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Show X .! TiLwir Waif. er too mm with They glide along Ih atreet. A wand look ki tbo eyes that star Into the tyrt they moot, Aa If they weeid apologia For bringing to th north The diaront of their aobo and aigha That chill Ike soul of mirth. With fioM Meed . nnd there wilt seem to be only two wafers on each ride; take off another wafer, turn thtf knife as before, ami it will appear as if only one warer was on each side; take the third wafer off, and again irn the knife dexter-ousltwice or thrice, and It will appear as If all the wafers bad dlsap-peerefrom each side. Nest turn the knife ouce or twice more, and three wafers will appear on each side, as at' the first. In performing the trick use wafers all of one e and color, and always have one side of the knife uppermost, so that the wafers may be taken one by one from that side, three wafers will 'thus be left untouched on the other side, and after you have made U appear that there are no wafer on either side, you may, to all appearance, show three on each When turning the knife you must, as you lift it up, turn It completely round with your finger and thumb, so as always to bring the same side uppermost, y d Thoao Hi Ho faros lined with care; Those II (tie shoeless feet That shiver Hi the frosty air; . Those wistful, ryes 1. ae-o.- .. through the buay day They haunt me te com at night And When home watch my awn at play, So glad of heart and bright. Thou. Father of the fatberleoe. Watch oer them alt the way. Through all life a pertta guide and bleas The little eoea, we pray, Who eeriy fsr 'the orphan's wos And want whlla others waata. oh! The world to kind at heart-b- ut So thoughtless In its haste. My needs are small; I aak not wealth. And leas cam I for fame. The one rkh boon I crave Is health And strength of mind and frame. That t with deeds of love may gem Th childhood ef my own. And stand between the world and them TUI they caa aland alone. ' W. L. Sanford In Dallas Newt. Won HisW ay to Fortune. Once there was a boy of the cam of Hush McGowan, who went to Kau-aaCity in search of work. He found tbit at the stable of the street car company, and the work consisted Argety in tarrying oraits. 'Tbe tarry-to- g of mules 1 not nn attractive vocation, but Hugh never grumbled, nnd ha sent them .out to. work looking more fit than they ever bad In all the history of rapid transit in Kansas He curried those mules to City. faithfully, thst now be does not have to curry mules any more. McGowan it now a tick man, with millions of He had dollars under his control. reached the kgs of 40 before h& bad earned so much as 100 a month. No man can rise to fame by the - mere process of currying mules, but Lifthls duty tall to his lot be ran do it so well as to show what Is In him. Thus did McGowan; be attracted the attention of bis superiors nod was promoted to the driving of a car. Then he got on the police force; nil After a stations humble enough. while the agent of a big concern visited Kansas City and while there sought to And a suitable man to represent his concern. McGowan was chosen, not merely because he had curried mules well, but that he had gone Into every field Inspired always by the motive to do the best he could. !H Is pow 43 years of. age, a solid citizen, with a long bank account nnd a reputation that is of tar greater value than any great sum of money. a Man. Dont Be a Second-clas- t You can hardly imagine a boy sav1 am ing; going to be a second-clasfirst-clas- Second-clas- are Jobs s ' I l i I I I ! t I ! I I. I i i I I I AN IOWA MAN lilt i Honors Former Enemies i To the memory of th Confederate burled In Camp Chase Consoldier federate cemetery, near Columbus, Ohio, a monument has Just been unveiled which was created through the shorts of a man who fought against them on the inion side. This man is m ..L-L- i i ij i i i of a Confederate aaidler in full uniThe memorial stands In the form. center of the cemetery. Immediately In the rear is the tall flag post upon which Old Glory floats. Col. Knauss, through his efforts of other years, has become well known ) I M II j i JTr. E. Farm, official meteorological reporter. rtiJ'n from lows was a very sick kidneys Hr. Sayre wss i held by the United States government during the war under a lease. April 23, 1879, it was bought by the United States government and described as The Confederate Cemetery, former-lChase Rebel occupied by FREE TRIAL. s guod THOUGHTS FOR EVERT DAY. Too much religion wrecks our faith ia the Divine. A where crime and Poverty is the n vice are twin brood-Don't be afraid hard knocks, for often foozles at the finish, ia often a case Of A second m&rriaf If at first you dos succeed," etc. The world owes very man a living, but he's got to hu tie