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Show T t X T L MADE DOMINIELAUGH MOTHER AND DAUGHTER Cured by Pe-ru-- 1 CARE- of Systemic Catarrh. na BUSINESS COLLEBE. Fall (filing We eon-hSeptember the Lilli Cabinet IJMtMu of u and tlie of nhort- hnd. Thry are the beet Yieit ua at Templeton and make inquiries ubout in from the buiium, (irofeiiional kd edu auonal men of the city. We other follow Salt Luke Uuelneaa Catlege. An Interesting Letter From Mrs. M. K. Bousch, of Richmond, and Her Little Daughter. Pearl. INCIDENT THAT RUINED FULLY PREPARED SERMON t ol liook-wpin- Combination of Girl, Chewing Gum and Sleeping Man Too Much fortht Risibilities of St Louie Clergyman, and No Wonder. ld, A prominent minister of St. Lxiui waa asked yesterday If he had ever been tempted to laugh during services and what would be the effect If the The Not Hopeful of Succees. minister of a rural parish, "ftland, tik drought absent-mindednes- s r Richmond, V&., trough my syscould get no re- tem tor two wjs lief. Iwasadvhf I have taken tty well and better for yearn. I cf has catarrh efj take Peruna j try Peruna, and lea of It and am It an have been visa any one who t jrt of the body to ,y jutle girt, who Is eleven yearn , had catarrh, but was cured by .aa. Before I began to take Pep. wan sick all the time, but nog l am entirely cured and all praise i due Peruna.- - Mrs. M. K. fj Bou - , i Petri Bousch writes: When I baby I contracted catarrh, and ? obcbosobosobobobobobobobbboboborob Ohio. SIflWOlTIIlED - BABIES d Babies and rest for Sleep for fretted in warm baths with Mothers tired, Cuticura Soap, and gentle anointings with Coticura Ointm ent, purest of emollients " arid greatest of skin "cures tobe ToIIdwedm severe cases by mild doses of Cuticura Resolvent Pills. This is the purest, sweetest, most speedy, permanent, and economical of treatments for torturing, disfiguring, itching, "burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted, and pimply skin and scalp humours, with loss of Lair, of infants and children, as well as adults. skin-torture- cm emu 8or, seriated by Cvticitba - the great af erneca FOS evert hueous Cmnu akla; aad l.lmuiiu kcaoLviNT Flute, la to the skin; bed tba eaol aad eleawo be kload. tbe aioet lortarlei, dUSqarlair, Hrtitnr, burnt n, and eraly humour, toAoo, aad lriweaa, with toes ut heir, whan ail e)M fail. OSS Chaw Cvnevat nmmmrny Sru. k iiu, PM rapt Caaw OHf. OnrrauT. ta i liMUtnl.vAnnSi'Mlanti Mtaq tauhrjit ntmilH.ua SALT LAKE CANDY ASK FOR CO.S MOLASSES DAINTIES ALL FIRST CLASS DEALERS SELL THEM. ..SALTAIR.. BEST ON EARTH BAKING POWDER. EXTRACTS AND MTE0-!&- S ITAH JUNK ArtMte aat 00.4. ar. aoppar. kraaa etc. Salt EY LIVE ALCr? Hip.aaaraawHfaraia Clif f11" . fn?u." ASK YOUR GROCER. SPICES. AW,4TKB BURTON, CM HOWARD E RHIIT. Fourth luwt, LtaI.UIa Ceia lit Kastprice.: Gold, am; UnM A tUlw.Tfc; Gold, IwriaM Wuil a OoM.Sllvv-IUmiUul.ll: Copter. amt In ant ulilrnaa. Laboratom tea ' anvetopea ma.MteteUMt.ia Hak. team fhea Answering fldverUsemests Kindlfl mention This ripsr. N. U.. Salt Lake No 36 IPOS I ajumrar pension H. Bn.fABI.it JUUTA SoM. ..A JO I Go.4 and Mlrar... I f M .eilmr Coop-- v l.l Iaat ox uubat4 pxowft umni. OGDEN ASSAY CO. Dssfsr, Csl I rrrv The baby's grandmother lives in AtGa., and she has never seen tbe baby. One evening last week the father had occasion to call tip hie mother in Atlanta on the tong distance telephone to give ber some important news, including the fact that baby had cot a tooth. She expressed a desire to hear the babys voice. Any one who knows anything about "young bablc knows that they exerctge thetr voices chiefly In crying, This particular baby