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Show REIGN OF TERROR FORTY THOUSAND MEN STRIKB COALVILLE TIMES. PRK,DpfFRS DEATH. ATTEMPTS TO pa rtsuimt ca Utah. Coalville. DRAG I ELECTRIC CAR. B.WH IrraMvai r.r.p.. Wltb.Mt Uartore IwJrj bat la MaOl? HratoaO mwral Siml re Sttwwat of lk ManbnM U Hre tar KUImI. - Riu in completedto th woolea A WITH AI HIDING STRUM BY WHIi H ME At UTAIl STATE NEWS for a fis.oot mill at Provo. Presiaddition The dreg which wes coo reylog of (ht If. O. lf, will dent Hoooevelt end party from PittsI lii DMiiiUo pesd lb week la camp near Lagoon. field to Lenoa. Mass., Wedsesdsy morn' Tbalaat diphtheria flag haa been log collided with an electric car near taken down and Richfield la again free IHtlafield sod was totally demolished. on 'I he president escaped, without per from tbdieMU... and bruised War agaiaet hobo Is being made injury, but was aererely scratched about tbe face sod brekebeam tourist '' Keeiseiow9ewi I SLAUGHTER MONKEY A!! FAMiL MIS WREMCH. Nf Tmhfn Im f1rMe, Italy Wblcfc Hay IpfMMl W Akamukag PnortlMv It la estimated that 40,000 men is Florence, Italy, Cpaa Ba of Colombia will formally demand In regard to Nicaragua an explanation participathe latter country allefd Cotion in the revolution again! the her back up lombian government nod land demand with th most formidable u and naval force she can muatera e on t activity as tbe present rebel Informaisthmus haa been crushed. tion to this effect has been received Washfrom en authoritative aource in . ington. t arrival , Shortly after Minister Cores some in Nicaragua, where he went 1 e absence, leave week ago oo Colombian minister at Washington, to t ta staled, received information for ammunition Sod effect that arm isU'mu lh on rebel Colombian the from Cor oto. were beiuif bMpp Tbe Colombian legation at Washing-o ton, had been receiving report n tbia character continually, wit effected view of the arrangement before tbe Nicaraguan minister lost no Cooch Washington, Befier to a lime in ailing Mrorea tbe matter. Tht,t ZeU, plied that Preside, 1B;ertlglll0B mediately luljfeporta were ascertain ii lh founded, however, more re- art Idle, The employe! different callings have joined tha strike that began last Friday, and tbe town appears to be in a slate ol eiege. Troop here been recalled from ,'? of HostllttiM-- IN SHOT BY STRIKING HIRERS VIRGINIA WEST BLACKSMITH of forty sad Than Dutton Sole 14m. ANOTHER WAR CLOUD APPEARS lh Colorablx sad Mlcarat-S- rt BEGINS. Hoa-ralo- a Man WhoTaSa Strikers Plscw Terrorised ssd ISors Trouble Is Viper ted. tilB tha maneuvers and from tbe camp, and A special from Bluefield, Ve. V. os to William Trautmao, rancher thrtig every aqnare in 4he city occupied by ay; Ther to mneb excitement thousand creek Six ovei of a company soldier. Crane creek and bimrooos about a mile from Park City, tried troops, in addition to a number of car- the recent shootings. Thursday morn, kill hie wife eod two daughters wilt bineers and policemen, have been conemployed ing John Ruble, monkey wrench Monday, and, falliag In tbe attempt, fired a bullet thromh centrated in the city. by tba Sagamore Coal A Coke corapaey( Tba government, w hVch, according to waa shot by striking miners and killed, hi own heart. le beat bis wife end children orer its democratic programme, ha allowed Report were current during the day a that a number of guarda had been killed as the bead with the wrench. nnd "would the strikers complete liberty" long order waa maiotained, baa assumed a nod wounded by the tinker, but inbad murdered them, ot bare probably striktbe vestigation proves that Ruble was their cries brought assistance. The most energetic altitude since the to remain in company workmen forced ers Ruble, was killed man aknll fractured, willing oldest girls only ith Barney hbumate, of thia city she le In a very precarious condition, idle and committed acta of vandalism. forhero have of so us All and wife ether per meetings ho bad been employed a a guard, left and may not live. 