jr., ol . lli.jritvilloainl farali Clnik ol llplun, and Jnerpli Warhiirion mid Ktumt Llv.ey bth nl thie plar ' All ditrtwt tiart II tneboajlee. Keep ' ' chain mica or you mill l lick. IAS- ' CARKTa t likt unlurt. Ku llvrr j ' b I boti'li ftrllve Kitliout 11 tii kaiiinii Rrill' Irrlim. Hl lllllliolll "Miil tall anil rvoomiikd CAHCAKtTsi, .' lrytliicb.ii. All dnil"t. Mortenwii, llirroiiili'iiinrd munli-rot 5. ot Jtiiin II. Hy, t on Tui.Jy mo-' mo-' laiul to bt tliol loileailionlk-lubui Hie y 17lli. An ikmiI willlllufljf btuki-nio , , the aUrruie loiirt, in wbi.-li avfnl Ilia ' aanU'iurd will Iw tuynl. 1, A very l"vy l'oi ttuik lita laul V Blurdy uiflil Miiti cul til uadar .!.'- ) tulli'O lo Ilia ground. Ita tlioul )4'ol tn i Inch thick a loriurd. H..uia damage ', wt dona to luirrn mid Iihi. Il Ii rollllnnrd lo In-na litrd vrv U'gbl, iidllii illiariiiina I'katlial uaiitlly v liad ill O.luliar iilad ol CaiiU'liiU-r. . ; ln. F. lrn lUn.l and II re i hi.lr..i I I ; B,rVf(lliviMon.laiid 1ll111tMBl1.au J i Mie li.i. thin a iiiut. Mi. K'liid ail Im tlMp'iuciiml Hi" Nw Vi S.-IIU..1. XViindriiid tbiil the Mill liavvtii - j ' jj.iaul, nd tint tiuiiiilr will lhi r.i, f -'io III l.."k nllar i oni;iegtl..litl eliun-li . , w f Iniliiiond ol Ihai-oiinlv. i ' J Wlitl nnna nclir Udng a ti-llout tivi- dnl In I'l'ini'd Ital Kilurdtv avtning 0 .11 Illy l lark Narlay MUoill tiding m I'll ' oneolli'. hut gnl " l IB KulnK nuittiun Min atiai'l f. high raia ol ; t ,,td, i .inolll lon'lai l Mlih t tanin going toulh, wliu li it taenia I run inio ' ' Mr, Nai lit)'. lig. The lionl wliaalt mid wfitoltlia l.uur't Imguy ware badly ; dilnll,, ti eoihai rUMt.noi.l.m ael io t.ielauil. Tbay uaar it iniirli i : , co,iia btrk Uii.-e bo it WMlbtt iln-y J r iiil"'0' No one wa Injured but it It a ntrrow eaCMie. i A liaorga V. Kdgiiigi"n im ratignad ae j anginaar on th I'. V. I M't. Aiimii'l i l(ohinnn rtiiicoutlruiii I Cult Lake Mon.l.iv l"r t ttmrl vitit. 1 Mra. Ilurlth Wilkina tnd i-liildran nioa.l don I10111 I'rk Ciiy llii" wai-k. Mia. .N-alay. 111'itlnr ol our county : ilaik.MIIH d"ll front Wiaallend lt-t-,11 ilny on a viil. J. II Hlmon family cuina in Irom lu.at nvci I ha lira! of Ilia aak, wharc lhay l.ava bri-ii f t nionili or o. liaorga 1'ittd tnd family rctnrmd hmoli lift availing from lliair II Hi 'a lulling 011 llatr nvar. They had an ax-icllalil ax-icllalil lima. Alc. Walkar, rt ilham Hear, Kli ( Itiaiu b and aavaial mh-r young ix-onla : ,,l iliiai.iaca lali Una i-rk f-r rmvoiii' aiii-ml a. 1 1. j The public hoola of Coalville Mill rminiiencr on Monday, S-pl. Hlh. I'arant. ahonld afa thai Ihcir children ma nrrarntal the o....llig ao Hull thay can keep up Mlih Ibf tludiea all wililar. Kor IhelepuhlltaH Slale c-onVallllon lo he held ill Otidcnoii lli UHi, the Tnioii I'acillc Mill tail li.keit at the rata ol one (.ire lor the round trip. I'mel ol tale, K-pl. IllHi mid lltli, good returning the l.lih. 1'rol. Kunluna, tit hypnotitt, gave an rililhitioli hale It.l night, Mill give toolbar to-olbar toliiglit and loinoru.w night. Ilia a.t ware falily g.a d. Tonight be will let one of our cilium Wko tbot at bim with rllie and he guartnlaaa to catch ibe bullet in hie leatli. 8. M. ttobinaon mma In (roui Canada rrateruay. Me will tpend 1 law da,a aaiillngtip aoiue buaiueat and Ibeu ra-turn. ra-turn. Ilaaayt therountry il ll ''' aial Ibe paiiple fnuu Coalville wb" h.iv g.uie up there are gelling al .ng nicely. The county roininUiioiiere were in tea-anm tea-anm Tuaaday. ):llli lo the amount ol iibout 1000 ware alloaed .llie contract to lurniab election lilppllet wat awarded lo Hkalun I'ub. Co. ol I'rovo ; the pioclama lion calling an election on the removal ol ibe county teat wta taitnl, w Inch ill lie I. mud in iinoilier loltiinn. A conveiilion of Ilia republii tiii ol niniaiiKouiily will be betd lieie net Tucaday tor the pur note ot eleilingdela-gu-tlo Ibe Klata conveiilion to b hehl in aJgdea 011 the lull. A ctucut ol Hit repiibliruut ef Coalville will lie held neit Monday night In tba Prick tcliool