to collect the debt. Dont exalt any ne on a pedestal, The crash will jar ou when he turn- bles off. There Isnt such si' wful dlfferenc8 between your ietennalon and your -- 5 s neighbors d - - - - - , f to-da- y n't. - exam-Venezuel- ITE D ..STATES WARSH Rurv-a-Mil- to - ft--- If you have any kfdney or bladder fib and want to be cured, cut out this coupon, tend to' Ue. wUh yeuc ruuue iu address, plainly written we will mail you s run-a-mil- e THI- S- T first-clas- tjlrty jj fDoan's -'--? s i LOOKED LIKE ATP"' first-clas- -- the m svail; just foundt1 s Z.Sr proved point ef kidney trouble bin 1Ule wooden that cured kirn. It was box and lKih& Interesting Experiments. A simple experiment that many boys have tried Is the following: Fill a tumbler with water, and on It place a sheet of paper. Place one hand on th paper and then invert the glass Remove the band from the paper and the water will sot fall out. Another Interesting experiment M thus described: Heat a dace of thick Irpwn paper, before, the fire., place it on the table and rub It with a clothes brush for half a minute. Then jol. William- IT. Knauss of Cbtombu In the Inclosnre are btiried ' 239 the Confederate camp in the over for srwt) sail the piece of brown paper the unveiling Confederate soldiers. From Virginia. and this year, and he was assisted financially in tha some small, light body, such aa a work by William P. Harrison af the eftL monument, he invited them to 337; from Kentucky, 158; Tennessee; little sheet of blotting paper, and the semi Ip were,.,, Boxes of blossoms and 239;. Alabama,. 431; Texas,, 22; , (Jeee Spiders That Boa the Compass. - II you discover you are lost during light body will jump ih" the meet sameclty ThS monument consists-- of A solid planbwere received irotn. nearly ev- gia. 265; South Carolina, 85 Arkanthe holidays on aoma lonely country excited manner. If the brown paper granite arch, standing twelve feet ery km In the south, and there were sas, 65; Mississippi, 02 f Florida S3; road, first stop and pull yourself to- Is held over somebody's head the high, built over the huge boulder man sntrlbutors from both northern-er- a Maryland, 9; Missouri, 8? Louisiana, ah I southerners who,, live- in. the 53, and unknown about 280.'. Of these gether, The next step la to fix the hairs will Immediately stand straight which marks the resting piece of the hertbl When 'that 135 were buried at City cemetery, chiseled On up is of compass. dead Confederates. it points - rftotoe- able tw"nmr the i"" .i Tb Ifhwriery plot contains about southeast of Columbus, "" ha&T afterIn bold letters the wortf Americans." Two Boys Who Will Prosper. acres. . The land' wa wards removed to this tocldeuree. At the top of the arch la the statue two anfjbne-hal- f general Crr . .ton you with. Arthur W. Barker. Marysville, Ka, Find a mature tree which stands apart from Us fellows; even If It Is has completed his eleventh winter PROCLAMATION IS. K WONDER. enerfA of my soul, the- reaourcea of who waited a clerkship la. tha treasonly slightly separated It will do. The term of school. Last year hs paid hi the ywernment, the humhle prestige ury department waa asked, among In the Modern Normal College, bark of this trea wilt be hardier, tuition other things: la RW ef nraword, my unconquerable-faithCaatrw of President a In Is on the dollars which of term for rotor eight Language and lighter drier, t-success of welt and this What la the distance- of: saturn in' doing, in ten be will sad Metaphor.It the Da north Flowery weeks, by sweeping building south aide. President Castro of Venezuela, July HfeWhlch has been .spared by St tor-r- e from the earth T darker, and often at the roots It will fires He did the same this year. In reply, he said that, as ttee posof bullets in . 100 duels with Arthur Is right tackle In the Modern 5, the independence day of that repubbare a clump of mould or moss. ition he sought pertained 'to. th earth cerwhich s a Normal Football Issued team. side proclamation of all evergreen-treeCollege lic, On the eouth find myself in the condition and not to the retire solar system, he Fred C. Boston, and a boy friend of tainly Is. a wonder. Revolutions la gum which ooses from wound mission with which t have had neglected to post himself on or knotholes will he hard and am tier Wheeling, W. Va., have a shop. They South America should cause little surinvested reached which , by Providence, and It is astronomy, and that, while he was If Is this document, call themselves the Junior Roycrof-tersprise colored; on the north this gum desire to render myself worthy o unable to tell the exact number of Is a fair sample of after the Roycrofters of East Washington softer, gets covered with dust, and mission. Bracing rayselfyith the h ITHorm of miles, he felt