was brought to the telephone and by s little proper manipulation waa Induced, to cry for his grandmother In Atlanta. "The dear little thing, replied tbe grandmother to ber son, 1 could hear him plainly. What an awfully nice cry be has. Yes, said tbe eon, enthusiasticIts a great cry and it don't get ally. on your nerves as other babies cries da. He la the' finest baby in this town. Well, good-by- , mother. IH call you up next time baby cuts a tooth, and he rang off. Answered In Farabis. At aa instance of President Hadley's aptness in meeting every situation or replying to every pertinent Impertinent f question, the following story Is told. 4 At n reception given for him by an old friend some 500 miles from New Haven, ooe individual with a better memory than tact asked him what be thought ot tbe recent baseball game. Aa Yale bad met with a disastrous defeat, the subject might be called unpleasant. Without hesitaUon said: There waa a boy livIngTn a village whose uncle died. Tbe next day a man driving along tbe road waa surprised to find the boy working in e field. Thinking this did noC show proper respect to the dead uncle, be called tbe lad to him and said: 'Johnny, didnt you know your uncle was And them pros u pect year own aelthborhood. The Webrle buiuea Umiuf Co., tnii iqi hv. Lteavev. Prw-ou- V 1 MSS. JEVX1K K. O'DONNELL, aiding Club. deadf Johnny slowly drawled oat: Yes, I know H- approached -I have cried.' w jrv W. L. DOUGLAS, President af Otklkad Woman' C $3&39 SHOES ate fgarg 6ad. of tt e r awa aad Mid bae is the Brak year alt(Uaad Sowed Frarrw) ISM Ibaa aaafatarr.J J alter aig m "ha. n non asw tan win gH I UiUUw raa digfwv are L W. and W. L. fcmglaa trouble, falling ot the womb and other complications During that time I waa more or less of an Invalid and not much good for anything, until one day I found a book in my hall telling of the cure you could perform. I became Interested 1 1 bought a bottle of Lydia bj aithf lkbllen(. SHOES. DO U CL AS W.L. CANNOT BE EXCELLED. u.vrL.iUcsei toot Itathoro, Peg aad Pinkhama Vegetable Com waa helped; 1 continued its pound inandseven ImoortoS tommot, Colt, SaL gangaroa I E. Parrnt cut, Amorim ton doll. Calf, tlcf gig. Carte! Fast Color Eyelet waed. use and months was cured, and Cantioi I since that time 1 have bad perfect foeo by auU, tie. extra, filer. Oatalof rot. health. Thanks, dear Mrs. Pinkhatn a Vf, L. DOUOLA. BROCKTON. MASS. again, for the health I now enjoy. Mat. J I xiz O'Doxxrf.L. 78 East 81st If sm St.. Chicago, I1L 9&QO0 teetMsete net gemea GOOD suffering from any form of female ilia can be cured by Lydia IL Pink hams Vegeta ble Compound. That sure. Mrs. Pinkhara advises sick wo men free. Address, Lynn, Matti . "Women THINGS TO EAT Fma Libby famout hyglenlekitabaaa W mploy a chef who la ta a pert la S1 UP Wativ Food Products W 4oa ptaetloa enoaomy ber. Be aaea th mater 11. A aupiUy on your helve pantry anable you to bay !way at hand (lit for the very Ut meel. Vary choke.1 eDlll t THE RIGHT I M PL Ml ENTS. , getting aver tankingi If the rlebt ImpteuirnM. Ctooklng a u 01 rtleull aad matter U era aot wtth the rig .tmiertiil. jma UrIpcm .u biv beta min Three Crow a (taking Powder, vou have beta at disadvantage; When ftrr U eo vou have trouble LIBBY, McNEILL up-pli- your frtoadK tell yno I her hve found It jnv of tlun belter aov other, you nbou'd be guided by heir axpartene and try Crliw f ir pound. aat For by alt Ak for It. grot-era- . COLLEGE OF fill I! &. LIBBY CHICAOO.U. 8. A. Write for ear booklet "How vo gait Gena Tama to Er." it HEWLETT 8R08. CO., SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH old-an- y UIUMIKII, ttaakhwlaa I. C. the; Vnl