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Show I 1 J V-.- -. 1 The DEVOTED Ycl. i: TCi NEWS. Ccrrc;? v . -4 K.t 'WAS.- -' ' Kama, Utah, Sept. .Editor Timas : Qurew ehurih brick walls are fit -- Baking Powder 3, 1902. Most healthful leavener in the world. ft ai.l wile, Pearl Pack, Tbon.a, (,rt - E. Pack and C. A. Lizzie Callia went down to ri.Lake Monday. - ' Ward conference u , heid here las n &nndaj . r Nearly atf'oT'Liie Stakes d ward officers spoke Hrberiagan acco nt of themselves during lie past year. 8t improvement is anifest in r egard to keeping the word 0 i adorn. powoc v eoA , ' tjiN evii.a ,tl. j Adr j Sept, 4, 1902. ' t WANSHir. itograpbere, are woi'k bi jon,- - week. ' Wawship, Utah, Sept. 3, 1902. Editob Times : Lorenzo Anderson ie down from Idaho his parents and frteodi. viaiting store. r f , The sound of tbe reaper is heard Vitb ihef poet I i claim; "And The grain crop ia good. e still '!ui a e each others . Mist Bilim Pendleton has returned A J from Croyden after a pleasant visit with I e and 5 lornings have I.. gate ? friends. the.' fc.Mi.len ft France? Mr, ' counter 104I ant the J 41 is t-- d .j rrr .EUaa-- 1 s 35; it K of com uisut among her as,ocistes. hq has lieea a Mrs. Bert Stephens was called in haste l in the ,taien Unlveraity of to Salt Lake on tbe 2nd to attend the i ir U'ah,i? ears everry past has been funeral of her uncle, Alex, Wright, who promiiH a ,it teacher H the punbe died quite suddenly in Idaho. j iir county, The Henefer Sunday school will have . WrCi a Is a young man of ability a picnic in John Pasketts grove on the who baai g his euciess tmi'er difficu- l20th iijst. They have invited the Echo stlfmsJe and poteee-and Croyden schools to join them and Stt'tacieristtcs, wtdeh are 1 everybody will be ezpeted to take their 1 ways ia this class of men. That own lanch. Hf predate his abilities is roven I, ,.,e hotmrs they have A QonBBiattloi t lie baa served in the cty Mr. Editor Allow me t speak a few Li iiuocii 'natjre towpjlsauex words in te or of Chamberlains Cough j .'tub's fecond btae IglHla Remedy. I raftered for three years with member f the bronchitis and could not sleep at tire, and Hi g lnn U iuillted to the nights. I tried several doctors and varius Upreme , r of t! Ir etate iu P .he has patent medicine but could get nothing i.cc bees k l 'n Ie 1 p 0 give me any reief until my wife got a . II of fcrory y. bottle of this valuable medicine, whlck has completely relieved me. W. 3. ' Both lhr t Brockman, Bagnall, Mo. This remedy it ardent ) sold by John Boyden A Son Druggis former has imme.k 5 e ex-tnd- Miss Etama ltobmson , Wherea. puji.Aut 'to ctiun tlve him Irtt) an tliirtenn of toe Revised Statutes of Utah, 1898, approved, legalized and ad ip eJ Msfh 2, 1899, a petition preretilrd to --tW- Bwrti of rd Summit County . Commissioner Conuty, Utah, Angus! St b,' 1902, signed by the qualified electors of said county, iu num'ier equal to a maj irity of tha Tte cvt at the general election held Novem b t tub, 1900, (raying fur the sulimission of tha question of the removal of the rouBty seat of Summit County, Utah, from Coalville, Utah, to Park City, Utah, to the qualified electors of aaid county, to be voted upon et the general election to be held Novem' . ber 4th, J9Q2; 1 Now, therefore, we, Bartley Juhu J. 1 ow McDon-oiiginr- rid n, County Cora-tmerion- enj nyerous udrt .1 f A newspaper man has an up bill work j it is be dtmnedif you do, and be It all depends damned if you dont, on whose ox is heing gored. .Thomas pi age ofHolliday, Balt Lake county, ie here on a visit with some of his old friends. Tom is the same genial, w bole sonled ami happy gentleman at he has been in tbe past. Mr. and Mrs. David Neff retained The coming eleetwn will be fought to hom from Vernal the last of the week, a finish and both political parties are The wedding dance of David and of ballot. The preparing for the battle Emn)g