sure the said Aurora. hLY,Ti grey. boys make odd the literary prod net a ef taw is of of peace, and raising my planet wa sufficiently far away not to lfllcts on was published The proclamation Hardwood trees the oak, ash, furniture, employing scroll sawing ture if need be beyond, the limlta-n- s interfere with his duties a a clerk, hickories, and so forth have and pyrography. They have eight the eve of President Castros deparor to involve him in any of its rings, of nature. It shall chain, event moss and mould on the north. Leaves dollars in their treasury, and have an ture from the "Yellow House" st'Car-aoa- s d harness them, to tba car of vlc-r- y should he get the position. And, to lead his army In the field, and are smaller, tougher, lighter In color, order for six dollars worth of furniin the very camp of th rebellion, Gen. Bingham says, be got it. and with darker veins on the south; ture. They got nine dollars tor a It is a stirring appeal to his countryI am men to support him in Ms purpose to declare myself lm campaign. on the north they are longer, of darker table they recently mads ' One of Kitctaners ReplTes. " h-opertsitni forcer wh lehr Iras mikfi thbrantf-Casin- r green.-- and K le following A sends of war enthusiasm the my correspondent of faith, the The formidable recently. Wolf. build on the south side. Cedars bend to grown Willy Nitty theefBe-aecharwtcrlwtfc arfbodote of Lord Kitdescribes to my nervous netlviy,-and- . In -- the - game of willy- - nitty wolf, Venezuelan executive "their tip to- - the south. -- Any- sawed The Governor of Natah chener: r cut stump will give you the south it le th wolf," and reverses the flowery metapnor his own personality pf my personal direction." WashingDl- - wired to the rommandw-in-enief- , My ton of Correspondence Pittsburg Is the declares: thus and heart usual .The method himself. The and side. stump intentions, by hiding Ministers and myself consider w others then try to find him, and the nearer to the north side. Anarchy has Struck deep to patch, should be vouchsafed further new' Stones are bare on the south side, successful boy sets up a shout of I claws into the bowels of our country Man of Iron wired back, T do act The I Wouldnt It Interfere, moss In have will th at all. it The that wolf cries I Stand!" and but will strangl, anarchy spy!" and, if they I Congressman Bingham, chatting agree with either yo or your Ministhe boy must not move until he shouts colls of my energy." be on the north side. ter some- - friends regarding the f spy willy nllly wolf!" At this the Announcing hts purpose to revolt with service the civil at fectlvenes a I Kites Boy Filipino the methods of government wolf makes after him, and when the Lettuce has a soothing, quieting efination, oonfeesed that sem aboard he writes: Just now as . wa came in off the boy is caught he becomes himself a fect Into upon the nerves, and taa remedy s the often questions crept I things consecrste to moment still street we saw a Filipino boy, about wolf" and must From this capture help man for insomnia One yeumg asked a a feather for old. flying applicants. another, until- all are wolves." Aa the realization of that design all fia years kite, writes a tourist ia the Manila interesting technicality ofthla game Just ids The feather was net move is that, should the boy cry I spy than two Inches long, and an Inch willy nllly dog," or horse," or any wide at tha Baring end. He had other name exceptAwolf the wolfl ;N E.W-U- S thread tied to It In two 'placets. Of may suit stir from hit position. did not feather fly much, course the but the boy amused himself with it In the boys count out for more than five minutes that ws watched him. There were no other and it hides his eyes. He Is then children about, and he never said a touched by one boy, who immediately word. Never complained when it did conceals himself with the others. not Up. or expressed any exclamations When it" has counted 100 or so, he did. starts out to find the toucher. , of Joy when It These Filipino boys will fly most Each player, when discovered, steps anything. A leaf out of a book, a from his hiding place, but offers no leaf of a tree, a piece of newspaper, Information as to the whereabouts a beetle or a bee a locust or a bird. of the toucher" unless. Indeed, he For making and flying graceful, artis- be that same, in which case Vhe exkites our home boys tic and bird-ilciting race to home occurs, and If. are simply not in U with the Filipinos "it gets there first he may set any hoys. Their best flylngkltes reach a task he pleases for the toucher" to great height, and the way they sail perform, even to the running of a altout In the alt. one would have to mile. But it Is sate to assume that observe closely to not mistake them this