quick replies Rkh N IIr will li. biaCavtbCurta. FrasecatiaaClaiatnaull ! ' REPORTERS Sag alw 1GRIGULTURAL mf ltRf rrirb 5. lanta. fna Ctmaiatlag s ta Um Omo-Iif- fi-- - teripjsEi INPUbImb ONE NIOHT Pito Cr lafrii iwmBtif Dcab Mrs. Pixkham : I have never in my ufe given a testimonial before, but you have done so much for me that 1 called upon to give you Ibis unsolicited acknowledgement of d his thing less- thau a year father says that be seldom cries. kla care, tor prteervln, purl vie. aad beaotUytag (be akta, and of the toilet, baUi, and aurwry. UIIIIom of tor all the pan of bath for assort ag Irrl-tatl- e, M CtTtvu loif la the lalaaiaiatoao, and atorattva woakatooco. aad fur many aaaeUve, ealteapm purpose. - COKPLETETmTmr totr, a. Doting Grandmother for First Time Hears Infants Voice. A Staten Island boy baby now holds the 'Tecord 'for'lcmg fiidtance' ctyhi,' says the New York Sun.. He la some- MILLIONS OF MOTHERS lfnai open-mouthe- d fur-pos- , Cn -- ty W proMMik itw knovi o tba te Orb Mifbt BiuU, BioWiag, , FUbb. wa4 lhb uotf riiT for Oorbup ir CPRlB BJ8UBB4 bf Rb loacttv BUIB Bf $bB rBViRflR. ffuBrutBM you r cra by pwr Aruitf141 w poetpsld vf DR. HARRIS REMEDY CO.SdJth Bead, Ind. Sick bp-n- ; The Twentieth Century' MONEY MAKER. etS.eoo rwflu per sera. Larg ettGardra la America. Address R. E. BARNARD, Houeton, Mo. Of Eight Years with Female Trouble and Finallj Cured by Lydia E. Pinkhamf . Vegetable Compound. JVas a waa doctored by several pood physicians, but none did me any pood. My mother was taking Peruna at the time and gave some of it to me, and I soon began to improve, and am now well and fat as a little Jng. 1 am twelve eara old. The doctors told mother I had the consumption, but it was only catarrh. Miss Pearl Bousch. It is no longer a question as to whether Peruna can be relied on to cure all such cases. During the many tears in which Peruna has been put to test in all forms and stages of acute and chronic catarrh no one year has put this remedy to greater test than the past year. Peruna is the acknowledged catarrh remedy of the age. Dr. Hartman, the compounder of Peruna, has written q book on the phasesof catarrh peculiar tti women, entitled, Health and Beauty." It will be sent free to any address by The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O. If you do notderive prompt and satisfactory results from the use of Pernna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratia Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus. .e-- HOW TO CUBE PILES MRS. J. E. O'OUNNEU a teacher of a large congregation should burst In upon the full solemnities of regular service with a genuine hearty laugh. Interruptions to service-werunder discussion, and all the talk hud In the been about pews. The question suggested the to ludiien attack of cholera of a similar inltetmu, difeai awful possibilities seutcrv taarrhn-summer break In the pulpit, says the 8L roapUint of an fort ,f have Dr Exuacf Wild of Vlr'. Ixmis Globe Democrat, tniawbarry In tbemdidu ehet "Well. I can answer that question tery nicely, because I did that very Wheat Heevy This Year. thing one time myself, he replied. "Wheat la this weighing heavy "It was one Sunday when pay church Tew, said the owner of a steam I had pre- thnsher, who was was unusually crowded. buying some beltpared a sermon that I considered de- ing for his machine. "I have been when cidedly above the ordinary, and thrusting for farmers In central Hli I had got well Into It I realized that nog for tao weeks now, and have my audience was thoroughly Impressevery batch of wheat I ed. I was deeply in earnest and they haw handled. Wheat In the field