'The on of perand hundreds suspected and bidden, cute severe with the company store to go to a point daughter escaped son bava been arrested. These mea' tbe works to stand irusrd, aa the com bruises, d disorder and have pany ftared a visit from a raob. urea have Trautmao, who was but receqtif reefforts of the susrchlsl Ilia leased from the inaaup asylum, seamed frustrated they were fired ou, sud Ruble tbe to socialist elements aad by profit mania the under fell. Shumate was armed with a rifle, ibal to be laboring being badly prove, sis was nrma. Becrel Hervlee Agent Craig fined 1& each last week. of tbe roolormao was the Maeoel Sonthwkk, aged II, fell killed, ae coachTbe president's car. Iron a load of bay at Lebl last week electric the man. I), J. Pratt. w thrown from and sustained broken leg. will Ha fractured. ahull bis and The application of Peter Mortenaen, drag die. Both borsee were killed. e ave-teprobably of James murder Hay, eon etcted of th were taken to IilUfield The injured for A new trial' baa been refused. in ambulances The oeeupaijt of tbs bait Lake City trike to foment trouble. PERSONS KILLED ha had to kill his family by serening and opened fire on the miners, who, A THOUSAND jail will be btpt busy In tbs future to the cutting of gas pipes after their first volley, ran. None of tbe " Owing with off but wrench, heads Ibelr working os publis improvements. Kraptloa la the It mult uf the The nontried also to persuade them Vo eland certain portions of Florence are now them have been arrested. lalKiiO f Mrettotore. A contract haa been let for tbe sink The populace with lorehee lighted them took srlikers men tba to as who an shot him pieces allow and union up condemns the strike as out o f all proH has been learned from tha genlag of a down four locli wells for tbe of them aud of re terrorized, death, meant easier involved insoy small to the of tbe island Martinique, question portion darmes of tbe purpose of supplying water for re leaving. Tbs tragedy occurred while the labor The municipal newspapers h re ceased Boase Terre, town of bebo, rays a dispatch from . A Thurmond, W Va., dispatch says: atrike on of tbe la aa waa a to result tbe celebration going appear per1,060 day A sbot tit Island of Guadeloupe, that is I nee Robbers entered tbe room of a true-llnone More in no in Washington, to was What feared end there tbe duripost elty, Everything ia qmet in the New river ports vrti- - r killed and 1,500 injured and hit the atrike that mao at Lebl ona night last week sona warelest Trautmao may but spread rencii contagion fanlly still contin-ppo- rt Moot Pelee, of j and haa field coal (Thursday tbe eruption igua tonight ing tbe effect l' About sis years ago Trautman's to Milan, Genoa aud other industrial and aeesrsd cash and drafts VO the According to an official account thn of the a save tbe been quiet throughout day, ued her iih was one of the brother murdered a young womia and Centers. amount of 12I, aud Colom-d- , which in eruption of Aog. 30 been and the at skirmish mania little committed suicide, then Captortou, TRAIN BLOWN FROM TRACK, experienced lutionls baa raturnsd moat severe thathad Buds her patience kind of ertme, it it said, fired but no for that were of Mrs, boss Young Get shots or more a and part twenty great Rouge bia now, i teemed to run In tbe family j Tbe where Morn cided to present a Hows ... to Troto CllJ from Copenhagen, b Struck by Trud twoHurled Ah hi pa Bouillon were destroyed. waa love Pet exhaust brother. Trautmao, it, t'sraon River suit ICsitmakmMtl Capelo the Internationa or fttteod an explanation, the Tbe tone between here arrived of she went to meot today stale troops womau by the name of formal J Killed. and tbe valley of Champ Florre nod with a young understood tbe about Meaowl distributed and out are aud eongreaa of womao, hty finding being devaated. tonight Hope Fuelling, been