penalty is seldom exacted or for a large bird. It is not unusual paid. to see several of these kites In the How Old Is the Earth f same lt ality. and they resemble soar Sir Archibald Cetkle.in recent .lag ha ha looking for prey. address In London, said that figuring from the stratified rocks of the earth Mysterious Wafer. !n the presence or your company crust may range from a minimum of on each sM of a table knife 73.000.000 years up to a maximum of pin.three wafers. Take the knife by the 80,000,000 years. Dana on the same handle and turn it over several times bdsis figure that the earth' crust-i- s 48,000,000 years while Alfred Rust ) show that th wafers are all on, sel Wallace figures that the earth s ; Request one of the party to take fnf-v- r from one side of the blade, turn crust has been foriaKg for ?8JW).00J MONITOR ARKANSAS. or three times, years. HAR30R DEFENSE the knife over - IS,toandchk as all eodesvovs the-Cam- s high-price- the summerof Prison." enough for me." Such a boy would be regarded as lacking in good sense, if not In sanity. You can get to be a second-clasman, however, by not s one. Thoutrying to be a sands do that all the time, so tba: second-clas- s men are a drug on the market, remarks Success. Second-clasthings are only wanted when cant be had. You wear clothes if you can pay for them, eat first-clas-s butter, first-casmeat and firstclass bread; or, if you dont, you wish you could. Sec cndclass men are no more wanted than any other secondclass couunod ity. They are taken and used when the better article la scarce or ia too for the occasion. For work that really amounts to anything, firstclass men aro wanted. first-clas- 1 the Rif hi Thing Right Tim" Dtaewven s man. I dont want to be and get the good jobs, the high pay. I I P: bullBeaQed Women will lack a A'c hoe ,for a other reason than beellnBe color of chocolate Ice err m People whs cut off spite their faces mutilati without Hurting the other fL -- an.1 When a man dines on 1 butter in a cheap cafe, he w h ral6' 0n er libel! hie Uver than haye suspect a sbtmp In his asset When a girt goes to the altar 8he will smile and never falter; But the trembling groom Nerves himself to meet his doom. The oowsed puts up a big bluff. Tha courageona man talks last Kiss and make up and then forget The heart may brisk thro tear of resad-eyed- , gret Undieputed for Half a Century. It Is a remarkable fact which for half a. century bu not one been disputed; that St Jicoba DU never fails to cur ahootiaf pains la th anas. stole baelbv bresaa, ee seesaess to any. part oitie body. It has for fifty year bees goars. teed by the proprietors. St Jacobs OIL Ltd., Baltimore, MtL, to promptly ear lameness, sciatica, rheumatism, lumbago. stiff and swollen Joint stiff back, and ail pains In the hips and loin strains, bruises, burns, scald and all aches toothache, chilblain and pains. SA Jacob Oik costs 25 cts and 54 eta; sold wherever a druggist is found la for Hiccough claimed that a sure ear foi is t inhale as much air ai the lungs will hold and retain it at long as possible. Ef one inhalation l ot audlclent. repeat the process. A Cure fit 1b s Now good digestion waits sad heeitb on both U it dines t. es appetite totters - Only Fifty Year Ago. fifty years atnee thejohn Bowes, the flrat Iron-screste&mef ever built, was launched at J by Messrs. Palmer Brother The vessel was 465 ton register, and - It is arrow-in-Tyn- e waa calculated to carry thirty keels of coal and to make thirty trips per annum between Newcastle and London. Mr. Henry A. Salzer, the viell knows La Crosse, YVis, seedsman, accompanied by bis family left for Europe last week and will return In November. During his absence Mr. Salzer will look up soma new seed novelties in Russia WealtH 8 th Cecils. Five acres or iand round Charing Cross, London, are held by the marquis of Salisbury. These acres were obtained by his ancestors 25 years ago for grazing' land at the modest rate of 2.50 wa acre for (00 year What that little bargain has been worth to the Cecils it would be rather difficult to accurately compute. Diphtheria, tors throat, croup- - Inotant relief, permanent cor Dr. Thomas' Klao Mas OU. At any drug stors. . The Revival ef Gaelic. The Rev. Peter C. York of Ran Francisco, an eminent Gaelic scholar, aay a that the Gaelio revival will be' the greatest aid to the English e since the passing of the French Influences. Hair Catarrh Cure Is taken internally. Price, 75 Flagler Popular With Indian Henry M. Flagler, an original Stand-artOil man, ia immensely popular with the Seminole Indians of Florid all of whom ride free on his Florida East Coast railroad.- - Mr. Flagler owns a vast deal of property in that tate. including numerous splendid hotels. Hu fortune is estimated at some 150,000,000. |