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Show UTAH STATK XKWS are completed for a (l.1.(x( .lltlon to Ihe woolen milla el 1'roeo. 1 he member of the N. (i. II., will pend th week io camp near l.agoon. Tin last diphtheria flag haa been , taken ton anil Ulchfleld la again free from lha disease. War against hnhoee la being made la Proeo, al brukebeam lourlata bring fined lit each laal week. ' Maonel Hoiithwl.k, avail II, fell ram a load of hay al I.tlil laat week and .tial.lned a broken leg. Tim application of I'eler Mmtrnwn, " eonelrtrd of tli murder of Jame. Hay, for a Bra trial haa barn refused. Tin orrnpaiia of Ilia Halt Lake Cltjr jail will U Upl bujr In Ilia futura working oa public, luiprof amenta. A contract liaa bran lat for tlia elnk-Ing elnk-Ing nf a dosra four Inch walla for (lit purpose of supplying walar for tin town of Nrbo. Kotihrri entered lha room of a treacling trea-cling man al lrlil ona night laat wark and arrured aaah and ilrafta to tha amount of II 2S. Mr. Husa Young (late, haa returned to l'rovu Clly from Copenhagen, whrra aha want to attend tlia International eongrrea of woman. In an ma parte of Hanprla eallay thi f raaahoppcr war la being waged with ronldarabla energy, t' s,i isata lliara la now no fwuifLg - aouoljr. T-ai- Tha widow of Thomaa Hulking, who waa klllrd by being atruck by a atrrat car about Iwu wrrka ago, haa aurd tha atrrct railway company for 1-10,000 damage. Iielweea 3,000 and 4,000 propla witnessed wit-nessed tlia laying of tha eornar atooa of tha John Judge Mamortal Mlnara Home and Hospital In Halt l.aka City lot Monday. Ilerl W.lker roal a hnrrlllla death In tha Nlleer King mlna al I'ark City. While at work on tha ano-foot level ha waa caught unilar a fall of rock and ern.hrd lo death. ti.org Harrison of Hprlegrllle tie Ju.l had iflowing well driven on hi ferui Just talon town. Ha weuldowd I a dutiil Jfrr 'M fMi and gut a . Couii- e'.a. during lha pal weak, (received urdrra for immedlabs and fall ahlpnienia of .beep amuuutlng lo orer ,'MH) and S.Vsi head of steer dree. While limiting In Mule Cottonwood canyon, Addison Mrfurlaln waa accidentally acci-dentally ahut In Ihe eUoinrn with a calibre rllle, aii.l.lnlng a wound that mar terminate fatally fur Ilia lad. A Hre atarteil by hoy. In lha dry (rasa nirailont aoolliraal of Itk'hfleld few day ago anejit over several Maid and drstrorrd a great deal of fcliclng. Fo-tniialcly, no liay or grain etacke were destroyed. It la aald that Ihe Navajo Indiana who lire In the elrlnlty of tha Join I comer of ( olors.lo. I'lali, New Mrxlcc and Arlsnux, and who numbrr about I 10,rnMi, are on tha rerge of etarralloo, I owing tu the prolonged drouth. It I predicted that lha atata fair ta ba held In Halt l.aka City will break II previous reroriU a lo lha nilnibet of aahlhlla and attendance. Tha fail will open on Tuesday Htipt. 30, and will run until the following Saturday night, (kit. 4. It la now Intimated thai Clyde Felt, tha Halt Lake buy who killed old man Collins, may Bcerr be tried for the crime. Young Kelt clalint ha cut Col-Una' Col-Una' throat at the I a tier request. It la believed by Mime that tha atata will not proeerul and lha raaa will ba dls-minted dls-minted by comrul. Henalor W A. ( lark of Montana, who waa U Hall l.aka laat weak, declare de-clare that ork on lha Han I'edro !road, lu which ha la Interested, la being be-ing pnahril forwaril aa rapidly aa pua-atbla, pua-atbla, aaal that it I ouly a question of lima uotll the road will reach Hall l.aka City. Alala Hinllli. of Clrcleallla, who waa j wtorklug fur Hhrpherd II roe. In getting , out woikI In oonlraot with tha Annia 1 l.aurla company, waa fatally Injured ' by being atriick on lha head by a allck , of wood that jumped out of tha hula. i) Mac Auguat 4, when tha fraaahop, ', gr bounty ordinauc want Into elTeot, , Utah county ha paid out II, 470.94 In . ' bounty at lha rale of so rente a buahel. j rha hopMre fur which Ihla amount ol ,! aiioacy haa beeo paid weighed 177,911 ) pounile, about -WM buahela. Tha atiH'kholdera of the Peaeer, Northweatern Sl I'aclHc Itallioad com. iany met Saturday and toted to laaue i?a,M)).cl In 4 per ceul gold booda fol tha conalrui'liou of the road lo Hall Lake, 'l ha t'oulract waa let to the Colorado I' la h uuttruclioo company. Nrplemlier 0 li been art a tha datl for Irial of Merrill W. Kalghn, accuael f the inurdcr uf IV. N. Ilayura al tin KnuUfurd hotel In all l.aka City laal Jlcccuilier. Tha defruac will probably maluulu Hi"' Kalglm waa temporarily iuteoe at tb a time '.In tragedy occujrcc |