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Show AWrt'L DEEDOF INSA'SE MAsJl ! ATTEatPTS TO SLAUGHTER Hit FAfAIL WITH A MONKET WRENCH. Rsaehmss l.l.lng Wese rsr Tlly M.k, sj-.rrt.rni! Asall If" Wlfs I sad llsaahlera sad Tha ( . l William Trainman, a rancher llrlIR bout a mile from I'ark City, tried . kill hia wife and two daughter wilt monkey wrench Monday, and, fallljg In the attempt, fired a bullet through lii own hearL Ha heal hla wife and children orer tha head with lha wrench, and WiJi4 probably hare murdered them, had lot their crlea brought aaalatance. Tin olilrat girl a akull wa fractured, and ahe la in a rery precarloua condition, and may not lire. The wife and other daughter eacaped with cula and etrrre bruine. Trainman, who wa but recently released re-leased from Ihe Insaiu; asylum, aermef to be laboring under tha mania that ha had lo kill hla family by acrtslng their head off with tha wrench, but trird also lo persuade them tottand up and allow him to ahot thctnuaa easier mcana of death. Tha tragedy occurred while the labor day celebration wan going on fa the city, and I here wa no ona a the ranch bill Traulman and hi faally. Aliout ia year ago Trainman's brother murdered a young womia and then committed aiiicidc, aud thcaianla fur thai kind of crime, it li said, acrmeil to run In lha family The brother, Tat Trent man. waa ii lore with a young woman by tha nsaie of lluH9 Fuelling, and finding hir out with another young man, he waylaid lliera, killing the girl and wiuniling the young man. lie then ahot himself. |