bae Rein Fonda Marie Two oeraone were killed, three fatal various eoal a nominal ex- man, be waylaid la soma parts of Sanpete valley the Mont Caotwte suffered severely end the with another young operslions where there lente eoi and the wounding burned. them, ly were killing injured and more than a score of was trouble yesterday. girl with la war waged being greaabopper billyh Uteucn. the young man. He then shot himself. others hurt Sunday in the w reck of a hheriff Daniel thinks that more sericonsiderable energy an down hurled jHOOT been had which train ous trouble will soon follow. Much SOLDIEI at the there is now no bou Loting NINERS. embankment by a tornado. A west- has already been destroyed-aneounty. bond lrin on the Chicago A North property unbea- r- Klfkf. tmd. Driven Ashra Dart.. to Fir t poa it ia believed that the sending of Troop list Oi Tbe widow of Thornes Spiking, who iiU fitooe. ableT Uala at Pur Klllth, bos Ik Africa. J western railroad, waa struck by a tor the Thru1 sinkers to tend will W Mob ho street enrage a etruck troops was killed by being by nado white running at the rale of thir more than ever aud bloodshed other means may Eighteen veaaela. iqostly nailing! BTRtKEnd FIRE MINES. ear about two weeks ago, has auad tbe Having exhausted miles en hour, two mile from soon result. d in Have ashore driven been craft, protecting for preserving peace etreet railway company for 150,000 iolence on tbe Tree le Property ef Poeebee-t- e gale at Port Elizabeth, South Africa, Heridiau, Mina. The passenger and At Tamoqua, Pa the first clash be- the apply oa men damages. care were hurled eighteen tween the Colliery te Wert Virgin!. e in the aol. to teshe4 were of the and Five than) pieces u. miners striking tbeir way to aod from the Between 3,000 and 4,000 people witmines ef the Pocahonia The of the crews were N down the embankment to the diera haa oecm red. Tbe strikers stoned aud members great ailthe igadier coal district. Pennsylvania nessed the taring of tho corner stone guarding the right-of-wacompany at Barnwell, W. V. Two tuge are also reported to colliery lost the soldier aod for a time it looked aa General Gobln, in command V the Miners Memorial of tbe Jobe Judge ' iwen lighting the lamp. if a serious riot would occur. Five of are on fire. Tuesday morning the have foundered and a scora lighters Ufd troops now in the coal fields, hs hheo the crash came and the wreckage Boms and Hospital In Balt Lake City strikers applied the torch to the, ftr there are uuder an order lhat the soldjers shall f HredJbat are ashore. and arrested were rioters the weti oil. of mine ihe spilling iotia jwrUon olth nef tj by last Sunday. f entrance, which la on tha Virginia aide, wRIbe a great loss oTnfeTTTTT JTbe engineer! reported tohaveaeen a heavy guard. any persons detected in the Tier! Walker met a horrible death la eed the mine le now said to bf burning In tie tornado apparent pursuit of tbe Sir John Uordon Spriggs, the pre-- i The chances for so early resumption or other missiles af'r stones tba hiirrr King mine at Ferk Clty. furiously. mier, said in the house of assembly, min aud scarcely aa instant before of tba mines in the anthracite coal throwiog that if any mot resist the authority wind struck the care tbe train guv level he The guard and atrtkara rail volleyto that be feared the lose of life from thaV While at work on tha 800-foin a sudden apart to evade tha fields oa the same scale as they were the tioops, they ahull freely use th at each other, hut It gala would be euormona. Tbe storm j sTUrcb waa caught under a fall of roek and after volleywhether futuei-sliapnnvoee waa killed. broke shortly before midnight and wa fury. It waa 5:40 o'clock operated previous to the strike of the bayonets. known not , an mine workers are not good, according crushed to death. Thn governor of Virginia will be accompanied by a deluge of raia ana wbe Ike traia ws struck. Fully Th Pud ther