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Show .Nutirr. I llHII.O HTA1K. t.ANO OrKU'ff t I r-Ai.r Lika Cirv, L'tam, t Aug 7, IIKI2. I I To Whom it may Cwrirrii: Nol Ice it hereby given thai the ettatw ' ol Ulah haa Hied In tbll olliee liala of j tarnta n'l.cled by tbe .al I H'ala under I aecllunl2.nl Iha Act rg ('01, great ap. I roved July PI, IKM4, Tht folloalng; j traclt embraced lit aaul liala. arw in f townabip. containing mli.I-rtl ejaima of i jccir.l, Vit. : . I . ' n , .si.V swi' :";,-'i,- s. ' " M k. - lj.t No. 132. Re.ervolr., tba SVV'i 1 Sllli; hKt( NW'y; N W'-4' KW, rW. 34, V, HW '4 ; Hh'4 MW l4 lAec. l, Tp. f 3 U.7 E.. 8. L. Mer. I ! Ll.l No 21, Nchool ol Minea.-tl.aHW ' 'iNlV'4-A V- UK1, fee. 4, Tp.JN., ' f It. 7 E., . L. M,.r. Cnplca of aaid liala, 10 .ar aa lliey re- , bile to aaid tracta, b. deacriptlve atlbdi- 1 vitlona, have been cotiapic tioualr jei.ted y in thia olliee, for iuepecilon by any a.r-enn a.r-enn Intcrcatc I, end by the public generally. gen-erally. During the tlxty dai a licit (ol1 ia ing the date of thia liollco under di part-inental part-inental lurtructiona ot November 27,. IHIIH, (2:1 L. D.,4f), iirotealaorciuiteale aaainat the claim ol the Stale le any of the tract, or enlsliviaione beraiiilN-fore d. B.-rila-d, on the ground thai the tame I. more vahuib'o for mineral than for ugriculiiiral purpoaea will bareielved and noted lor leport to tbt (ieneral Laud lllllce, at W'a.blngton, D.U. Fail- 1 ure to to proiett or conUret ultliin the time aped Iled will be coiiaiderrd ml-llclent ml-llclent evidence of Ilia n.ai-iiiintral character of the aaid tracta, and tha te- leoion thereof, being olherwite free J (mm objection, w ill he rci'iuiuiended t for approval. I Fh.nk . Ilo ana, Regimer. Uxokiix A. Shitii, Koi-uiver. 8-15 10-10 1 |