will were fully sympathetic. In the midst fool the experts this year. The straw of the discourse I happened to glance 1 (but, but the beads are long and toward the choir loft In the other end and the grain Is Very solid. of the rburch A young girl singer In fit territory I cover, the estimate was sitting with her arms crossed on of the crop will not equal the product a railing and her body rigid, seeming- by flwsldersble I would add at least ?0 pw cent to tbe official estimate. ly, with the Intentness of attention. ' Bhe was Bueh a good listener Cnst I I dots belter Ptso'l Cars far Consumptloa unconsciously talked at her as any ha 1 equal for oo uiths and cold Jobs F speaker will under such circumstana. Ind., Fete .A IMS ces. As I talked I tried to catch her Potb, Iriaity eye and was puzzled to note that the Relic of CHIckamauga. were not turned in my direction at all Mtjor William H. Lambert of Get I followed her gaze and I saw some mantown, Pa , has la hit library a thing comical In the extreme. A mai pieciot a tin trunk five feet In height In the back pew was sound asleei and 9 Inches In diameter, taken from His head was thrown completely ove the battlefield of Chiekamauga. There the back of the pew anu bis mout are tieven pieces of metal in it, all was open to its widest extremity. shot fired during tbe terrible struggle The girl was Intent, true, but li thers. The shot vary in size from an tent on the sleeper Ir ordinary rifle bullet to a big cannon mediately below the edge of the cho i ball. loft. Slowly she lifted her hand 1 Stop the txragh and her mouth, and I fully realized thj Works Off the Cold she extracted a large wad of gi Laxativ Brouio Quinine Tablets. Price 25a Her eyes never moved from the and to save my life my eyes could bat Europes Biggest-HospitaThe largest- European hospital Is In leave her. I did not know her but she slowly very siojvly, Moscow, and has seven thousand beds, a working force of ninety-si- x aimed that gum at the mouth b physiHer hand went up and down aWihe cians, nine hundred nurses and carea fixed her aim and my eye rog(inL-- g nnually for an average of fifteen thoufell with that band as surely aa a Uflt sand persona. sways before the fascination of a rep Terrtbl plague, those Itching, pestering, tile. My words went on In a meetanl-ca- l disease- - of the skin Put aa end to misery toonotone. but my mind hqg jeft Doans U ailment cures. - At any drag stera my subject and my people. Body, 'fetchsoul and sight were strained la ft Erecting Fine Drinking Fountain. . James H, Duke, president of the toing that glrL Up and dowty.-j- th hand. In motions that grewVorter, bacco trust,' has begun the erection at and then, as the snake wouldcaks Raritan. N. J of what he expects to the dart, she flashed that gum t Its be tbe finest public drinking fountain target It fell, like a shot and a, It In America. - It Is to be located on hit disappeared into the cavernous muth extensive preserves, a few miles from below I broke my flow of meanln&ae Plainfield, and will cost about $80,000, words with a shriek ot laughter tg '"with a bronze statue which Mr. Duke fell on tbe audience like a bombabi purchased In Italy for 25,000. It seemed that I laughed for fi Soothing Hymn. minutes and that I swayed and shot for Sia Winslow4. MtblDi, uftFM tbe numb, mutirc to with emotion. I suppose it was reali femaMtiuUypm,earwvt4ouUe ttcatNCU. less than five seconds. Tbe terms Indian Hailstones. I was ruined and it Is a surprise tba I Hailstones nearly three pounds In I was not. I managed to call for the a recent storm at felght'fell during singing of a hymn and under cover of . (ro m, assistant