Neff was given last .Friday even . ' cottnty seat removal will be the great j iDfactor in the battle ; then kgain, a very j a number of our young people Quite strong effort will be made to get tbe beet attended the wedding dance of Alex men to accept of office In tbe precinct Street in Upton OB the Srd. and county Ttfie partythat will carry out - William and Frank Edgel and Chester this plats ie bound to win. - a Mslin left for Provo this week where Vikk. B. R. they will attend the B. Y. Academy. The Y. L. M. I. A- - of Iioytsvide will kockcurt give a dance on the evening of Annual Hot aeoKT, Utah, Bept. 3, 1902. day. Sept. 12th. All are rordially in ' Editor Times: vited to attend. Ezra Work rum and wife of Park City j A Certain Car for Dyseutery made a short visit here on Moodsy. Dia- rSalt Lake rbeoa. Mr. Leak and family from here. "Some year ago 1 was one of a party valley are viriring wiih friends Monreturned that intenlealed making a loo.r bicycle Mrs. Gibbons ami an HeberJ in trip," says F. L. Taylor, of Albany New friends dy from a vi. t with Bradford Cuuutr, la. vt on taken The speakeis at our mean a suddenly with diarrhoea, and was Wilkins givs op thd trip, when editor dav were F. h. IV right, Osc.ir of the Lafeyville Messenger, tag- 'Vrd. Gibbons. nnl Oliver gested that I take a dose of Cbainber- A..d.cdent happened hers veer-jUii- i. I here-in- l- U'ore Alolirc, United States Lino OrxtCK Balt Lake City, Utah, Aog 7, 1902. t 1 To Whom it may Concern: Notice is hereby given that the Ftato; of Utah has filed in this office lists of lands selected by the sail giate under section 1 2, of the Act erf Congress ap- j proved July 18, 1884, Tli 4 billowing tracts embrated in said lists, are in to Mships containing mineral e'aims f ,t! U - However, we Sowswryiliti Corresponding Secretary and Histor- kave no objection to this step, provided, ian Mrs. R. F. Nortbcott. that each agree to hold .no regular ' L. E. Mrs. Eldredge, fmutDal coi jiint sessions, for these are Reporter Treasurer Mrs.O. W, French. ntrary to Mutual Improvement Rales. Program Committee Mesdames Alma A reception w ill be tendered the hs -Eldredge, W. L. Hansen and Carl Allicouple tonight at tbs home of tha son. del parents in Ksmas. Tbe club will devote ita attention to UVSBY WAKBUBTOK. the Stndy of French history. Mrs. Hannext will the ladiesat their sen entertain Warbnrton and Miss r, Joseph Fatale Livsey, both of this place, were regular meeting. Sept. 17th. u J in the Weofsday of rar-- nl - T!t . - L iomiuitoeKier absent on account of sickness. Bara Cara For -t ttvte , . -: Vo IIlb p.., ... it, ; l. t No, 132, Reservoir, lb-MVL' SU N'WijhEVf MV SWB Bee. 34, N)a SW1 ; BE,1 li-- I; Illas 3N., K.7E., 8. L.Mer. Itching Piles produce moisture and List No 21, School of Mine,--tL- this form, as well as Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles are cured Pile Remedy. Stops by Dr. icthing and bleeding. Absorbs tumors. 50c s jar at Drugg'sta, or sent by mail. Treasusa free ; write about your case. Dr. Bosauko, Philsda. Pa. For sale by John Boyden A bon. causa xi R. 7 tVJ N A E., 8. N M !. Me Coplea of eaid Ran. I"), Tp. e 8W 8ec. 4, Tp.SN., SE,1 so .ar as they rebv deacriptiv subdivisions, have been conspicuously posted in this office, for inspect ion by any person interested, and by tbe public gen- list, late to said tracts, erally, - Duriug th sixty day next following ths date of this notice under departmental instructions of Novemwr 27,'. 1898, (23 L. D 459), protests or contests' against the claim of the State ta any of the tracts or tubdivisions herein before described, on the ground that the Same l more valuable for mineral than for agricultural purpose will be received and noted for leport to the General Land flfficeit Washington D.C. Fall- - T , are so to protect or contest within the time specified will be Considered sufficient evidence of the Walter Caldera 00 1, special police. , character of tbe aaid tracts, and the seWm Fro-t- , special police 2 69 lection thereof, being otherwise free W. G. Johnston, special police. ... . 