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Show n haitL Mi lUsar.a. ITt.h. Sep.. 4, lin2. Kiiitoh Tinea : JiikI Foalei'a inmlnl"" It w..r-e thai, it la.t week, and he ia very lew ! at the pii-.eiil tune. Mia. Kniieie.lon and .taiuiMer i f "g-den "g-den are v ai'ii g heie, the iliuala of Mr. and Mra. (1. K..-rt'. Mi.al.ucy Sicpbenegavea aocial party on Monday la-t In honor of tbe anniver-eary anniver-eary of hei lPth binbdiiy. lrain Critteiiden ami Koik-Ii hrown ol ' lloylavllle were) the apeekera at the altcrnooti iio-eting on Stimluy bo-l. Tbe higher giade of our .ii-l. let e.-ho d commenced ou Tueahay "I thia week. A Mr. Brown from l'rnvo la principal. Mra. lUrl Stephena ana c.illed inhaale to Halt Lake on the 2nd to attend the f.iner.il of ber uncle, Alei. W right, who j died quite i.iddenlv in Idaho. Tim llenefer Hundiiy reload will have a picnic In John I'a.kett'a grove on the 2lth Inat. They have Invited the Kcho and Croyden tchnola lo j In them and everylxuly will be eipeled lo lake their own lunch. |