creek valley has bet haa appealed to to send troop to Pocahonbrilliant ligbtniog. The Right waa bom aid a half elapsed before a wreck-luftMi- a to the outlook at Pittslon, Pa. Several in Georg Harrison of Sprlngvllle almost contoual turmoil thia wee la esituation arrived. The out to went Several tas at toga very dark, col lie rl ea li a y e ber n started butjoot and . Just had iBowieg well driven on hie, aid-o- f .veaaela. bat the endangered " tb. .t root - etol Utoed 1 h e re ba tha Tv rmavWvwte Legists' or Msy listtlv Coal One ia working at anything tike its ca- bad some strikers nothing was vial farm juat Wod foton." "W toW hie on shore at Pm-- t dificnlty ia protecting th V1 Vnwsboukss and got st ''WKtrlfc. a dlaubclr-.n,rJf- t pacity. At each of these mines, itia lire of the Forkmen. Tbe other sec-- '-rumor rteeutatioa Is t "'DSlatent Vayilght rnvekte3Ttha belch at llw apmiUeW'3 wwwwwmi niss-ww'XIu ion a jure compare jjarriabu rg. Pa, that a epseial ass-lt- im men are t work, but the claim ia uga,t,d tbewtoera Iroiothe fact that north and of Algos bav strewn witV Count iaa, daring ah peat week. A Dumber oa tbeir side were severely veaaela lively quiet of be the called and may legielatnre while oththat made lying high dry, they are getting more every received orders for immediate and fall lojured. 4 mob gathered at the Dorraace cot ers were la the surf and being swept by, Governor Blone in tbn interest o Th normal tonnage of these day. orar to of , tbe near Wilkesbarre because it waa. breakers sheep amounting by bnge shipment liery "the tn to Bolts. arbitratloi pyistation looking Mining Congne mioee during regular working time ia u rumored ,000 and ,500 bead of stear calves.' that the colliery waa about the ttrike ta tbe anthracite When President Sbafnar called the ratal StabMag Affray In l uh frtooa. 1,000 ton per day, while at present they to Tbe crowd soon scatwork. start While homing la Little Cot toa wood , are turning out about 300 ton. t Mike McCormick, a notortoos crook Mining Congress to order for Its fir accwhen it waa found Addison waa McCurtsln bn si ness session at tha meeting la who waa It la understood that should there b aoyoa, While aa average of 3,000 ton of tered, however, serving time fur a heinous waa incorrect. The rumor the tbe thal with In a the abdomen following shot morning, Butte, Tuesday demand identally fer calling thelegla mioed coal is being daily popular was literally cut to pieces with prepared in general strike situation remains un3 calibre rifle, sustaining a wound staten and territories answered to the offense, stars a demand together, imperativs the a case knife by John Gray, a desperate and the average for 1900, when unmistakable, representing lh but district, changed. Borne coal ia being shipped that may terminate fatally for the lad, roll call; California, Colorado, Illinois, Maine I 176 day were worked during the but the quantity ia so small, compared A fire started by buys la tha dry waa V8.988 ton per day, ta O t. i,J dlrMtl,,ufT.r with the normal shipment, that it baa b, tli.co.1 atrike, th. year, 1 Kmli, Utah gr sea meadow soiitlieaul of Richfield Mnrl.Mo,Unk. the etete would be constrained call to New Thefigli New governor penitentiary. York, North Mexico, Dekota, or no effect on the market. The AN OLD little MURDER MYSTERY. several a few days ago swept over an extra session. Texas, during which Gray stabbed KcCormh Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania. now coming to market is princifuel - fields end destroyed a deal of While no .confirmation of these ru- It Is Cleared t p bv Finding the ictlm-Alive great Utah, Vermont, Virginia. Washington, five times, cutting a number of vlti pally nasberj aud louse coal. no bay or grain Wisconsin, Wyoming, Washington, D, organs, occurred fa the laundry mors can he secured from an official fencing. and Hearty, 1 of Men In an encouuter between troops and Mouth the ia a C., Dakota, it