2 50 from objection, will be yecoaimeoded . The report of the marshal for Jply and for approval. August was read and approved. , Fbakb D. Hobbs, Register, The name of W,G. Johnston was pre Georoe A. Smith, Receiver. sented at deputy marshal, an by mo APErioniKeble Art.' tion the appointment was confirm id by I Went all the world to know," writee the council. Rev. C. J. Budlong, ol Asliaur, R. I, After henedietionbr Councilman Lamb 'what a thoroughly good and reliable medicine I fauvd in Electric Bitterr-.Council adjourned." They cured me j.iuudic- - and liver troubles that had caused me great auf-- ,. A Mo) a Wilde Hide Ter Life. faring for insny year. For a gmuiee . Wi h family around expecting him cure they excel anything J . to die and a sop riding for life, fS miles, DU!9r rnget Dr. Kmg. New and W Colds, H, L 0 nauuipuon.Co tgh JouWes v -, Ind., endutei Dm I tail to' Broan, of 50 eti them. try 'Only d mi hs agonies from wnuius, but this Satisfaction is guaranteed by John Bog-d- en mediTTue gave in --t ant relief woiib-riu-l A Boo Druggist. -: I now and own cured him. He writsleep aou'i II v every night, lias mar Every steam fmdeth iti o channel. ov Foeuaioma, cures Better bate (wo cook than one doctor. a and Grip Bnoicii l, tong', Odd As f the cockcrows the young ones learn. r s all Throat merits prove its uiuicii'e-ami l.'ing troub es Guaranteed holies Curses, like chickens, go home to roost.' 5X and ffl.UO T'al b rules free at llny-iie- iis As the twig is bent the trees inclined. drug store. An idle brain is the devils workshop. WE8T-CL4R- E. others Nervous, Alvl lark of Upon arid Mist Annie unsteady people, weak, fieebless people West ot sia place were married at Upton pimply, pale, or sallow people are alt V John Clark. victims of weak, watery blood. Make by new, rich blood, to be forced through the a was tendered them, ending system by the way of tbe arteries, and with a t fiance at night. Tbe young disease cannot remain. Dr Gunns All k now n and their friend will Blood A Nerve Tonic cures disease by couple wish tarta happiness in their Hew vengiving yon strength to resist it. Person wtio take this Tonic gain in good solid ture. They will make their home in flesh from one to three., lbs,. pcr wtett. J All Druggists sell it for 75 cts. per box, or three boxes for 12 00." The tablets are r 10 taken after each meat. They turn Alexmder Streets, J ,j Iloylsville the food you eat into neb red blood. ' Write us abou jour case, we will send s ml Mi 8t rah Clark of ptog were a pampnlet free telling what this med- united matrimony Wednesday at icine can do, or e wnl mail you the b ex Bishop, John Clark, The medicine on receipt of price. Address. Upton Pa. For sale yonnf mnple Br amoMg Dr. Gunn, Phtladelph.a, mogt p ip. John Boyden A Son. nlarsixi we! in respected vounz penj-lthe by town, wnd-ba- ve a host of LadtM Enltitwlntd. fr.end.'iUof whom wilfjuin in wishing Mrs. W. W. Cluffitnd Mrs Frank Olwn the nr maple smooth soiling during eniertained about iwentv of their lady their st Wei life. friend at w hist Mowdav evening in the Mi if nr e Dwuof Henrfer was hotel parlors. Tbe rooms were besuti- - oi, CLASK-STRE- TS. I -- e fully dtcorated and presented a gay ap . pearapee. Mrs. French was sucCeaeful In captnr- ing the first prize, which eon i.-- ted ol a e lour- j a took beanilfut hand-paint- ed day resulting iHthe death china tea ret and jn)ejv j son of - W illism ,nd Prcindi, i uduee, one iefre starting and one on year-ol- d had ft iha j ib ron e I made the trip successfully Day. ; ? Tha Jatle feilow Delicious 'efreshuients were sereI by effectT Again la-- t W w s B,11 w he "? he minutes boost bnt a few l was almost completely run the hostess, which allowed Hist uo pains . tli found by his eldest r v (down wit an attack of djsentery. 