dismissed the congregation.1 nee beaten down and a man lulled nit right by tbe downfall. BABY CRIES OVER TELEPHONE PlyrJiMi fifty-eigh- hatng neglected to pray for In time of AM UN h la depuration appointed to wait upon him and esonstrate uith him on the aubject After hearing what they had to say h n eel, t IE pray- for rata Mflease ye, but the felDt a urap yeU Etlll tbe change o' the moon. e Wss a Cousin of Horace orvwey. John W. Greeley, a cousin of the founder ot the New York Tribune, died In Londonderry. N. 1L, in the elghty-rourtyear of his age. He and Horace Greeley were born in the same house In Amherst. N. H. He was s member of a family of thirteen children. He is survived by hit widow, to whom he bad been mart ried years- - , MED COliUasro.tDKVIS n. rywhar to collect awful ideas and experience, the health and care of children, UTAH a about lhysicians, nurses, teachers, parents, Jt-stersf 4a vaiWi, auPiT other mends of the little ones are I ole re ted in this work, Employnn nt for 10 min ttUS to 10 hours a duy uml free text- books with a tree course of study by mail are given our regular reporters. A 60e outfit, which Is really worth dol-a- r W1 be mailed prepaid until October 18. 10ii2. for 25c in silver or stamps Addretsa IWrORMATIO SXt HAKGK, Rote. tS late Mteri. CiUiAUtq uuxute SH, THE. DEGT UATEEP2C0? CLOTilLIG jtI TIlZ Vcr.LD cai5J BKOCFttF A- - - Arleulitiral College of Utah provities a LIlSEIi-Al- e Yh . TUOUOUCill and PRACTICAL EDUCATION. It comprluee tlie cliool of AGRICULTURE, school of DOM E3TI C 8C1 EXCE, C03I3IERCIAL jcbool, school of )34 EX0IXEERIKO, ttawsrmrol MKKMaaKttft school of GENERAL SCIENCE and 3IATUAL TRAINING school; also the Agricultural Experiment Station. ON3AieCr!2miC -- : COURSES. EQUIPMENT. r eourses are offered In AGRICULTURE,- - DOMESTIC SCITtee-jea- ENCE. sod OOMMELiCE, eaek leading ten Certificate of graduation: in TURE. DOMESTIC SCIENCE, COMMERCE, CIVIL ENGINEERING, ELECTKlCAL ENGINEERING, MINIKC ENGINEERING and GENERAL 8QENCE, each leading to a degree, hi addition, there are MANUAL TRAILING eourses in DOMESTIC ARTS, three years, and Lr ARTS, fou r years, each leading is a certificate of graduation; an ENGttTEEftjy-preparatory Course to years, and a Preparatory G Course, 8e year, , EIGH- TEEN BUILDINGS; LIBRARIES, Jhowins- - rou use of aBeVTJ A.NO HATJl All Hallows College GYMNASIUM, agriculALT LAKE CITY. UYAH tural chemical, oooking, biological, FOH EOARCERSCAT SCHOLARS mineralogies! and physical LABORA TORIES; PURE BRED STOCK; conouctsu av THB MARIBT FATHIRB DAIRY; SEWING and MILLINERY rooms; modern COMMERCIAL rooms; Gfoaekal. Ceeimerrlal aa4 rientl8e Ceuraea' Veeofar Be;. thoroughly equipped SHOPS for work Milltarv Drill b; aa Ami;,"fneirer ia wood and metals; ENGINEERING loaeel PraTaa. bT, instruments and machinery, etc. ONE " adit V,anaat WIM to tbe areo the aol-HUNDRED ELEVEN acres of land rosalderahly fova. I ar further to particular., ,,pi; seed for CAMPUS, ATHLETIC OUINAN, 8, M . PaisiotNT. FIELD. FARMS. ORCHARDS, VINEYARDS. GARDENS. DORMITORY has accomodations for 60. THE FACULTY numbers 47. NO TUITION it charged; annual registraALT LAKE C:TY A Blfb-Ore- d Hmu and tion fee, 83. School v I Bja BBt iitdi,I)., GORDON ACADEMY Students, September IB and 17. For Illustrated Catalogue and Full Information, addraea ReKHtratlon of AGRIC irii. . . MUSEUMS. re offered in AGRICUL- mechanical ENGINEERING, Tbe equipment comprises te ITUH1L COLLEGE OF UTAH, l:" LOGAN, UTAHr FALL TERM BCCINS SEPT. 9 ??rinAu"y for irU- - OnimiriRF UniiurtHMtHPd SlrrT wpriWlU study of LancustTK. Prswiag sod Mamo. I Tpticb aoonest CanoitNC Pains, fit! h'rH BdTRnu Trsimiif. nutim |