that aource, of stated Republic the last legislative Bum were prison partmeot stacks destroyed. Mystery surrounding a supposed strikers at LaDaford, Pa , Captain YV, luo end Canada solution of the grave siluatiou in tha afternoon. to the si According It ta said that tbe Navajo Indians ments of officials of the iastitnOj atrika ia possible. murder, believed to have been com- 11. Heim of Ksmsrkshl Ksespe From Dmtb. Company K, Twelfth regiMcCormick has had charge of me mitted near here thirty-thre, who live In the vicinity of thn johrt years waa care two ment, and IN Three BLAIN BATTLE. slightly injured. A half freight engines laundry department and Gray haa bla corners of Colorado, Utah, New Mexico lias been cleared up, swysa Uater-To- o, dozen were- - bayoneUed by th remarkstnUera hi fellow a ther of demolished under result it the working and ArtooBa.Ttudwh&Butnberatiout oner. McCormick, it i ststed. ma Two Ilandr-- d Rtbcta Klllte ate JVtumdnl dispatch, by the in IheJrueaa. soldiers railroad Wabash ou wreck the able are on the verge of starvation, n Five Hour Fixht Cwir tiann. Jlie xk li wl' halc aod heuetj hull r, aod ii iid to that occurred in a dense fog three considered apicked upon of an official nature from in Minneapolis, Minn He ia now on EARTHQUAKE IN MINDANAO. owing to the prolonged drouth. Gray, HnJay Advices An east of Indiana. afternoon the two were ia the bia tats fallals miles eaat Peru,tralo from rf that effect Curacao way severe the that lo reto reIt ta predicted Hie city join drawn by - two and aome heated word pssaed betteen' bound passenger Houirt Overturned mt Burred, and Be held In Balt Lake City will break Met ormigk, It iatoid, fighting occurred F'rlday between the maining members of hi family. Thrown Down. collided with a through freight, tbe two men. engines Thomas Frederiek naa a lad of lfl all previous records aa to tha aumbet both going at a high speed. The six struck Grays blow thatsUggeretMiiu, government force ami the advance The scanty reports received regardand os tbe latter fell thifioor guard of the revolutionary army under thirty-thr- ee of exhibit and attendance, Tbe fait years ago, when be wm without a scratch. he seised a sharpened towards the recent earthquakes in tbe ising escaped eoginemen case kuif'lhat General Mato. , The revolutionists will open on Tuesday Sept. S0L and One employed on the farm of Charles Pickturned over into the ditch lay on one of. the tuba. land of Mindanao show that they beengine phfged were commanded by Oeneiala Xelio ett, near Redwood. After a dispute will run until the following Saturday and the other two locked together, the knife Into the body of ry hie nitago-pi- st St. The damage 4. fivu times, literally eaitias the and VHal, They made an nttempt to over milking, Pickett knocked the boy gan Thursday, August Oct. sight, waa Tbe passengers all escaped injury. few fatalities were hut town widespread, of th after man to pieces. occupy Gnaye.i but, down. Frederick disappeared. Ther , It la now intimated that Clyde Felt, five hours, they surrendered No have however, reported. fighting reports, Hsr Kawpsrt Rtywlri ColiHBblBn Forem Bln( the field to tlie government forces were no witnesses to the occurrence been received from part of the laland tbe Salt Lake boy who killed old man S3 years old, was Amelia Gabriele, and no arrests were made. Pickett of the revolutionists Collins, may sever be tried for ths shot and Oyer 1,400 troops were mu from Two hundred were killed or wounded. President grieved over the suspicion directed where it to feared a serious volcanic probably fatally wounded la Colon crime. Young Felt claims be ent Col to Panama n. Castro ia now st Cua, Monday uf I, eruption ba occurred. The most serimiles against him and died a few ta Philadelphia by board i years later-Th- e ous shock' waa experienced th first line throat at the letter's request. It Robert ng;houe of nouneefnent Caracas. the from