1 weie spared in thia direction. bottle of this same remedy and stable lying on hi far drsrt. n 'he part- .- 'M time one d.we cure me. Bold by thousht that hs climl-et We can do your job work. o Sot climb tJoydenA D.oggists. tD ho.aejjohu tion and Started 1 1 nt i Rob-nson- . j -- msrrW ft B. 8 JJopkins of Blair, Neb , at UgMi We.lnea.Uv. The bride is the bier of Mr. and Mrs. M. " Mei.efer and has many friend- l!,, railroad wn. , tl)LU ,s Take Uxip ve .Rromo Qniniue Tablets. Alt drtKirsu refund tbe nxmev if it fails incurs. k. w. Groves i on signature 25.-- , each I i , K'1 k , ud L-e- -- Con-om- Ihe rough . Mop and works off Ike told. Broino-Quinin- Tablets core e oold iu one day. No Cure, no Pay, Piles (KK DAf 10-1- 8 j Uxative TOLtRiC A 1 8-- well. - The groom is a , e'r i , 3rd. - !: Water Cute far Ckrraii Ceast!patoa-- . Take cops of hot water half an hour n e i py u, hiAtntet before each meat and just before going to u i fl, b hereby submit lied, also a drink of water, bot or cold, the quer ia ( ! the removal of theooun about two hours after each meal. Take- -m iouofoudoorexrriw - walk ride ty seat of bum-ni- t (Vunjtv, drive. Coal of TIrIJuVed this and in fok oundabone of Embank the quaWr Ant and Cause Flood. j tlvatlng gerne.,, constipation may directly responsible J,Phtent tiouttbeuseofany medicine Utah, 1 0 vV'hea n purgative ia required take some. dlAWiter which ol ele. ! ui tj 1m bt-If a''tia Spanish p thing mil I and gentle like Chamberlain Nut ember A. I)., 0 ie 'k,oasand nine Stomach and Li ver Tablets, For tale t y hundred and two. John Boyden & son Druggists, mit, ard power m Sommit Bute.- - The ladies of the 6. B. L. met.wi Mrs. L. E Eldredge Wednesday, Se -- in end furtlie County of Sumv virtue of the St t id Uis ilnowprt, L. place caw near being killed while oat rUh, ramping party last Week. In. company with Hugh Mills and tao other mem- hereof the party, they went out on horseback to hunt chickens. After rid- ing (or some four miles from camp they soared up a chicken auiT Mill ' Uaaed lxiee ailhan old ahot gun that was guaranteed to shoot around aroruer and hit a considerable dlstancy from the mark. Mies Robinson was sear the ipot where the bud flew up and i few iboltf struck her, two striking tbe fleshy part of her right hand, one eateriugtne left elliow, and several in th 1 caff of her leg. The young lady was taken to Evanston and her wounds dressed, 8he then went back to camp and enjoyed the outing. The wounds were not all seriot, but it Wise very narrow escape, and should be e warning to young people how they ' use guns. r ft. B. Ji of this Salt Lake Temple on City Council Meeting. SERVOUa MlOrLB. thia week. Bo'b of the WEAK, The city conncil met in regular session We bave received letters from all parts contacting parties are wetl and favorably Tuesday evening, Msyor Croft presiding of the U. b. highly recommending Dr. know liere and bave a host of friends HO VTSVILLE. and s quorum present. GannaBhmd A Nrve Tonic, until the whoyUl joinJn wishing them happine " 1SW2. been I'rajer '"was offered fey Coftncilmaw faith we had in toe remedy has Hoytsviixk, Utah, Sept. 4, and amsperity daring their married Minutesof session held Aug Walker. EbftoR Times: tbe very beginning that this medicine, life. They wilTvTsif friends TnBaltLake 4th were read and approved. Mis Florence Brown is slowly tecover-in- g shouldmake cures. but lacked, that as and tpect to return Lome tbs first The follow mg Mila were allowed from her recent illness. inrance that comes after many sacceas-fofthweek. WD. running sprinkler $24 90 trials. Now that we bave been upPrimary conference was well attended O. W, French, quarantine......,,. 6.00 to we want to impart held in our belief and all report an enjoyable time. Johu Boyden A Son mdse . . .7 . . 