lionet lor the pureute ol electing dale-g.ilet dale-g.ilet lu Hie county convention. loeb V'ealhafar, ol Loogoolce, I ml , ia a pmir uitii.but lie ante ha wouldn't 1 w.llioui Chaihbnrlnin'a 1'ain llilm if il jl llvedollaiau Kittle, fur It tavad I It hi Irom b 'log t cilpple. No ettemtl I application lae.piul lo Una liniineiit I t j tlitrand awollen Joiuta, conirarie.l mtia-cli mtia-cli t, anil neck, apMioa 11ml rheumat r I a.id luiiH iilar pallia. It hta itla ciirad numerotia cttoa of partial pralvi. Il I l told by Juhn It .vden .V S.oi irigitt S.iy.l-ul It annum lo aee Krauk It poou parading Ktnund loan Tm-nlav ' 111 ruing He wonld go Irom place to il.o'e lliuriollrln to IlilllacW: "A liev.vo. I , 1'iilcr in lown," etc. Ail invcalihtatii'li ' h nude, for it wua tlnuglit thilt tome 1 iu in ha I coma lo town and laKi n (nil ' ,..ii.,..,i..ii of lu, aliop, t.i.ila. e'e, tnd il ' ,m found Hut Mil, Itippoti lit I given birth ton Huh Imic Mon lay evcnini.-, vtbicli accouolcd lor kiivuMT n.'tinii-. Anne ipuli-t wore Irmgbt here In. n M.ugao Una week bv 11 pi mi 1 .. III. II Cl'y and .old lo II. ( t'o-up lnil,l.. ai.op The lnrt ar. a.'li.c . d the el . l e-l Unit 111" ever hoeu on II ilc hoe. They narr Irec li.nn a.nio. and li. Illacl and wen linn mil l- in 1 , 1 11 1 . The fruit that ia nic. in Mnru iu i .. excellent quality, ind w hut can he rota.-.l here ta alao go.at. Our people ,hnild be Hncourag.nl in railing Iruit, f r a d i)tialitv ran lie gron. i i I or I bad MUe lii the li.miili take Ci.aml-rlalu i. Mi.ma. li and Li-.arTab-lela. I' ll t.t e t.y .l"hn lioyilau A 'll llrilggiata. A paitv ol W. Kallnaa and thrir aitei mat at tha Imine of Mr. and Mr., .hum" Nell Wrdneul.iy eveninif in honor ol the f irmor't birthday. An e a'air.it 1 topper wrt iprra 1 an I a-gnatlv a-gnatlv enjoyed. A beautiful fl .ial tri-Imle tri-Imle a aa preaented lo the Kiuple. Tlin'e pn-aetil were Mr. and Mra. Jimaa Nail, Mr. and Mr. John WiU. n, Mr. and Mr.. J. n. Clark, Mr. and Mr,. 0. II. 1 Arnold, Mr. and Mia. P. S.imnor,, Mr. ami Mr.. Jo.i pb Jouet, Mr. and Mra W. Lew. The w eek ended SeptiuilaA !! 0nel with tainperature ttaive normal, but the latter pait wat cooler than uetial. The average temperature for the week wat a ana limn, nl. Heavy froatiariirt"! in the elevated vall. y of the lortb antral pjrt ol the alate on Hie morning 4 the 1 Slit, killing tender plant! in aia. ' Tliuudei ahoaera were Retinal ovr the it ite from the 'MM to Hdi. In Hi-c Hi-c inline, Jnai eual ol the Wi.atcti tuge, the preclpitatiou wai heavy enooli to tie ol counideraloe value to luiucrOr-tnd the ranget, but elmwhere the inltll j wti too light to be of much atvice. Thraabitig ii now well uuder way .Kliaat and oattlrotn Irrigated Heidi are mating a Hunt the average yield. CorncnRtifrei to do well and nutating eart are l-w pluiillliil, I'oliitatoei made good frol't. j hut will not iinike an average el . riugar beett did well and will uiiikea'.H crop. Tonitloet ripened very ihVli' Kail plowing bat begun in tome lx-ttiea. lx-ttiea. 1 It l an ill wind thai bloatnubody gool 1 Aeaaeemenl No. 3. i.opper Coin Mining eompany, olllr J and ptlncipul place of tiuiineie, Vow villa. Utah. Notice i hereby given that at a imV ing ot the ditectori, held on Hie 7ih my ol Allguat, II1-, anaiaaiMlleutol oiuaid one hall milli per ahare on Hie raPal tock waa levied oil all ouptnjlng aharaa, puythlu on or before Saptollwr Hub, l'.KC. at Ilia otl.ee of the r, rtry, at Coitlvdle, I'Ult. Anv Mock itiam ahirh the aaaauieiit may remain unpaid ot the lib flay ol SeplemlMT, ItKfJ. v ill la) de!lmiiit and ailvertiaed for tale tt public tin i, ami iinleia payrnent ii uiadilH.fure.aj many ol the iluirci reprax nlid by 'beer-I 'beer-I ill. ale ol the t'.a'k n ibiimpieJaa may lie mceaaary will la'anldon Ibfithday of Keptemlier, It"'., it 2( Vlocli. 111. , to pay the delinquent .,ainellt j'uMlier with the coat of a Ivartiang ait A'penae ol aale. titan igoeT, (reiary. Ily order of the Hotrdil lUrctore. Coalville, I'lah. Ailiilt;th, IIHU. |