haa reiaforetaelte Anseilno. with whom aha boys parent also are dead end his ; fa be! leved by somethat tba a tala will lasted one minute. At Camp nfRcial from New York, Ansel! no at created" much euthqaiaaai Rnllaa at RinMnysa Killed. sloped brothers and sisters only recently day. it and ease will bn dta tbe not prosecute Further reioforesmuta are Vicars the shock overturned a cannon and. he and bla victim eirctea. suicide learned of tempted his whereabouts through a nod The sultan of Bfnidayan, who was mitred by consent, rolled heavy ammunition boxes are in the hospital at ' tbs point of expected daily from Carthspna by held aa a hostage by ll American letter, which he addressed to tbe post- . W. A. Liver ..of Clark Montana, i pooL steamer, Senator about. Bom of the soldiers were un- -' it neari in forces woman la tha wlfa of A J Th death. atUarop Vick era, laland of Min- master at Redwood. able to stand on their feet during ybe who waa in Balt Lake last week, de- ton to Gabriels, an actor, who reside I T'on lhat General Berti, Uu govern to escape from bit heaviest shocks. Many more houses clares that work on the San Pedro oa Mulberry street. New York. Jeal- - I went commander at Agu huJce, re-u- danao, attempted Attarapt ta Potare bn llr Famllv. were thrown down and burned, nod guards last Thursday and was shot I be- hleh he is is attseked interested, the A General la to eently have believed bold is yoad, prompted Bnrera, tha aad killed by a sentry. The sultan attempt to murder au entire numerous landslide occurred. In some reto have said to woman as aa forward The commander of the crime. posrapidly had been arrested after the recent family haa happened at Blackwell, o. placet Hie appearance of tbe landscape fug poshed reoluliory force waa altered. panted her escapade and expressed a who waa obliged to sbsoa hiu murder of American soldier ia Min- T., by arsenic poison sible, ami thalr it la only a q ovation of desire being plsced by husband. to return to her danao, and wna being held pending unknown irenehea in time until the road will reach Salt the coffee can, and parties ihe surrender of the murders. LATEST FROM THE ISTHMUS. aa a result of drinking liquid made Lake City. syre That Kavajai Indteas are Sterstag Train RnMn I v aa BmsM False, Bed Meed! In Her Hlxmlder. from Tbe coffee, Mr. Alice Combs and Both SlUm Hereto the Ite ef Thais Alvta Smith, of ClrclevUle, who waa A lb brouh rnorlb-W- d pan-f8. W, ilaystott, Iadiaa hgeo, I Keeoureee. ot Ml Great Levadna Major on Ernest are lying near death, their la for Bros, Laraway, Shepherd getting lb working lr10 00 Nh-clftrJ "Uvilkt (rr tha Navajore at Fort Deflanca, deTbe steamer Nicaraguan haa reached Falls. MonL, found n broken point ol recovery still being la doubt While cut wood ta contract with tha Annia 1 ,0IT WP j V 0 ib with frBkUo, the flesh eiopbuU rporU la Imbedded waa het Combs of th needle Kingston, a Jamaica, from Colon, Colfatally Injure, family were absent from Laurie company, car s by baek on thn head by a stick that have beeu circulated regarding of shoulthe ombia, etruck unknown home, shoulder, just reports that th sitbringing right parties entered, mD' Wilb by being oa tha reservation I hirer ot der blede. The young lsdy stye that placed poison In thn coffee uation on tha isthmus to still critical. wood that jumped out of tbe suffering and famine and bi stole a Uhd. Messenger Haiti, forced are abaolutely Useless. H charge Umber of valuable three year ago th broken needle pento open th outeid af,, bote. article, which The Colombian government to concenJ been h tb.bav th that wilfully reports her bend. It haa since then were later found broken in many trating troops from ail quarter at etrated Biace Angutt 4, wbea tba graaehop, robbers rifled. Keeping th, places a abort distance from the house. Pamm west into effect, spread by trading com panic for tbe od Colon to meet tbe exlowly worked through the flesh the