5 70 and our confidence. this 25ctni. return card printed on too envelopes for 7 cents at Y our THE TIM uS t ' - EXECUTED NEATLY A Nwrrow Esce.ee. nv-c- " the to - Mr. Brown from Provo is principal. THE BOARD OF COUNTY COUNTY, UTAH. APKO.'LA MATioNr has filled a a- The prinoipal business was Us Britain, ami election of officers, and the followbig fre M. M. J. A those elected for tbe coming year : I hoik pnrt s . PreeidcaA Mrs.Ala Eldredpa.' j T. if r c ! laei Bnndav vsrte- yresbj ...Li t , J, L.. ' ftcyiTbsi,"' tsjtwo assoctauuD". We had as 'missionaries ' J"1' iiai. yk, bamuel Bnnton of Oakley. v aTLaiu m ten faor ,iie y lug pu Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Young are in Park tral p;rt of toww. ' 4Truth crushed to earth will rite City with tbeir son Ned, who is suffering with an abcess on the leg. again, has been proven a trueism here Tbe priesthood meeting held here last during tbe past few days. was well attended. The ladies Charles W. Seymour of Oakley was in Saturday served lunch and the brethren seemed town the first of the week. Tbe gentleto appreciate it very much. man seems as happy and contented as Fred Reynolds has been calling on tha day ia long. some of hit friends here this week. It J. A. Marchant went to hie ranch in it nnderstood that be will spend tbe Weber canyon yesterday. The gentlewinter in New York and this time he man will move his family home from does not go alone. 4 ranch week. a' e now behind now-a-dty- e. Nr j' sui-ces- eft., County Commiesior r John C. Lam-?- d has been affi,, )Hi) kidney when the animal moved and be fell on trouble for eome time nd hi condition j bis head, breaking his neck. Nobody became to critical tha' Dr. ynch, who saw the accident. When it occurred bas been attend.ogb iY4fwed that he Mrs. Coeeey was at the home of her be taken to the L., ti It Salt Lake. mother and remarked to a friend there fie was taken in y 1 ,iU wife and that she bad eleven children, all bale 'tao'irottjcrs n,f0! jr.fie him. At and hearty, and a few minutes later she I lest accounts he w r&k to be op- -i received the sad news of her 'J tons death. 'erated on.- - Jt is t bjed he will The justice of the peace and several citispeedily recover. V zens met but they did not think it necessary to bold an inquest. Funeral willbs 7'W t held Thursday. a; WORK No. Summit People purtng M "of vbe Wool. e wor-is James Foolers condition , rCAItl, very lew than it was last week, and 0l loesday 'Ms. ti,ace , pack at the present time. of Pharle A. Cslii of CoalKju Mrs. Eggeleaton and daughter of Ogville rw joined in holy fiiatrimoui iu den are v tnn a hete, the liueeta of Mr. h!! 1 b k e Tcoi tV C..Thi cou'ac 1 eg and Mr, (i. Roberts. of Summit partiji.-countys most Miss Lucv Siephensgave a social party oJ iHOmiii-i- it young people j on Moudav last in honor of the anniverS ftblie spirited and having reot the community deeply at sary of her 19ih birlhday. be bride is the Irani Crittenden and Enoch Brown of accomplished vf A ard E- and Laura Iloylsville were the epeakers at tbe Pack, known tmong a large circle afternoon meeting ou Sunday last. The higher grade of our district school offrbl ho speak of her So the Hgb commenced on Tueshay of this week. A esttcii TTie 'sweet disposition she Goes farther. ovusamki 4 Mar BY aJ .looming up. The etbigh all around. Ward E. Pack Utah, Sept. 4, 1902. his , Is. JOS COTXTSrTX. ' WEDDING Ecmttt Ttwiavr Our 4 ' ' : , (MiereJ iiy is ii Yarioas ;Tsi; if'Ctutj. ' ' ' t 4 SUMMIT COUHTl UTAH, .SEPTEMBER 5, igoa. BAVIOKK lltMrti, -- i 1 CC'JiTI , THE INTERlf'S OP STJUMIT COALVILLE, 'Keif cTbrj T UUU Times, S AOYESTISES. THE PEOPLE Vuivtrsltyef , office. I Yol Deemed fer Life. was treated for three -- , ear by good . doctors, writes W. A. Urter, McOon for Piles, ami Fistula nellsvilie.O., but, when all failed. Bucklin' Arntc Salve cured we in iwoweski" varew . i Banj Braieet Cai gwe Ernp. tions, 8alt Rneum, Piles or no pay. 25. t Boy deuadmg store. -- i t Vi : f |