Mother and son were thrown par bounty ordinance men a Bovsh apof into pected attacks at these government securing purpose arm baa of her around aad la out 11,478.94 paid entire length from Utah county port of th rode with him into sooth drinking tba coffee, and rebel under General Herrera, propriation and tb on putting more Seville, or through her shoulder before making epaara rate of toccata a buahal It to have I where suffered the at I He Partiee circulation la the rain are the la slowed greatly. region. bounty money aid upon reliable authority that both I under of for Tbe Broswhich "iOUlhy butao suspicion, amount bat this arrests are have young tody nausually The hopper says the ladiaae tbe Colombian government and the disappeared. It i. not hw,. bow its appearance. been Recently an attempt waa ' suffered no inconvenience since tha' made made. uch booty was secured, , money baa been paid weighed 177,331 to "urgent are nearing tbe end of bora th Combe bouse. rnUenssna Slain by Knbbnea. their resources. 2, 154 bushels. from tba need) point. about time pound, TtetaaS star la Frreea. Aa attempt waa mad by two masked of tba Denver, Brer Trwrt ltanT Thn stockholder Baltrt T a rang h th Hmd Fatted to Crew Violent atn th rob A to ere storms Death. man comPacific Railroad Metropolitan from the reported In the beef trust investigation at 8L JJorlhwesteru , car barn at Aemourdale, Kaa. , Jamca Walsh, a At Joseph, Mo., no material disclosure boy o: southwestern part of France. I pany met Balurdty and voted I isena railway flwoeB to . hold . was ordered to Mlnaker . 4 Walcbmaa bead Rodes, hurricane unroofed a number were bonds cent was In lot tbe that per gold fS3.5oO.WO Denverrwho through made. J. F, Seitter, a local utinE aad waa taken inside the j .. . ksi with last Tuesday morning with a 38 calibre of houses aod caused great damage in aur the construction of tbn road to Sail up bla bandsbefore testified for tha prosecution. butcher, the robbers secured J , p. atng of revolver la the hauds of a playmate, 1 th vineyards and orchards. A Hi evideoep was to th effect Lake, The contract was let to tba office, but that ha NRcto- LConstruction company. and talks rationally. The waterspout, which burst over St. had oa a few occasion bean any booty Policemen J. W. Morris J Colorado-!- ' still H i WM give MorrU Uie back door. coo Etienne toUrod verted the street, hate through Friday,. bullet struck tbe right aide of the head, local packers and that he bed by September 9 haa been act aa the data dealt one of the robber a heavy blow J Ji two haltering "the te pnrat hone, sad into torrents of water aod flooded been warned not to tell any other ' for triat of Merrill W. Kaigha, accused oa the bead with bia club aud waa shot j J .. . A tor W. came out through the left parietal many cellars A cyclone, accompanied packer. Attorney General Crow to . Haynes at tha I bul 4,1 the murder of following r. bone. The through tbe heart and Instantly killed , U, X who operated on by rain nod hail, to reported from In hotel last Salt Lgke City KnoUford pilisg up tbia line of evidence in hope hr the second robber. Watchman I believe he will Mou tin ban. The wind chased eoor-mou- a of now wounded boy C, rlb the Boodwtf nadly waves on the river Taro, a num- comettabliabing hi accusation that a December. The defense will probably hiinaker waa also shot aod slightly I at first It was recover, although bine existed prior to May S. Th fully iTbed.rV ber of boat were injured. so aio Lain that Kaigbn waa temporarily thought be could not survive more than fisherman drowned, wrecked andr on quiry adjourned until some time next tbe occulted time tba hours. tragedy Insane at few week. id En-rout- ttens ."Slo Ftd I! g revo-thm- us, -- Xwcnbe d ae ty-fi- noo-uui- y. ... ot ed - 4u Vetal y -- -- 'twyeatfi -- d . re-o- n. s: "7:. 58SSJ?sSSttt NtMt, -t- e g, ftf 1 1tl thtlh Hot-dli- re 1 ey or M lht 1 1 nine-year-- th T old ihi ns -- |